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Posts posted by Amram

  1. The HDD is the unsung hero of PC's everywhere. Without it, your not going to be doing much of anything with your PC. Quibble over whether or not a flashdrive or CD counts, but the storage that holds your OS is critical to your user experience. If it does a horrible job, then no matter how well the rest functions, your not going to have a good time of things.

    An SSD opens that door so wide that if you've never experienced it, you can't really understand it either, its just over the top in comparison. An SSD is without question the best general purpose upgrade for any system that lacks one. No matter what you do with it, the SSD will help in some way.

    I say go for it, and I don't have to tell you not to look back, you won't want to anyways.

  2. Yeah, I would imagine if anything the difficulty options will influence the amount of science and money you get and spend. So on easy a missions might yield more science points and money, R&D and construction might cost less.

    As i understand though, flight itself isn't likely to have difficulty settings. Nova's been very clear in the past that re-entry for example will be mandatory, so I don't expect to see optional reality. Besides, the budget can make a HUGE difference on your progress all by itself.

  3. Technically, KSP is still in Alpha. Presumably, alpha will end at 1.0. Since KSP has thus far incremented one hundredth of a decimal at a time



    technically False.

    KSP has not progressed at one hundredth of a decimal. it has progressed one version at a time. All that indicates is that there have been 22 MAJOR releases, not that there will be 88, 70, or even 40 major releases to go. For all we know KSP will be completely finished by the 30th, I doubt it, but we won't know for certain until that day comes.

    You are reading 0.22 as 22%, it is not. 0.xx is incomplete release numbered XX. This is essentially alpha 22. if it were truly decimal, why bother with release versions titled like 0.21.2 when you could simply put 0.212?

  4. I think he's suggesting being able to re-scale the throttle for various engines. Set it in the VAB, but its effect occurs during usage of the engine in flight.

    Right now, if you need half thrust from one engine, and full thrust from 2 other engines, and need to run all three together, you can't do it short of specialised mods. There's only one throttle, and so either all three at half, all three at full, or somewhere around 5/6. if you needed that one engine at a reduced throttle to balance an asymmetrical stage, that could be a problem.

    If you can set an LV-T30 to 50% so it gives only 100 thrust instead of 200 thrust, and leave the other two alone, then when you ask for 80% throttle, two give you 160kN or 200*80%, the third gives you 80kN, or 200*50%*80%

    It would certainly help with balancing various loads, such as a shuttle, without resorting to careful addition of LV-1's for a 1.5kN stepping and without the corresponding part count increase.

    That said, If I understand what tweakables will likely permit when the day comes they are implemented, I do think this would fall under that. So its not official or anything, but I do think this will likely be in KSP at some point.

  5. I live in high river. Looks like itll be a week or two before i can go home. Warning went out by twitter and facebook, neither of which i use, so i saw first hand how quickly it happened. My first warning was water too high for my matrix to drive through and rapidly rising.

    I think i am one of the more fortunate in high river as my home nearly avoided flooding, the water level doesnt appear to have gotten high enough to flood the main floor, though it did flood my basement. Having recently moved in(not even two weeks) with plans to renovate the basement, it was empty.

  6. and be sure that it fits your case. For your typical OEM, low/mid range PC, the cases are often rather small, and GPU's can be fairly long. It would be very disappointing to by a new GPU only to find its too long for your case.

  7. It runs windows 7, althought windows 8 is cheaper, but that's my problem!

    seems to me thats more of a solution to a problem than a problem.

    Good system though, I don't think you'll be thinking about upgrading for quite some time with that.

  8. yep, someone not attuned to the 'game' will be set up and cut down in short order as they won't have created the political safety net to survive or prevent such things, and lack the experience to see it coming on their own.

  9. I believe Chris Hadfield mentioned he has no interest in politics, to which I say...

    ...that he is perfect for the job as a result.

    As much as i know it wouldn't happen, people like Chris Hadfield are, imo, perfect, for the simple fact that political survival means nothing to them, just getting the job done the way it should be is all that would matter to them.

  10. Not at all.


    see definition 2. That is the usage I intended for that wording.

    I just don't see how that is overkill, much less a bad choice given who the character is. My implication if anything is that it was a shallow look at the character and expectation that he not be who he is. Put simply,what i got from your post was the implication that the movie will somehow suck in part because he did what many great Maori before him have done. If you have read the book, would you not agree he is a maori of great significance? Am i missing something?

