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Everything posted by Hellome118

  1. Tell that to Acer, integrated graphics in a desktop...
  2. Note: I did not find this completely unaided, but I was messing with one of the stock scenarios, It was still pretty lucky though. As I was coming down to land on the moon, I saw a shining white speck (I play at a fairly low res). In my anticipation, I mucked up the landing, bounced along the surface of the mun and came to a grinding halt, loosing a engine in the process. So I told Jeb to get out of the pod, and walked him over to where I saw the artefact. This is what the artefact was... Now to try and get to it completely legit... Thank you to both kacperrutka26 and Xeo for help with the spoiler tag, it is greatly appreciated.
  3. One way to do it is by going to the launchpad with your space station, then as quickly as possible press escape and exit to space center, close the game and take a look at this thread: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7737.msg113382#msg113382 Hope this helps
  4. Hellome118


    You can actually just use RCS to get off the mun, just get about 8 thusters and 2-3 tanks attached to the command module via seperator, drop it as soon as you are about to land back on kerbin. (You can probably put the droping of it in with when you activate your parachute.) (Its also usefull for landing on the mun.) Hope this helps!
  5. So like a VTOL Dropship, I like it. Theres a mod somewhere that give you directional RCS thrusters, I shall look for it.
  6. The Aether mod was being developed even before notch added the code for the skylands...
  7. can someone put this on youtube? I can't veiw it on my mobile...
  8. Guess what... I made mine up, it took about 5 secconds of pressing keys to make something that sort of a word, it ended up sort of like: Hggflome or something like that. this was two years ago.
  9. the internet can be a very small place... what's your username on the powder toy? for those who are not familer would TPT, it is an extremely complex partical physic sim, with heat, electronics, pressure, gravity, I could go on...
  10. How many people here play minecraft? My IGN Is Hellome118
  11. Thanks, I think I'm gonna give modding a go, any pointers?
  12. good to use if you say, want to run KSP on a laptop or a netbook...
  13. Hi, fine folk of KSP! I found this game after a fellow minecraft player posted it on reddit, not directly thogh, so I did a bit of reseach. And then I saw this, it looks amazing, I will defanatily be sticking to this place for a while, but only part-time, as I am still a minecrafter at heart! But, if I can, I will support and donate for the game! Can someone just clarify how i will get access to the payed version once I have donated and the free version isn't being released anymore! Thanks! Hellome P.S: After about 20 tries, i finally managed to get the command module out of Kearths atmosphere, but however it didn't stop, and its still going! (for about 20 minutes! the altimeter is reading over 3000 K at time of writing, and still going. Only thing is, theres no way back down, can somebody suggest how I can Improve my future Rockets?, any crucial tips?, it would be really helpfull! (I did cheat slightly by using mods... )
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