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Everything posted by Kulebron

  1. Deciphering the description: * all the KSC POI's what are they? * Fire is the only thing that will destroy the ungreen. what's that? * No electrics. No RCS. Does this mean no reaction wheels? * 30 second fuse timer. what's this? * get out for EVA and preform surface samples Ok, somewhere in the middle of the text topic changes, now it's about samples. * Explosions must not scare the monsters towards Jeb, it will need to be exploding close to him. How do you judge what's close or not? * If you need another vehicle than go back to VAB and launch but cost is 5 minute penalty. The recovery team also needs 3 minutes to pick up the pieces. How do you intend the player should move in general? also, scoring section tells about POIs and samples, but what about time? Ok, so here's time. I deduct that you mean the contender did it in 5 minutes, right? The problem with this description is that you tell what to do, change topic, then somewhere in the middle "what to do" changes. Also you refer some things like the reader already knows them, while he does not. Try writing a description in steps, like "goal > measurements of goal > means > obstacles > scoring" and try telling it to someone verbally, by voice.
  2. Beginner: make sure you have enough fuel to get to orbit. If not enough, add more tanks. Jool surface samples give most science. When you land a ship with a rover, put a kerbal into his seat. He'll control the ship better from there, making landing just perfect. Landing probes are easy: wrap a cube with scientific parts, transmitters and radial batteries, decouple it from the main ship, switch to it to get science. Then switch back. As I understand, lying on massless parts makes the ship oscillate and doesn't let you switch.
  3. Great idea with aerocapture. I could not wrap my head around this instantly. Question is, if you're on a highly elliptical trajectory around Duna, what's the departure window to Jool? Because if the ellipse is pointing the wrong way, it's expensive to change the direction. Or do you just depart from Duna, having already gained ~500 m/s? Also, my concern is that launch window for Duna are every ~300 days, and Duna=>Jool are ~1000 days.
  4. Video recording with only F2 key (optional youtube upload). Picture from screen, captured audio + microphone. Moar boring tutorial videos!
  5. Marketing dept demanded a broader-audience feature, so farm yard strategy added as a default one. You have to build shields to protect vegetables from asteroids (flying not required, it's too hard).
  6. The only reason to watch The Game of Thrones is that main caracters always die there.
  7. Also drag is low if you pitch it like a knife, narrow side forward, not like a plane. I guess this is what devs did not intend. I also see lift indicator moving in VAB. Does it produce lift?
  8. I wondered what the "intake air" value is? Is it percent of how much air it captures?
  9. I checked the document, and see one missing part: what's the formula of intake air?
  10. That's a lot more clear! Thanks! The only unclear thing are abbreviations. Could you make a list of them? PMM = ? PPM = ? EEM = eve exploration module? (apparently not) MEM = mun exploration module? MSSR = ?
  11. This is becoming too complex to wrap one's head around. Could you draw a scheme of what goes where, please?
  12. Interestingly, I made a similar layout for Eve mission in Better than starting manned, with 3 parallel engines and side stages. Looks like many approaches converge.
  13. A dozen of people point you at the fact that there's no "scientific fact", but a common agreement in interpreting the observations. Let me also remind you that a firm science can give confirmed but falsifiable predictions in at least mid term, and I've still not seen a link to any of those. I interpret this as meaning that climatology is as much firm science as economics, which can't give any mid-term forecast either. (I have barchelor and master degrees in maths in economics btw.) I agree that part of these theories will prove true, but that's not a reason to turn a discussion here into an evening beer chatter. A scientific discussion, this is a finer matter.
  14. I think it's marginally probable, if you keep vertical speed under control at the altitude about 30Km, to achieve an escape velocity of 3400m/s and even higher. But hitting laythe is too hard, and requires corrections in space, so not 0 probability, but really low. This is the reason why Apollo missions did not do direct ascent/descent: orbiting Earth and Moon allowed to correct the accumulated errors. In case of this challenge, if you have exclusively jet engines, it's impossible.
  15. Here we go again. Exactly as I said a page before: a newcomer appears and starts calling names. The same as it happened in that thread. It looks like you take it as a religious topic and a marker. A way to mark someone as a person of low quality. This is so kiddish! I have to deal with mayor office people, with those who work by official costruction codes. Many would just call them obtuse. They don't want to listen the others. They're hard to get convinced at anything, it's hard to push any decision, yet dealing with them made me stop believing that any of other people is a moron. They may be conservative, they may negate good ideas, but the more you know them the more you understand the motivation. Anyone who'd have to do this gets this idea quickly, or quits. And it's just stupid to think of others as of idiots. Here instead, where people get interest in knowledge, behave like kids: "Waaaaa, you don't agree, you're morons!"
  16. Kulebron


    That's too culture-specific. What's with Americium? Do you mean plutonium => americium decay? 0_o or we consider pluto still a planet for this case? Looked at the periodic table - :facepalm:
  17. Kulebron


    "Me Me Me"? doh, no such element 2. Helium is rarely found on planets, was discovered in Sun atmosphere first. eH? 3. N/O 4. H/Li/Be/B/He 5. At 6. H/Li/Na/K Nananana? No idea.
  18. I heard Danny2462 can have a remote control over any airliner. I wonder which are compromised: Airbuses or Boeings?
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