    Doesn't that imply that the moko is to be expected rather than otherwise, and if so that its the right call to setup the character so?

    Which is why I note that i am surprised by your position on that. I was assuming that your knowledge of the Maori would easily outstrip mine, you being where you are, and that made your post strike me as so odd. Whether born there, or moved there, you do hold the home turf advantage regarding that, i would think that makes it fair to assume that you would have me beat in such matters.

  11. One of the characters having an overkill moko is a bad sign though.

    overkill you say?


    It shows that they are not going to try and tone down culture and blend everybody into cultures that are neither here nor there, that imo is a good sign. They are from all over the world, their characters should reflect that, his does.

    I suppose then that this guy's Moko is also overkill?

    Perhaps a little light reading?

    I am somewhat surprised, given that your location says your from New Zealand, would have thought you'd have been more in tune with who the Maori are.

  12. yup, its an attempt to leverage their 90+% market share in PC's to generate familiarity with their phones: why learn android or iOS when you already know win8, and if you like win8, your that much more likely to buy a win8 phone over android or iOS.

    That they are also cramming it down desktop user's throats without allowing us to make it go away entirely is just utter stupidity. I really wonder how much that move has cost them, Win8 isn't doing well at all when compared to ~any~ other windows OS, Vista and ME included, both outsold it every month of their life to this point so far, and Win8 was dirt cheap initially, and is still much cheaper than the norm for windows.

  13. Google Chrome. Fast and simple. Rarely makes my PC freeze.

    IE is my favorite browser... for downloading other browsers. :cool:

    go here

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

    change the text for window title. Im a fan of setting it to "Better Browser Downloader" as well.

    it'll show as that in the task manager, and on the top of every window. very useful for prodding friends to upgrade since you can also set their homepage to be the URL to actually start a download too, or at least, it used to work, im not so sure of newer versions(setting the homepage to a file link I mean)

  14. I use a Browser called Lunascape. It is a Tri-Engine Browser, It can seemlessly switch between the Trident engine(Internet Explorer), the Gecko engine (Firefox), and the Webkit engine (Chrome/Safari) for rendering a page. Barely uses and CPU to run. Argueably more secure than Chrome, Fully customizable.

    excellent choice.

    While I prefer palemoon(a windows optimised firefox with some features trimmed to speed it up), there is the odd page that refuses to load properly if your not using IE, and for that, I use lunascape, every bit as capable of dealing with IE eccentricities, yet nowhere near as much of a vulnerability.

  15. weird, I also did not see anything in the post you first used, yet i see it in your quote just fine, palemoon(firefox) here. a quick question of curiosity ivan, do you use internet explorer? Im just curious if there is something different which causes you to see the image just fine in the original post while both a version of chrome, and a version of firefox do not see it.

    Although im not sure if that would really explain it given that it appears just fine in the quoted post....

  16. Just remember who started this when she plays kerbal instead of doing homework...

    except if the career she goes for turns out to be in some way directly related to astronautics, its not really a game anymore, rather its closer to extracurricular studies given the head start it can provide.

  17. I second Camacha and Foamy.

    I grabbed a 128gb SSD first, and found myself far too constrained for space. When just the OS and one game eat 50% of your drive, but its definitely doable.

    Having the freedom to not worry about HD space because there is plenty to go around(i grabbed a crucial M4 512gb) gives me back the relaxed nature of storage management. I don't have to balance nearly every installation with an uninstall anymore.

    512 is nice a roomy, but I could probably do with a 256 with little fuss. I think 256gb makes a nice border between too small, and larger than needed(though possibly wanted)

  18. at no point have i said metro is fundamentally broken. I have said i don't like metro, for what it is, what its trying to be, and what its design language says it should be. Im fully aware thats all it is, I just don't like it. and i've said as much, review my posts.

    what i have said is fundamentally broken as a concept is a phone UI for a desktop. That touch and metro seem to be something MS wants to intertwine for the desktop is not metro's fault, it is something I think to be stupid, mind bogglingly stupid.

    I would think the market is speaking for itself, what with the windows 8 launch being a dismal failure. Every launch, including the all hated Vista has done better than 8 has. This even despite the dirt cheap price tag it launched with, what was it, $40?

    The future will tell more than anything else, if Metro becomes optional, and we get the freedom to boot to the desktop directly without ever having to use the start screen, i'd consider 8, if I could get the start menu back as it was, without needing a third party app to put it back, then with all three I would likely be on board for using 8. There's much i dislike, but with those three out of the way the benefits might at least balance things.

