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Everything posted by PakledHostage

  1. But Pavel said he just got a brand new S3? Why would he trade in his brand new phone? Presumably he bought the S3 for a reason?
  2. I went to this place a few times: Seriously quirky... It was run by a south Asian family. They had all sorts of decorations on the wall written in what my wife tells me is urdu script. Their "burritos" would be filled with stuff like curried chicken and you could get them to put their home made super hot sauce on it if you dared. It was always a really good meal. Unfortunately, I don't think it is there anymore.
  3. I don't see why race should come into the definition of a "peer"? I am not a historian and I don't read or speak Latin so I can't go back to the source (correct interpretation of the Magna Carta seems to be shrouded in myth), but I don't think the writers of the Magna Carta intended it to be read that way either. While people of other races would have been a rare sight in 13th century England, I believe that the concept of a person's peer was intended to mean people from a similar socioeconomic position. If I remember my highschool history correctly, the Magna Carta wasn't a universal declaration of human rights and freedoms so much as a statement that the English nobility had rights and freedoms. And with regard to last night's events in Ferguson: We should remember that the majority of protests last summer were peaceful. I strongly suspect that troublemakers came out of the woodwork in advance of last night's announcement who really had no interest in the Grand Jury's decision. They knew that the crowd would be unruly and all it needed was a trigger to push them over the edge into violence. Then once the mayhem starts, it feeds on itself. The troublemakers get to have a night of "fun" looting and burning stuff from within the anonymity of the mob, while Ferguson and its people suffer the black eye.
  4. Here's a link to a news site that isn't Fox: Michael Brown shooting: Officer Darren Wilson not indicted by grand jury
  5. Right, but I really doubt vanes are used or are even practical in this case. The vanes on cruise ships work because the ship moves through the water. They work like wings to apply a righting force that ramps out roll. The SpaceX platform is stationary. The deck may have hydraulic actuators to lift and lower it (that's a good thought BTW), but it isn't clear from the limited info we have that it has that capability. My point stands. You can relatively "easily" damp out pitch and roll oscillations, but vertical motion is much harder on a monohulled barge.
  6. I can't think of a way to "reduce the apparent wave height" without pumping water ballast back and forth in floating pontoons to increase/decrease their buoyancy as the waves pass. SpaceX's barge appears to have only one hull so this wouldnt be an option. At best, they could stabilize how much the barge rolls and pitches due to the waves while floating up and down in them and holding position to within 3 metres.The amount of up/down motion would then depend on the wave length (i.e. short wavelength waves that are freshly being churned up or are running against a current vs. long rollers left over from a distant storm.) As for conditions at sea, you can view them online on NOAA's marine forecast web page. The forecasts and current conditions are updated a couple of times a day. I've posted an example below. Florida is in the lower left, the UK is in the upper right. Contours are the mean significant wave height in metres. Mean significant wave height is the average of the largest third of waves. That means that ~83% of waves are smaller than the given height while ~17% are bigger.
  7. In the documentary "In the Shadow of the Moon", Buzz admits to pausing to pee while climbing down the ladder from the LEM.
  8. The number one to do number one talks about it in the documentary "In the Shadow of the Moon". That should narrow it down a lot because the other guy was notoriously camera shy...
  9. I don't live anywhere near Buffalo, NY but the snow storms there over the past week have been in the news here pretty much constantly. What's interesting to me is how localized the accumulations were. Over 2 metres of snow fell in the worst hit areas but very little snow fell only a few km away. You can see how this could happen from time-lapses like this one:
  10. I am a bit late responding (hadn't noticed your comment until now), but I think it is perfectly valid to point out the misuse of the term in the scientific context. This is *supposed* to be the science sub-forum, after all. Misunderstanding of the use of the term "theory" in the scientific context can be exploited by those who are either ignorant themselves or being willfully manipulative to further their own ideologies. I was perhaps a bit cheeky with my reference to the old Saturday Night Live skit, but I stand by my other point.
