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Everything posted by lordlundar

  1. Para-SCI Jump Drive. It's a different approach to non-OP rapid travel than what KSP Interstellar does. It's not OP in the following ways: -You have to actually travel to the location already at least once normally to put a Jump Gate in orbit. -You have to get the Jump Gate and sufficient electricity to the destination. Seeing as the Gate is a 5m part and not light it's a tough task. The Jump Drive is also a 5m part and pretty dense. -You need to use a Gate and a Drive to get there and both need to be powered up. This uses 10k electric charge each so you need a LOT of power. -Upon arrival the jumped item has absolutely no electric charge remaining regardless of how much it had prior. You'll need a passive way to generate power or you're dead in the water. -During power up the ship increases in Mass considerably making an atmospheric jump hazardous. It's doable but you run the risk of parts breaking before you jump. It's meant largely to having to avoid having to wait constantly for a transfer window then a frantic period sending off a number of vessels before repeating the process. Once you have a Gate and enough juice in orbit you can go there whenever you want.
  2. I went on a trip: To Duna! Kind of puny huh? Well that's a Jump Gate. With that I can get a space station that has both a gate and a Jump Engine attached, deorbit that gate and then I have a fast track to Duna. Damn I love that mod!
  3. As long as you have the most recent Procedural Fairings mod and Firespitter dll it should work fine in 0.24.2
  4. So today I decided to renew my space station project with a few new mods. Needless to say some things have changed. My God It's HUGE! I have never launched anything this large before. To put it into perspective, the boosters (6 of them) are the 3.75 NASA tanks and the center is KW's 5m setup. Here's the boosters off and fairings deployed. Those arms? While you see them later. The other two large parts, despite appearances are NOT from KSP Interstellar. Here's the station fully deployed with REEEAALLY Big solar panels from the Kosmos pack. There's a HUGE amount of power in this station for good reason. Those two large parts at the middle and bottom are from the Jump Drive mod. Both use a LOT of power to use but can allow me to jump anywhere in the Solar system so long as I've been there already. I'm going to be deploying satellites with the gate (the middle section) To a location then jump stations to the location later. Finally, apart from the insane wobble it actually flies pretty well though I do wish the KW engines would cut power faster.
  5. Well, after some futzing around it seems like there's still some memory issues with the x64 version similar with x86 one. Installing Active Texture Management (something I was avoiding and was why I was opting for the x64 version in the first place) resulted in the mods playing nice together.
  6. Well I do agree that the MC modding comunity is vitriolic at times (though it is getting better) this is not a good example. the change from 1.6.4 to 1.7 was one done to the base code that mods have been utilizing since the game's inception. This has resulted in mods nearly being rewritten from scratch and some of the more popular ones taking advantage of that fact to come out with brand new rebuilds of their mods. THAT's what's been causing the delay, not a toxic attitude.
  7. If you're asking in general terms the answer is largely yes and you can thank Rockstar for that. Due to the Hot Coffee incident the ESRB implemented new rules stating that anything put into a game MUST be something that the devs have to disclose. Seeing as Easter Eggs tend to be a hush hush factor when it comes to disclosure, most devs have been dropping them to secure their ESRB ratings.
  8. I'm mirroring this post on the TweakScale, KW Rocketry, Infernal Robotics, and Engineer Redux threads largely because I don't know the source of the problem. I'm installing my mods for KSP x64 use and had installed Kerbal Engineer, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, KW Rocketry, and Infernal Robotics (and their required mods like toolbar) without an issue. Then when I tried to install Tweakscale the game would crash either after the initial load or after I select my save file. I can run any combination of the mods without any issue but all of the above causes the crash. I've ruled out KJR as the crash does happen regardless of it being in or not. This is the last crash report I have: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxEDpG3bJ-bvS05oN00xQUxpU0U&usp=sharing If anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong I would love to know.
  9. I'm mirroring this post on the TweakScale, KW Rocketry, Infernal Robotics, and Engineer Redux threads largely because I don't know the source of the problem. I'm installing my mods for KSP x64 use and had installed Kerbal Engineer, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, KW Rocketry, and Infernal Robotics (and their required mods like toolbar) without an issue. Then when I tried to install Tweakscale the game would crash either after the initial load or after I select my save file. I can run any combination of the mods without any issue but all of the above causes the crash. I've ruled out KJR as the crash does happen regardless of it being in or not. This is the last crash report I have: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxEDpG3bJ-bvS05oN00xQUxpU0U&usp=sharing If anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong I would love to know.
