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Everything posted by qnistNAMEERF

  1. Thanks. That strut (and docking ports and solar panels) is from helldiver's KSOS mod. The only thing I've welded with crew hatches are pods (or hitchhiker cans) to put RCS on them. I make sure the position of the pods are still at origin and so far I have had no problems with the hatch on them. They make for a nice escape pod. Even the MK1 command pod with welded RCS can get out of low orbit for a single kerbal if you add in some monoprop on the cfg.
  2. You can weld RCS onto your parts. Don't bother with docking ports because for whatever reason KSP only likes one per part. I recommend you break your station down into simple sections and weld those individual sections and then assemble in orbit. Here's an example of a weld I have with RCS ports. It's five parts total: the weld (octogonal strut with resources and RCS), two docking ports, and two solar panels. Also, do not weld solar panels and anything with a crew hatch unless it's pretty much the only part, like a pod with RCS built in.
  3. Welcome back. I look forward to what you have in store for your plugin.
  4. Helldiver already has other parts he was considering adding in after the Super 25. Let's just be patient and look forward to future updates on the S25 for now.
  5. The latest version isn't on spaceport anyway. See here.
  6. See the first post in the thread for where you may download it currently. The spaceport link is apparently dead and redirects to curse.com. It did not show up in a search on that webpage. The mediafire link on that post is still working though.
  7. You're welcome. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions regarding this.
  8. In your computer's file manager go to KSP\Gamedata\UbioZur\Parts\ and in there should be subfolders for the different types of parts you've welded (structure, utility, etc). Check in there to make sure it generated a part.cfg file for your part. In addition, you do have the latest version posted by malkuth, correct? It can be found here.
  9. If it's not working for you, you probably downloaded the wrong version. That post contains the most recent version released by malkuth, who was kind enough to provide his updated version with respect for the original author UbioZur. The tutorial is on the first post of this thread under "Usage."
  10. I'll have to test that one out because I'm not sure of the inner workings of RPM. If it works like that I'll add it in.
  11. Here you go: KSOS v208 PART PICKER GUIDE KSOS_v208.zip CONTENTs: GameData\Firespitter\ ## Required for parts with firespitter animations. So leave it alone. GameData\JSI\ ## Required for MFDs. So leave it alone. Used in SS and KSO parts. GameData\Klockheed_Martian\ ## Engine gimbal plugin. Leave it alone if you want the KSO. GameData\KSO\FX\ ## particle effects and rocket cfg's for KSO rockets. GameData\KSO\Parts\avionicskso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Flight Computer GameData\KSO\Parts\boosterkso.mu+.cfg ## OA-850 Liquid Fuel Booster GameData\KSO\Parts\cgholdkso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Cargo Bay GameData\KSO\Parts\commandkso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Cockpit GameData\KSO\Parts\decouplerkso.mu+.cfg ## TT-750 (KSO LFB decouplers) GameData\KSO\Parts\dockingkso.mu+.cfg ## OA-D12 Docking Module (the small one) GameData\KSO\Parts\dockstandardkso.mu+.cfg ## OA-D24 Docking Module (the large one - can double as a right-angle SS part.) GameData\KSO\Parts\fuelkso.mu+.cfg ## Thrustmax External Fuel Tank GameData\KSO\Parts\hingedradomekso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Radome (hinged) GameData\KSO\Parts\ksoavionics.mu ## leftover model of KSO Radome with avionics built-in (I think). No CFG file. GameData\KSO\Parts\leftelevkso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Left Elevon GameData\KSO\Parts\leftgearkso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Left Main Gear GameData\KSO\Parts\leftwingkso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Left Wing GameData\KSO\Parts\lightlongkso.mu+.cfg ## ChemKorp Mystery Goo Light GameData\KSO\Parts\lightlongredkso.mu+.cfg ## ChemKorp Mystery Goo Light GameData\KSO\Parts\lightroundkso.mu+.cfg ## ChemKorp Mystery Goo Light GameData\KSO\Parts\lightroundredkso.mu+.cfg ## ChemKorp Mystery Goo Light GameData\KSO\Parts\lightshortkso.mu+.cfg ## ChemKorp Mystery Goo Light GameData\KSO\Parts\lightshortredkso.mu+.cfg ## ChemKorp Mystery Goo Light GameData\KSO\Parts\nosegearkso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Nose Gear GameData\KSO\Parts\omskso.mu+.cfg ## Omnimax 40T (small KSO engines) GameData\KSO\Parts\rearkso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Engine Mount GameData\KSO\Parts\rearplanekso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Tail Plane GameData\KSO\Parts\rightelevkso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Right Elevon GameData\KSO\Parts\rightgearkso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Right Main Gear GameData\KSO\Parts\rightwingkso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Right Wing GameData\KSO\Parts\ss2pointextkso.mu+.cfg ## OA-2C Coupling, Extension GameData\KSO\Parts\ss3pointhubkso.mu+.cfg ## OA-3C Coupling, T GameData\KSO\Parts\ss4pointhubkso.mu+.cfg ## OA-4C Coupling, 4 Way GameData\KSO\Parts\ss6pointhubkso.mu+.cfg ## OA-6C Coupling, 6 Way GameData\KSO\Parts\ss6pointocto1kso.mu+.cfg ## Octagonal 6 Way Hub GameData\KSO\Parts\ss6pointocto2kso.mu+.cfg ## Octagonal 6 Way Frame Hub GameData\KSO\Parts\ss6pointsquarekso.mu+.cfg ## Square Truss Hub GameData\KSO\Parts\ssauxfuelkso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Auxiliary Fuel Supply GameData\KSO\Parts\ssdecouplerkso.mu+.cfg ## Module Coupling Adapter (SS Cupola adapter for placing it with the SS Tug) GameData\KSO\Parts\sshandholdkso.mu+.cfg ## Hand Holds GameData\KSO\Parts\ssmodcupolakso.mu+.cfg ## Observation Module (SS Cupola) GameData\KSO\Parts\ssmoddockkso.mu+.cfg ## Station Docking Module GameData\KSO\Parts\ssmodhabkso.mu+.cfg ## Habitat GameData\KSO\Parts\ssmodhydrokso.mu+.cfg ## GreenLab GameData\KSO\Parts\ssmodlabkso.mu+.cfg ## KerbalLab GameData\KSO\Parts\sspanelmedkso.mu+.cfg ## Standard, Solar Panel Array GameData\KSO\Parts\sspanelslargekso.mu+.cfg ## Advanced, Large Solar Array GameData\KSO\Parts\sspanelsmallkso.mu+.cfg ## Single Solar Panel Pane GameData\KSO\Parts\ssport1kso.mu+.cfg ## Docking Port, Standard GameData\KSO\Parts\ssport2kso.mu+.cfg ## Docking Port, Octagonal GameData\KSO\Parts\ssport3kso.mu+.cfg ## Docking Port, Small GameData\KSO\Parts\ssport4kso.mu+.cfg ## Docking Port, Square Small GameData\KSO\Parts\sspowerkso.mu+.cfg ## Station Power Module GameData\KSO\Parts\sstruss1kso.mu+.cfg ## Solar Panel Truss (square truss) GameData\KSO\Parts\sstruss2kso.mu+.cfg ## Octagonal Truss GameData\KSO\Parts\sstugmodulekso.mu+.cfg ## Station Service Tug GameData\KSO\Parts\stackmountkso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Centerline Mounting Shroud GameData\KSO\Parts\tailrudderkso.mu+.cfg ## KSO Vertical Control Surface GameData\KSO\Parts\thrustmaxkso.mu+.cfg ## Thrustmax 200 (large KSO engines) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_lifter.tga ## (KSO Lifter and Decoupler Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_lifter_emis.tga ## (KSO Lifter and Decoupler Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_lifter_norm_NRM.tga ## (KSO Lifter and Decoupler Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_orbiter.tga ## (KSO Shuttle Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_orbiter_docking_mod.tga ## (KSO Shuttle Docking Module and GOO Lights Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_orbiter_docking_mod_emis.tga ## (KSO Shuttle Docking Module and GOO Lights Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_orbiter_docking_mod_norm_NRM.tga ## (KSO Shuttle Docking Module and GOO Lights Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_orbiter_emis.tga ## (KSO Shuttle Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_orbiter_engines.tga ## (KSO Shuttle Engine Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_orbiter_engines_emis.tga ## (KSO Shuttle Engine Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_orbiter_engines_norm_NRM.tga ## (KSO Shuttle Engine Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_orbiter_norm_NRM.tga ## (KSO Shuttle Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_space_station.tga ## (SS parts, Tug, Solar Panels, KSO Inline Adapter, and Docking Port Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_space_station_emis.tga ## (SS parts, Tug, Solar Panels, KSO Inline Adapter, and Docking Port Texture Files) GameData\KSO\Parts\kerbin_space_station_norm_NRM.tga ## (SS parts, Tug, Solar Panels, KSO Inline Adapter, and Docking Port