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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  2. Will those two stats get some real gameplay meaning at some point in the near future? Will we see more stats added to kerbals?
  3. I would like to have amazing places. Not the procedural planet surfaces we have now. I would love to have really steep cannons, awesome landscapes, rough valleys, dry lake beds with dry rivers, lots of different soils and textures, with boulders and rocks and so on. I do thing the current planets and moons are extremely boring and could be much better.
  4. Even worse: what would happen to a 600-ish parts rocket during an "unexpected disassembly"? If it splits in, say, 20 big chunks, do that means launching 20 threads in less than an in-game second? Threads share memory, but it seems Unity is copying all of that everytime it spawns a thread, maybe there is some way to reduce the amount of memory a PhysX thread is using?
  5. We should have a challenge regarding the 3D prints: design an airplane that flights in KSP, then 3D-print it, and make it fly in reality
  6. Ok, but even if Max's announcement is something minor, something is happening. I've been suspecting it since they announced 1.0 with only one beta release...
  7. Just saying... http://unity3d.com/unity/beta/5.0/release-notes
  8. Valentina Tereshkova... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentina_Tereshkova
  9. I see as a big problem in career mode that, after getting enough tech for taking a kerbal to the Mun, there is no big difference going to Duna. Just some extra dV, and add a few parachutes to the lander. The evolution in the game is very unbalanced because of that, cause when I get to the point of being able to go to the Mun, I kind of lose interest in R&D... So I would like to know how you'd solve this. I would propose to follow real-life problems, and add life support needs for a months-long mission (yes, I know there are mods...). I think this could be a way of making a Duna mission harder than a few days' Mun mission. I know life support has been already proposed, but not related to the career mode difficulty curve. Do you have any other ideas about how to make a difference in tech requirements/liftoff weight/overall difficulty for such different missions?
  10. It would be great to be able to install missions pack for the contract system: for example, a mission pack with the complete Gemini program, or Apollo program, or MIR construction, etc...
  11. When you see a famous fried chicken restaurant name, and you read "Kerbal Fried Chicken"...
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