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Everything posted by PakledHostage

  1. No, and I didn't say that they were. But the initial audience reviews tend to be by passionate individuals who probably aren't that objective, and it settles down after a while to something more representative. And beyond that, we seem to agree that there is evidence that at least some percentage of the bad reviews are politically motivated.
  2. That was my point. The movie was cringe-inducingly bad but it initially had good audience ratings. The audience ratings settled back to something more realistic after a year or so.
  3. Give it a year. It takes a while to settle down, especially with a movie like this in the present political climate. Look at the online harrassment that Kellie Marie Tran has been subjected to because racist trolls don't like the fact that an Asian American actress was given a lead role in the film. If people's opinions about the movie are being polluted by that sort of garbage, then it is far from fair criticism. And I might also add that Gravity and Interstellar both had great audience ratings initially, but that those ratings settled back to something more fitting of the caliber of those movies after a while.
  4. Well that's just the thing. Tastes aren't universal. I can't stand comic book/superhero movies but somebody obviously does or they wouldn't keep making them. And I am thrilled and reinvigorated as a cinephile when I stumble across something great like "The Big Lebowski" or "Hell or High Water". Maybe it is just nostalgia that keeps me coming back to SW, but whatever the reason, I do keep giving it chance after chance. In my opinion, TLJ was a pretty good SW film.
  5. I agree 100% with @regex on this one. TLJ wasn't a "great" movie but it was entertaining in the moment. Great movies may be particularly clever or charming in how they tell their story, they may make a particularly profound point that resonates in viewers for a couple of days afterwards, etc. TLJ certainly didn't do any of that. And if you think about it too hard afterwards, you can find lots of things wrong with TLJ to complain about. But for pure entertainment value, it was worth $12 and three hours of my time. And it was certainly better than some of its predecessors in the series.
  6. Let's do it then... Let's fire those midiclorians (sp?) out of the canon...and into the Sun.
  7. But aren't midiclorians (sp?) only ever mentioned in episode I? As pointed out so astutely by Rod Hilton in his Machete Order blog, we can toss that entire episode onto the trash heap of movie history without losing anything meaningful from the story. Can we just pretend it was never made and move on?
  8. Well that reminds me: Why did the punk rocker cross the road? Because the chicken was stapled to his ear. ... I'll show myself out ...
  9. I don't know... You guys obviously know more about all the backstories and other minutiae of Star Wars than I do. But from my layman's perspective, The Last Jedi was worth my $12 and 3 hours of my time. There are a lot of crappy movies out there that leave me checking my watch incessantly, hoping that they will soon be over, but TLJ wasn't one of them. Sure it wasn't a great movie and if you think about it too hard afterwards you could even describe it as disappointing, but it was entertaining in the moment. I've been a casual Star Wars fan since the first trilogy came out in the 70's/80's and I (along with everyone else) have suffered through some sequels that weren't much more than stinking piles of cow manure since then, but IMHO, TLJ wasn't in that class.
  10. Ok, then you might like these: What's brown and sticky? Ans: A stick What did the little bird say when its cage broke? Ans: Cheap, Cheap! (They are "Dad jokes", I know...)
  11. But Star Trek resorts to "super spiffy particles" to get themselves out of binds (and then conveniently forget about them) all the time? Why do we hold Star Wars to a higher standard?
  12. But we don't know if that is even true? Wasn't it Kylo who told her that? Wouldn't he have good reason to lie to her? To make up some BS in an attempt to undermine her confidence? We've seen that Kylo is a master of deception in the way he simultaneously positioned the light saber in his hand along with the one on Snoke's throne's arm rest to face both his enemies. Snoke could forsee that Kylo was about to turn on the lightsaber, but he was fatally wrong about which one Kylo was going to activate. Presumably Snoke was a powerful Sith, but Kylo's powers of deception made Snoke look like a fool.
  13. The whole point of the EHT project is to obtain an image of the gravitational lensing around Sagittarius A*, in the X-ray spectrum. They don't expect to see just a black dot. The video that I posted back in May explains quite well in layman's terms how it is being done: (How can we expect everyone in LA to pay attention to launch notices posted by Vandenberg AFB if people on this forum don't even read up thread?)
  14. Exactly. It is Star Wars. And Disney. To borrow a line from another Disney movie: Let it go.
  15. But combustion products include plenty of H2O, so there's never going to be a shortage of moisture to condense... But it is a good question. Maybe, as you say, there was a cloud boyond the horizon that was casting a shadow, or maybe some atmospheric condition was preventing the available moisture from condensing? You often see aircraft up in the flight levels trailing little or no contrail, even though significant quantities of water is also present in jet aircraft exhaust.
  16. Much like in Mozart's day, nobody had a personal computer when I was eight years old...
  17. @Randox is mistaken. Boxing day is celebrated in Canada, the UK and elsewhere in the Commonwealth. I've always regarded it as equivalent to the second Christmas day that is celebrated in many European countries, but that's probably due to the influence of my own European heritage rather than Canadian boxing day tradition. More conventional Canadian boxing day tradition seems to be, much like Black Friday in the USA, to go to the mall to buy crap that's on sale.
  18. Seems that video and many more like it are "lighting up" the media too: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-space-x-sky-20171222-story.html Just Google "SpaceX Los Angeles" and click on the "News" tab. And Musk is trolling the internet:
  19. And that is just it: So far we only have a sample of one, but after less than a decade of searching. We can merely guess what that means; you can't extrapolate from a single data point. You can try to bound the range of possible explanations, however, and that is what I understand the authors are attempting to do. Hopefully the discovery of this object and the public interest in astronomy that it has generated will help justify funding for further research.
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