  11. Off topic but peripherally related because it illustrates something about conspiracy theories like those being discussed in this thread is the French "documentary" Dark side of the moon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26EicKfNYPg
  12. I think that the best approach really depends on the type of bully. Some of the approaches suggested above would work for certain types of bullies but they won't work at all on a truly radioactive a-hole. I encountered a bully in my adult life who picked me BECAUSE I fought back. He thrived on the battle. I wasn't his first target and I wasn't his last either. But he was smart enough to be a serial offender. He never went after more than one target at a time. That gave him plausible deniability. Everybody knew and acknowledged that he was a [diminutive of "Richard"], but nobody wanted to get involved because they didn't want to be the next target. They just stood by and let it happen. I embarrassed him. I appealed to authority. I tried to make him like me and maybe empathize with me. Nothing changed the situation. I ultimately solved the problem by leaving. You can't win against a sociopath. There's an apocryphal story that the Inuit didn't have problems with those types of people in their societies because they would suffer "hunting accidents", but it doesn't work like that in our societies. Especially if they are smart enough to fly just under the radar.
  13. OK. While I could work it out for myself, I don't understand why you would want these values? What would you hope to achieve by knowing them? Wouldn't you be more interested in where you are going to land? The lat/lon of your entry interface really has no bearing on where that will be because you could end up in entirely different locations depending on how steeply you reenter. I've never used it but I think MechJeb has a landing targeting function, doesn't it? Maybe that would help? Sorry I can't offer anything more useful than that.
  14. Trouble is that Kerbin rotates under your orbit, so the entry interface Lat/Lon will constantly be changing. Or maybe I don't really understand your question? Can you be more specific?
  15. Sure, but if AB/BC is 1/1000 then it will still be 1/1000 if they remain constant. In other words, if the distance between A and C along your rubber band from your earlier example was 1001 mm and you stretched it by 100%, the distance between A and B will only stretch by 1 mm (1mm to 2mm) while the distance from B to C stretches by 1000 mm (1000 mm to 2000 mm). As has already been stated, Andromeda is close enough that it and the Milky Way are gravitationally interacting with each other (not to mention the rest of the galaxies in our local group).
  16. I agree with NFUN. You'll have to be a bit more specific... Otherwise, the best I can offer is the video I made to help users of my GPS mod to launch satellites into evenly spaced orbits in the same plane. I've never used MechJeb and the video was made way back in v0.18, but the technique is still valid. There's more information about how I set it up if you look in the second post down in my mod's thread (see the link in my signature).
  17. Amazing sequence of images! Does anyone have an image that includes the location where it likely eventually came to rest? I've only heard conflicting numbers about how far it made it during the two bounces. Some estimates exceed 1 km. Scaling off the image below and the image you posted, Aethon, Philae seems to have covered over 100 m in just 10-12 minutes after its first touchdown. It could have gone a long way in 2 hours. Where do the estimates from CONSERT place it? And K^2, I don't think your criticism is fair. Philae did have an at least double redundant landing "grappling" system (i.e. the harpoon and the combination of the thruster and the screws). Unfortunately, the harpoon and thruster didn't fire so the screws couldn't have worked either. How much redundancy should they have built in to a mission where every kilogram costs thousands and thousands of dollars and could ultimately affect the probability of success? It is easy to say in hindsight that they should have had more redundant localization systems, but those also cost power. Power that, as it turned out, was at a premium. Soon enough, they will find Philae in images taken by Rosetta. Hopefully that will help them determine the likelihood that Philae can be brought out of hibernation. I don't think it is unreasonable to hope that there may yet be more good science data to come from Philae.
  18. I was in a book store yesterday and I saw a book by Kip Thorne titled The Science of Interstellar . Maybe that'll help you out? I had a browse through it. He talks about the physics that "inspired" the movie physics and where/why they took liberties for the purposes of the movie's plot.
  19. I think GregA believes that Philae and Rosetta will find evidence to support electric universe theory, and that this will unlock secrets to such things as dark matter. Just smile and nod...
  20. You remind us that our petty disputes on this forum are just that. And that we're all real people behind the avatar. Take care of yourself and your wife.
  21. Is that kind of like "sheeeit Bubba!"? Just curious.
  22. Crows? I've eaten crow at times in my life, but never with mashed potatoes and gravy...
  23. Look at that! I must be clairvoyant or something! Edit: Doh! Ninja'd. Let's try again... General Rarity?
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