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Everything posted by sebi.zzr

  1. Go to GameData/RemoteTech/RemoteTech_Settings.cfg, open it with text editor,find: RemoteTechSettings { SpeedOfLight = 3E+08Map // change for less ore more delay EnableSignalDelay = True // change to False for no delay }
  2. You can try to open ModuleManager.ConfigCache with text editor,then Ctrl+f and search for NB2mNuclearEngine,then scroll dow to see how engine is patched.If you see any MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST,then engine uses hotrockets and you need to delete ModuleManager.ConfigCache .I tried with MM 2.6.5 and had no need to delete MM.ConfigCache.Also you can delete MRS_HotRockets.cfg from GameData/ModRocketSys/ and restart the game,letting MM to patch parts again.
  3. You can use this: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { %DeployFxModules = 1 %ProgressFxModules = 1 } }It wont play animation when you transmit data,but you can manually set the state of antenna.
  4. Hello.Has anyone managed to make Wayland RV3 Rover Wheel to work with this plugin?I'm trying for a day now and can't wrap my head around it.I used KFroverWheelM1.cfg as base and tried to put the right parameters in,but it just won't work. If someone has any idea or hint?Thank you.
  5. It happened same here but with Bob.He exit from lab to take surface sample and enter back in.I instantly noticed i have two Bobs,exited crew modul,tried to board lab(they are linked by KAS pipe)and get the report "modul full". However,i had no items in inventory,nore any other parts from this mod on my Mun base.
  6. Hello,i just started to use this mod and i must say it's really useful and models look really beautiful.But there are some stuff i really miss here. First two parts are:ore storage and ISRU;for now i just used some other parts and edited *.cfg to do the job,but what i can't replace with other model and i think is really essential is top (bottom) cover for cores.When i build large ore silo in my mining base,i really miss the roof on it. I hope i don't sound demanding,and i know modeling is hard(or not if you know what you're doing),but lander legs(vertical,horizontal)would also come handy.I use H.O.M.E. landing legs for now and work great. So if you ever consider to make some more part,i would really appreciate if you could make at least the "roof".Thank you. regards
  7. If i understand this right.You would like to change texture of the current moon? If you read OP,you can do exactly that. General Textures General replacement textures are of the form Code: GameData/TextureReplacer/Default/<internalName>where `<internalName>` is the texture's internal name in KSP or path of a texture inside `GameData/` (plus .dds/.png/.jpg/.tga extension, of course). where `<internalName>` is the texture's internal name in KSP or path of a texture inside `GameData/` (plus .dds/.png/.jpg/.tga extension, of course). Examples:Code: GameData/TextureReplacer/ Default/NewMunSurfaceMapDiffuse // Mün Default/NewMunSurfaceMapNormals // Mün normal map Note that all texture and directory names are case-sensitive! regards
  8. B9 is using hotrockets for the flame,smoke and sound effects,wich is dependant of smokescreen plugin,so my guess is,you need to update smokescreen plugin.
  9. I tried to fiddle with Default.cfg but that didn't change anything.So the best solution for now is to take EVAvisor.* and kerbalVisor.* (png,dds...)from any of the texture pak an put it in TextureReplacer/Default/
  10. In TextureReplacer/Default make folder named squad/parts,then organize parts in categories Aero,FuelTank and put textures in the right categorie. for example: TextureReplacer/Default/Squad\Parts\Aero\wings\wings.dds
  11. You need right engine configuration if you want to fuelcrosfeed from radial attached thanks or through decouples.If you take rapier engine and set it to "closed cycle",it will drain both resources from all attached tanks,radial and core.Maybe you will find this helpful.
  12. 1x6SolarPanels and 3x2SolarPanels;are no more retractable.It's not a bug.
  13. Dear sir,you are doing amazing job,but have you considered to put little more live in your colors?Maybe orange-pilot,blue-scientist,yellow-engineer,red-tourist;similar to pingonaut's Color-coordinated Astronaut Suits.Thank you. regards
  14. Actually not quite right.Rapier engine have resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOWdefined for both modes.Once you change mode it will drain oxidizer as well.I think the new "aero" made flying crafts harder so trying to click on tanks to enable fuel flow and piloting the craft at the same time it's something,well more work than fun.
  15. I love the idea for jet engines to drain fuel from all parts simultaneously,because you can strap them to wings and you don't need fuel lines for them to work.But when they are used in rocket designs this becomes a problem! This is the design of reusable bottom stage i always used for LKO(manned or for launching satellites). When i launch the craft,engines immediately starts draining fuel from upper stage fuel tank despite there is decoupler between stages.I looked in engines *.cfg and noticed,engines use this configuration: resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOWthen i tried to change it to resourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH,it resolved the issue with fuel drain,but made another one,now i need to use fuel lines again.I know the second command is used for engines to search for fuel in tanks they are attached to(convenient for engines using monopropellant),but i was hoping i'm wrong. So let me ask again,why are decouplers not blocking fuel flow despite the fact,they are not fuel crossfeed capable?
  16. then i guess it should be added: MODULE { name = ModuleCargoBay DeployModuleIndex = 0 closedPosition = 0 lookupRadius = 0.75 nodeOuterForeID = connect8 nodeOuterAftID = bottom //nodeInnerForeID = top nodeInnerAftID = top } the wiki is not updated yet and not contain some of the new features,also i didn't test this much it's purely guessing.stock fairings are procedural and don't have any node specifications but they still protect what's inside.
  17. The fairings needs this module: MODULE { name = ModuleCargoBay DeployModuleIndex = 0 closedPosition = 0 lookupRadius = 0.75 //the radius of fairing }
  18. you can have exactly same effect like shown on your snapshot ,but you must consider the particle count!I guess(not guess,i know),if you use other "eye candy"mods FPS will drop considerably. FYI:if you want larger effect try to adjust: energy { power = 1 density = 1 } speed { power = 1 density = 1 } For more information,you should read this. EDIT:there is another mod,which adresse RSS hotrockets,but i can't remember the name and i'm too lazy(like you ) to search for it.
  19. shure: localRotation = 0,0,0 You should address your problem in smokescreen thread. PS:in order for me to help you,you need to post whole *cfg for specific booster and where is part coming from so i can test it .
  20. Then you didn't send me the right unity project.Beside that i managed to fix your problem,now i need some address so i can send you all files back.
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