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Everything posted by PanWieldingMann

  1. Banned for blocking Soldier's crit rockets.
  2. Banned for letting people (or just Sampa) in your exiled vessel.
  3. 8/10 I've seen you around here, and your counterparts in Mann vs. Machine.
  4. 139: When STAR_ no longer uses his truck punchline.
  5. Banned for actually starting a new chain.
  6. Yesh! And San Fransisco Rush 2049 and Perfect Dark, the good old days. The user below me is learning to animate.
  7. Banned for sending invaders to get crushed alongside Byeahs and Elsas by STAR_'s Carmegaddon.
  8. Banned for not darn enough rep. *Summons Leaf Shield* Edit: ouch, we both landed on the same minute.
  9. Banned for not being prepared for General's army of avatars. They might even best Repliforce and their General.
  10. As much as i would do science sats, I'm unable to resist making them in a certain fashion that reminds me of late-90s/early 2000 fantasy designs.
  11. Banned for no logical reason, aside from being confoossed
  12. Banned for not using the same joke (kind of glad to be past that 90s part of this)
  13. I think my Guntank in "show off your awesome ksp pictures!" count. The user below me thought that the Glitch race's ship AI was a rather wizardly Optimus Prime.
  14. When you are fed up with how you're gonna stick this into a plane and go to a specific area.
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