Texture Files) GameData\KSO\RPM\ ## Just leave it alone. GameData\KSO\Spaces\internalkso\ ## (KSO Shuttle IVA) GameData\KSO\Spaces\internalstation\ ## (IVA's for Cupola and Labs) GameData\KSO\Spaces\ksocmd\ ## (cfg and interior model for SS Cupola) GameData\KSO\Spaces\ksohab\ ## (cfg and interior model for SS Habitat) GameData\KSO\Spaces\ksohydro\ ## (cfg and interior model plus microscope textures for SS GreenLab) GameData\KSO\Spaces\ksoscience\ ## (cfg and interior model plus microscope textures for SS KerbaLab) GameData\KSO\Spaces\ksotug\ ## (SS Tug IVA) GameData\MechJeb2RPM\ ## MechJeb plugin DLL. Needed for MFDs. GameData\SCANsatRPM\ ## SMARTass plugin DLL. Needed for MFDs. GameData\SmokeScreen\ ## Smoke effect plugin DLL. Leave it alone if you want the KSO. GameData\ModuleManager_1_5_6.dll ## Leave it alone. Ships\SPH\KSO Block 7 for SPH.craft ## KSO Shuttle craft file. Ships\VAB\KSO Block 7.craft ## KSO Shuttle craft file. Ships\VAB\KSO Block 7 Top Mounted.craft ## KSO Shuttle craft file. KSO Basic Launch Guide.pdf KSO_README.txt This is not all inclusive and it is quite possible there are errors. Please anybody chime in with corrections and I'll edit it to reflect them.
  12. It really isn't hard to seperate the files yourself. KSO parts end with "kso." Station parts start with "ss." I imagine it'll be similar for the Super 25.
  13. That's quite clever. I need to learn how to program. This gets asked in various forms just about every page in this thread. Is it possible we could get a mod to update the original post to link to the 0.23.5 file? Go back one page (page 79) and you can find my post linking the location of the most current version. EDIT: (for the lazy) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38577-0-22-UbioZur-Welding-Ltd-2-0-Playtest-5-Now-In-Game-Tool?p=1002144&viewfull=1#post1002144
  14. Yes, I just didn't know if you wanted to do it manually. And thanks for correcting me on the X and Z values. I mistakenly referenced the Y value which is the height in the VAB and would not have have helped in this case. EDIT: and don't forget to modify the NODE points while you're at it.
  15. Sorry. My bad. I thought I tried that before the forum went down and it didn't work but it's working now. So, from what I gather you're trying to attach landing legs to your welded resource structure and the legs are not attaching properly with the part's edge. I believe that this is due to your welded part not being centered. See position of this part: MODEL { model = NothkeSerCom/Parts/SerCom2mt3 position = 0.09553684,-0.02724886,-0.03435089 scale = 1.25,6.8,1.25 rotation = 0,0,0 } I assume you started with the contents of your part and then added the streamlined cargo bay NotheSerCom part on top of it to contain everything. I recommend you make the contents a subassembly, then start a new part starting with the NotheSerCom part, attach subassembly, then weld. Check the part.cfg to see that this part is centered with the X,Z values of the position at 0,0 or near zero (number ending with an E) and see if that fixes your landing leg problem.
  16. Some reconnaissance aircraft of WW II were painted a pale pink to camouflage them against the clouds during sunrise and sunset. I see no problem with pink, Helldiver
  17. I understand. However it is still untextured so it could end up being whatever color Helldiver wants.
  18. That looks great so far. I had a question. Is it possible to incorporate the booster seperators into the part to make them one piece? The only problem I ever had with the original KSO was getting the boosters to seperate reliably from the external tank without shearing off the KSO's wings. I finally just made a custom EFT with welded panels in place to prevent the boosters from contacting the wings. Simpler and more reliable for me than the seperatrons. I dunno. Just an idea. It's untextured (hence white).
  19. ... I think you forgot to attach the image. Go ahead and edit your post to include it and we'll see what we can do to help you.
  20. That's looking great. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for the interior. Great work helldiver and Nazari!
  21. Or you could do what Westi does. RP and post videos here of your playthrough with commentary here and there. Westi likes to showcase the KSO's capabilities and his videos are great fun to watch of the KSO in action.
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