  10. I'm mirroring this post on the TweakScale, KW Rocketry, Infernal Robotics, and Engineer Redux threads largely because I don't know the source of the problem. I'm installing my mods for KSP x64 use and had installed Kerbal Engineer, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, KW Rocketry, and Infernal Robotics (and their required mods like toolbar) without an issue. Then when I tried to install Tweakscale the game would crash either after the initial load or after I select my save file. I can run any combination of the mods without any issue but all of the above causes the crash. I've ruled out KJR as the crash does happen regardless of it being in or not. This is the last crash report I have: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxEDpG3bJ-bvS05oN00xQUxpU0U&usp=sharing If anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong I would love to know.
  11. I'm mirroring this post on the TweakScale, KW Rocketry, Infernal Robotics, and Engineer Redux threads largely because I don't know the source of the problem. I'm installing my mods for KSP x64 use and had installed Kerbal Engineer, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, KW Rocketry, and Infernal Robotics (and their required mods like toolbar) without an issue. Then when I tried to install Tweakscale the game would crash either after the initial load or after I select my save file. I can run any combination of the mods without any issue but all of the above causes the crash. I've ruled out KJR as the crash does happen regardless of it being in or not. This is the last crash report I have: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxEDpG3bJ-bvS05oN00xQUxpU0U&usp=sharing If anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong I would love to know.
  12. Can't speak for the others, but the decoupling bug is a KSP issue that was a result of an accidental oversight. The devs are aware of it and are working on it. (I asked Mu about it on the KSPTV stream last night)
  13. My first landing could be used for seismic impact tests.
  14. Probably won't have much impact beyond allowing better fine tuning of settings. It's largely what it's used for.
  15. We came, we saw, we blew up.
  16. Beef I have medium rare to medium. Pork I like it medium (yes, modern pork IS safe to eat below well done) Chicken and seafood is fully done all the time though I tend to avoid whole chicken (it doesn't finish evenly)
  17. I think the title needs to be changed to "In space WE can hear you swear".
  18. Not really a new concept. Intec long ago used to make one in fact, using pneumatic piston systems to accomplish the effect. Didn't work very well though and it was designed for consoles so there wasn't much there for implementation. I think the unsold ones are used as Sci-fi body armor props now. The vest would have the same issue as that one and the Occulus Rift. If a game isn't designed to implement it you have a very expensive, ugly looking and ineffective coat.
  19. Actually NASA has been looking into similar concepts for years. Largely theoretical but possible for a massive cost saving measure. Modern engines aren't efficient though and take up too much mass for the lift they supply. The most plausible has been attaching a rocket onto a jet, get it up to near stall altitude then jettison the rocket and let it rip. Not terribly safe though.
  20. The way it's set up most (if not all) asteroids will eventually enter Kerbin's SoI at some point, either orbital capture or impact. Usually either the Mun or Minmus deflects them enough to get captured. The catch is it's not permanent and eventually the same celestial body will cross paths again and deflect it out.
  21. Yes I have but this isn't that. I had a refueling rocket supplying a new station with fuel. Perfect all the way through and I de-orbited the rocket. I actually had a perfect decent and it was going to crash (yes, a planned crash) near KSC. Well I shorted the distance and had some spare fuel so I figured I's try to get it a little closer. Well, I didn't quite pull it off and an odd thing happened. It bounced. It's the first time I've ever had an intentional crash attempt end up in a recoverable result. I've had plenty of attempted recoverable vessels crash, but this was a first.
  22. I saw that comment and the reply. It's not a case that Quantum struts does it or not, it's that he would like something like that in infernal robotics itself.
  23. I don't feel they can be balanced together because of the different play styles. Career mode is being built around restrictions. R&D at current with business and other logistics coming down the road. Sandbox on the other hand is built around the freedom to play around and experiment with the full gambit of parts available at once. By trying to implement restrictions that are applicable to career into Sandbox you remove the concept behind Sandbox. It's like trying to balance creative in Minecraft by say requiring you to get the items you want in the world like in Survival. It defeats the purpose of the Creative mode.
  24. Hmm, go with what you have then, and when you can afford it, get a full ATX board and a more solid heatsink if you're going to overclock (the one you have is good, but it was designed for a slim profile case and there's better options for a full profile case). As for the rest, memory you can get by with two 4MB sticks for a good price (If you're expecting any real better performance you're going to have to go 64-bit anyways so might as well take advantage of it) thermal paste will be included on the heatsink but if you plan on swapping it out and doing some serious overclocking then Arctic Silver is the go to choice. Get the small tube unless you use it a lot. You're more likely to find a full mounting bracket for the hard drives that will have adapters built in. Speaking of which, do you have a Power Supply ready to go? The system won't run without one.
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