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Mannaro The Patient

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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. ...erm.... that's weird but there is a piece of the FTT i really can't find: That thing inside the red circle. How its called?
  2. Same problem here, still no luck. Was trying to update my current KSP 1.0.0 to 1.0.2 but launcher is stuck on Checking for Updates. The KSP-Steam installation was correctly auto-updated to 1.0.2 but I never touch that directory, I use it just to copy/paste on another location so I can manage various game versions. But I want to update my current modded game..... By the way the launcher is stuck as well on a non-modded KSP 1.0.0 game. The only thing I manage to do (but I fail as well) is delete Patcher.exe so the launcher is somewhat forced to re-download it. Then a UPDATE button appears. But clicking it runs the Patcher.exe that ask me user/pass of Squad Store... well, I dont have a Squad Store account as the game was bought with Steam, so I made an account. Well, stucked again. The Pather reports: "Unable to authenticate with the server: Received malformed data from the server: File not found." And this thing even i leave user/pass blank. So should be a game/serve bug..............
  3. Dont know if is related but after upgrade from 323 to 325 many pieces of my saved ships disappeared, solar panels, radial decouplers and so on...... T_T I'll wait for a proprer stable release............
  4. What about add a science equipment (telescope? radar?) that auto-tracks asteroid that appears on the same sphere of influence of a planet? Lets say i carry this equipment on a satellite orbiting Kerbin, every time an asteroid of given mass (maybe smaller asteroid are harder to detect) came on the sphere of influence, or TOO close to Kerbin, the game pause and a pop-up windows appears (like Kerbal Alarm Clock). Dont know if can be done with a mod, as i know KAC cannot do this without checking every single asteroid....
  5. I managed it to work but got the same particle value everywere. REGOLITH_PLANETARY_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Karborundum ResourceType = 3 PlanetName = Sun Distribution { PresenceChance = 100 MinAbundance = 1 MaxAbundance = 5 Variance = 50 MinRange = .5 MaxRange = 1 } } I can change MinRange and MaxRange as I want, even both at 0, but the Advanced Particle Collector gets 0.084325 Karborundum particle every secs in the whole Kerbol system, even far FAR away from the sun. The particles stops only when i enter in a planet sphere of influence. Maybe a Regolith bug?
  6. I got the same problem, no Karborundum near the sun as there is no atmosphere. There is a way to correct it like force a height above surface where should be the maximum concentration of the resource? This could be helpful on the other planets with no atmosphere.
  7. (I hope this was not already suggested) Here is my idea: what about a permanent and solid dock? Or the actual Docking Port make solid/permanent by EVA activity. When I build a complex rocket/spaceship or a space station I have to launch the single parts and dock to the main structure. But is not very much stable during acceleration... the whole structure tends to wobble, so what about make this connection permanent (and solid) like a normal part join? The kerbonauts can make an EVA activity to soldering the two joining parts and make them permanent. If we use the docking port the game can spawn that cilindrical protection like in exaust rockets when attached on a decoupler. (sorry for my bad english)
  8. Suggestion: Why not let the antimatter storage tanks explode (as antimatter) during a crash? The antimatter explode only if the tank magnetic charge drops to zero... but should also explode when the tank blows up during an impact. I'm trying to figure this on the source file AntimatterStorageTank.cs, the explosion event is called doExplode() but i dont know how is called the instruction (if there is one) that check if that part (the tank) sustain a destructive impact. Should be something like that: if (something_bad_happens_to_the_antimatter_tanks = true) { doExplode(); }
  9. I bump this. In 3D perspective mode is hard to determine if the centrer of mass is perfectly aligned, a orthographic view (or an option to disable perspective) should be a must.
  10. This can also a nice idea for some addon. What about add something like a TNT, C4, or something similar? It will be triggered after an event like a separation and after 30-60 secs KABOOOMM!! No more big debris in space. ^^
  11. Salve Kerbonauti Italiani! Ho un canale YouTube dove (tra le altre cose) mi diletto a fare video-esperimenti con Kerbal Space Program, alcuni riescono altri, spesso, falliscono. Dategli un'occhiata e se volete sottoscrivetevi (>cliccate qui<). ^^ http://www.youtube.com/embed/VfHbuv4YS-c http://www.youtube.com/embed/XoTchjKO62w
  12. Hello from Italy everyone! (sorry if my english fail) I simply love this program! Not only let me to fly in space but even to build crazy thing! ^^ I hope i'll have great time here with you all.
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