After learning to play in .18, I've missed some of the updates lately, but decided to pop back in when I saw some notes about the current version-- especially engine improvements! Needed a task, of course. Space station above Duna, with a lander and suitable kerbal storage, essentially to enable me to hop to and from the surface. Main segment and power array went up well, have a few fuel tanks and a big monopropellant tank up there for supplies. Was a little hairy, because I always come in at the wrong inclination, so I have to transition from a polar orbit to equatorial. Did some mid altitude aerobraking, my first attempts at that, and got it done. Now, time to get the lander in. Using the stock super heavy lander, I stuck a rocket on the bottom and tried to get it there. Sadly, I didn't have quite enough juice to get the lander into orbit- my launch stages got it to the right trajectory, but I had to slow down with landing fuel. Got hooked around, polar again, did a little too deep of an aerobrake. Ran out of gas, had to burn RCS to stay in orbit for the next pass, and burned about 500 units all told to RCS myself from the polar orbit to equitorial over about 6 passes of 3-4 min burns. Satisfied with the stable orbit, I built a rescue vessel. An atomic powered tanker with a long probe, the craft is easy to fly and should be easy to dock. Came in perfectly inclined, perfect launch, lined up to dock with the stranded lander. I put the lander in a retrograde orbit. Rescue vessel is prograde. I have no idea what to do with my rescue vessel now. I missed you KSP