    That office is not touch friendly does not make metro not touch friendly, it simply makes Office not touch friendly. I did try to make it clear that I do not like metro, because it is metro, didn't I? The two are not even the same dev team, in a company notorious for its teams not communicating with each other.

    Metro also has a very large number of opponents. being an aesthetic thing its going to be mixed opinions. Which is a big part of why i think it so absurd that this is the first of ANY windows OS to not give the user a choice in interface. here's metro, now deal with it. Even 3.1 gave more choice than this, what with loading direct to program manager, or to file manager as suited your taste.

  19. Dudester: nope, you format the drive and put windows 7 on it instead. I'd be much less against Win8 if metro could be ignored entirely.


    Its not merely poor implementation, the decision that lead to that implementation is the problem. Some of those decisions can be traced back and start in windows Vista, 8 just takes the next step in the process. Others go back to the Phone UI, and that they thought it had any use as the new desktop OS is just absurd.

    That everything is 'poor design due to optimised for touch' says it all imho. That they haven't even tried to make a desktop metro for the desktop OS is rather odd one might think.

    Either way, I don't like the implied direction windows takes with those 'features'. Whether or not the implementation was ideal, if the decision to even try is what they wanted, I am against that.

    The concept you linked states early on that they aren't reality, just a conceptual composition made by a user that's not MS affiliated.



    http://mashable.com/2012/03/29/microsoft-metro-is-a-philosophy/ especially #3. "...Design for touch,...."

    Its not the implementation of Metro in its current form that is my complaint. My issue with Metro is in its design philosophy, in what guided the implementation. A 'better' implementation by the same principles is unlikely to satisfy me more. Its like someone telling you that the new CD by some rapper is better than their last one, when you can't stand rap int he first place, its still not something you want whether or not its 'better'.

    Those principles need to change in some ways, or not be followed entirely in the right areas or i'll still be against it because it will still exhibit the traits I dislike. First and foremost, but certainly not the only detail, is an emphasis on touch and consistency in all places. To remain consistent across the code base, you need to remain consistent with a touch environment, they have already done this, look at the PC start screen and current apps. They have also tried to do away with the desktop, and did so with the start menu, two things a tablet would not have handled so well. So long as touch remains a core tenet of Metro, and they remain consistent across the interface despite the device, then the PC metro will show marked influence from touch.

    If they don't, then you have two interfaces in action, and if they do that, then you have different behavior on laptops given that not all are touch, and that goes against the philosophy. Design for touch alone, give your users no choice, and when you control 93% of the computer market, it will be adopted by at least some whether or not they really like it. Funnily enough, this is what they have done so far.

    ...and that is what I loathe about 8.

    regarding office 2013's interface, im not a fan, as im sure you might have guessed by this point. its just office in metro form.

    In other news, i do have new reason to like Hyper-V. Did some more in-depth reading, and it seems Direct-X is fully supported, gaming on it should be more than merely possible. That i didn't know. However, its also quite likely that there will be performance issues related specifically to the virtualisation. Still, its about damned time. Fire up a VM with win-98 and play a game you haven't been able to play since you moved on to XP becomes something you can maybe finally do right. If they can correct the performance hits I think that will be a very nice feature indeed for a gamer looking to play something the current OS doesn't support. Given that in that role its likely used on out of date games anyways, I imagine the performance hits don't amount to all that much anyways. Whats only 40% performance out of your GPU when even that nets you 130fps. it even has native support of Linux. From microsoft that seems a bit surprising.

    And it'll happily run on windows 7.

  20. Not entirly true.

    I loathe its very concept.

    I dont want larger and fewer icons. I like detail view, but its getting harder and harder to keep it.

    I dont want to see the end of window(s), but that appears to be occuring given that many metro apps are fullscreen or nothing.

    I dont like that media file sort is now 1-5 in a column with icons that give no names or file type. 6-10 in the next column. Whoever thought that up.

    I dont want to see my information dense menus replaced by icon sparse windows.

    I dont want a touch interface for my pc. The mouse keyboard interface are simply far superior for doing work of any sort.

    I could go on for a very long time here. There is not one metro ui decision i do like. Quite simply, my problem with win 8 is not implementation, its the design philosophy at work, or if you'd rather, my problem is metro. A better implementation wont change that.

    Simply put, my pc is not a phone, windows phone ui has no business being installed there in part or in whole, end of story for me.

    I know i wasnt the sole target of the statement, but i also know im not alone.

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