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Status Updates posted by Endersmens

  1. Have an update on my life:

    Both of my parents are currently unemployed, as am I. 

    Both of my parents do not have a house or residence, and neither do I or my siblings.

    My dad is again struggling with his Bipolar disorder.

    I'm trying desperately to catch up in my online college courses, which is hard cause we're staying with my grandma who has no internet, so I have to go to my Aunt's house to use her internet to do school on my desktop. It's not going well.

    You could say I'm being stretched a little thin here. Which isn't good considering I can already barely hold on 130lbs as an almost 19 year old guy.

    I do sincerely apologize that my absence from this forums means there's been no updates to this thread, the Rep Grand Group, or my fan fiction either. This is my first post since last year, as it's pretty much the first time I've been here. I cannot say that I'll be on here again soon.

    With the sincerest of apologies, I bid you all farewell until the next time I'm on here. Congratulations to those of you who became eagles since my last visit, and to those still working towards it I encourage you to stay with it. It will be worth it.

    See you guys around. *poof*

    1. Spaceception


      Good luck with college, I hope your dad gets better, take care of yourself.


    This makes me way more happy than it probably should. :sticktongue: 

  3. This page hurts eyes more than mine does...

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