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Arno Nyhm

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Everything posted by Arno Nyhm

  1. This ads soooo much "kerbality" to the spaceprogram! Now it is possible to start a carreer-game just the right way. Thanks alot for bringing back the fun into the game.
  2. I'm not a friend of modpacks, as it is a real pain to maintain them properly. You always have to be on the lookout, to keep up with the updates of the contained mods, but that's just my 2ct...
  3. So the Saturn included in this pack is more like a Saturn INT-21 (the one that was used for Skylab). IMHO a great idea. I've got lots of work for this one. There is always some station-part to be hauled... Anyway, I'll give it a try and add it to my 'wartchlist', as the planned launchers and crafts look very promising.
  4. Would you considder it a practical approach to use the state of an empty actiongroup as a blocking statement? Just wait for it to be fired and then exit that loop.
  5. Intentionally deleted. It was a double. Sorry, folks!
  6. I would definitely like kOS to be able to interact with MechJeb. Would be really nice to launch a LazTek Falcon and to let the spent stages return to KSC on their own, while taking care of the payload. Unload-distance should be no matter, as this is taken care for by another plugin (TT NeverUnload). Greetz AN
  7. There's a promising plugin on Spaceport, the "kOS Scriptable Autopilot". This looks like a good start to script a ballistic guidance system. I already posted a comment to the author that it would be greatly appreciated, if he could open a thread here in the forum to discuss this very interesting plugin and the results that we can archieve with it.
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