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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I have Kethane Mod installed. I have a ship orbiting Mun with 1000 Kethane in it, but the converter will not work no matter what I do. Do I need fuel lines or anything else? (All Parts are cross feed compatible) I will be uploading pictures later when I get home.
  2. If you are using the stock docking ports you should be able to undock by right clicking the docking port and it will say "Undock."
  3. You could use Mechjeb and click "Vessel Info" or it Might be "Ship info" I don't know which one it is, but it shows all the weight, and stuff to do with thrust. Make sure you have Mechjeb on ur ship or it will not show you the Vessel Info.
  4. Thanks Guys for the help just one more thing. How do I Check the thread as [Answered] ?
  5. I am wondering what is the best Heavy lifter you ever made? Can you post pictures or write something about how much it can carry or hows it made. Thanks.
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