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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Do you have an animation called "deploy" on the turret? Take a look at where the deploy anim is in the example and put your deploy animation in the corresponding object.
  2. Hey! Thanks so much for the source code! I am making a game (just a project though, I'm not a proper developer) based on your mod and KSP, and I took your mouse aim code and based my mouse aim code on it. I hope thats ok Here is the code in case you want to see how much I ripped you off (yes, I do noobscript): http://pastebin.com/KEVd4gAb I wrote this just to thank you for making such an awesome mod for people to enjoy and learn from!
  3. I guess it's just a raycast downwards and a bit forwards, so it should detect the water, or anything in fact as long as it has a collider (which I believe water has, but I might be wrong and it might be just a physics change at the 0m altitude or something).
  4. Thanks, that's the one I have. My gun doesn't have a reticle and won't fire though. I think it's because I'm missing the deploy animation.
  5. Could anyone tell me which scripts are there supposed to be on the different parts of the turret? The downloadable example doesn't have them, so they are "missing (mono script)" :/ Baha, you should really update the example package and make a tutorial when you have time.
  6. Willy ou make the ammo boxes explosive? This would make strategic ammo placement more important, which IMO would be a good addition.
  7. If you have a really big ship, you could use the ARM grabby things I think. What do you mean by "difficult in a rocket pod"?
  8. Any plans for autoloaders? Shouldn't be too complicated, just make a variable that decrements with every shot you fire, and if it is 0 then the reload will be set to a larger number and once reloaded, the variable resets. So let's say: inClipReload = 2.5; clipReload = 12.5; clipSize = 4; shotsLeft = 4; then, every time you shoot: shotsLeft --; And when shotsLeft == 0: *set reload to clipReload* When done reload: shotsLeft = clipSize; if(shotsLeft > 0) { *set reload to inClipReload* } and jsut make something like this work with your code
  9. Seems like your transform is off. Try rotating your fire and muzzle transforms.
  10. Try the source code on github The .50s tutorial package has the scripts in there I think, so they also should be in the assets.
  11. Set the yaw range and stuff to 0 in the tweakables for the 50 cals, though it still looks out of place it won't move. The tracks are from Kerbal Foundries
  12. Anyone else having problems with pWings? I have the newest version of this and pWings, but they don't generate any lift (if I choose the aero viz for lift, they don't go blue at all) and the control surfaces only stall. Is there a config for pwings or something?
  13. Yep, your have to fly level or be in a dive - you can't climb faster than 5 m/s (or was it 10?) but below that you can fire your bombs as long as they aren't obstructed.
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