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  1. Actually I just realized that every game that's listed on my Avast antivirus gaming mode is causing this. So this isn't caused by KSP itself, i'll remove the report from the bug tracker and go liquid on Avast that has turned into a piece of crap lately. Thanks
  2. I have more than 1k hours of KSP in steam, but since the most recent version 1.3.1 was released launching KSP is causing a strange bug in windows 7 task scheduler, it's basically disabling all tasks indefinitely on the default library folder of task scheduler of Win7 as soon as KSP loading screen pops up and starts loading. This wasn't happening in KSP version 1.3.0. It's a strange problem that was affecting my windows past few days, turning off several programs that depends on tasks to start, like aida to monitor hardware sensors, and other utilities. It took me a few days, worrying about viruses or hacking, or what not, before narrowing it down to KSP both 32 or 64 bits causing the issue, without mods. I wonder if I'm the only person with this problem, or more people are affected and not realized it yet?
  3. Just saw Mars today with my 7 inch. I think it's my first time seeing the planet disk, even though i own this telescope for years, mainly orange but barely recognizable darker bands, its apparent size is slightly the same size as Saturn, which I observed next, with Titan next to it.
  4. About the radial velocity, yes we can see the wobble for binary stars much easier than planets, because it's big wobble, the problem is that they only took measurements for a year after the RV was maximum near the possible periastron and concluded it was constant, but the catch is, the orbital period can be several decades, you will barely see any change in radial velocity in one year of data. I superimposed the data, to the theoretical radial velocity plot and it fits the data just as nice as their interpretation of constant velocity. See here. http://imgur.com/Eb6fCGR So it would be better to have at least 5 to 10 years of RV data to conclude anything. Regarding your last question, yes it's possible to have more planets and maybe some dwarf stars inside the hill spheres of both stars. This would alter the mass of the system, it could make the large star have a smaller semi major axis, hence smaller radial velocity. So yeah, it's a hard problem that could only be really solved with more data, bigger telescopes, better tech.
  5. You are mixing up concepts there mate, SOI is for trajectory planning of spacecraft usually related with patched conics. The hill sphere is associate with the Roche Lobe, which is the region around a star in a binary system within which orbiting material is gravitationally bound to that star. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roche_lobe Even though both formulas look similar, they have different applications
  6. You know that extinction level events happened on Earth, i'm not so sure our planet is so hospitable to life as we think, but again life itself seems pretty tough. Orbital encounters with other stars in the galaxy could disrupt the orbits of binaries much easier, but other than these, here's what wiki says about alpha centauri. You know what.. you just gave me an idea.. i'm going to fire up spaceengine and land on some planet around alpha centauri, maybe drink some coffee in the process.
  7. So yeah, there you have it. The habitable zones are inside the hill spheres of both stars where stable orbits could exist. Isn't KSP community amazing?
  8. First off, Universe sandbox 2 is fairly inaccurate over longer periods of time and I really wish it wasn't. I was creating my own simulation using another software recently and used alfa centauri as control for my model. The region of stability is defined by the hill sphere (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill_sphere) around each star, you can calculate that yourself, but here is an image to help you view this. http://imgur.com/XgRdujC Yellow = orbit of Alpha centauri A Orange = orbit of Alpha centauri B Black = orbit of B as seen from the surface of A. Dotted region is the hill sphere of each star, distances are in AU. So there you have it both hill radius Hill A = 3.527 AU Hill B = 2.699 AU If you get the orbits right of course. Ow just noticed you are mixing two different concepts the habitable zone, the region where you can find liquid water on a planets surface, that green region of kepler 47. And the region of orbital stability (hill sphere) of a body where satellites could orbit without interference from another body.
  9. Actually you do have a problem with getting double spectrum if one star outshines the other which seems to be the case, one star is likely 4 times more luminous than the other, so you get a single line spectrum. This isn't measured with a interferometer but with a spectroscope, including the radial velocity. Regarding the radial velocity, they only measure it for a year, when it could takes decades to see say half of the periodicity, so there's still not enough data to rule out anything using radial velocity. I have not detailed it there, but the theoretical wobble in radial velocity of long period binaries fits the data just as well as their original interpretation of constant radial velocity.
  10. Now you got me interested in this subject, since i have been studying things closely related lately. Found this, which seems to be free intro book on photometry. http://www.physics.csbsju.edu/370/photometry/manuals/OU.edu_CCD_photometry_wrccd06.pdf
  11. I think the keyword here is photometer, here's something that can give you a jump start. http://kepler.nasa.gov/science/ForScientists/papersAndDocumentation/SOCpapers/spie_2010_instrument_char_web_version.pdf Also, here look for photometer. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/press_kits/Kepler-presskit-2-19-smfile.pdf For the formulas, the best thing you can do is look for a book on photometry and telescopes, so you have concise ideas.
  12. I never really agreed that comets can block as much as 22% of a F-type star, so for the past few months I have been studying the possibility of KIC 8462852 being a long period binary, which as far as I can tell wasn't been ruled out by the original kic paper. Here are some intriguing images. http://imgur.com/a/6335i
  13. Good luck and mery xmas.. this seemed easy enough i honestly had to try again since my previous contest answer was completely off. Too bad no 3d prints this time. What type of poster is it, ksp poster? nasa poster? space shuttle poster?
  14. Not necessarily physics, but probably the heat calculation adds too much complexity per part. I mean, most parts are made of metal anyway which is quite good in heat conductivity. If heat was big enough to cause problems it would spread pretty quickly and gobble the whole ship, to me it would have been sufficient to have heat as part of the whole ship calculation, instead of having it calculated per part, except for the parts that generate or radiate heat anyway. That being said, I hate this version because lag has increased per part, not only in the launch but now i cannot build bigger bases or stations anymore, the performance is reduced a lot more compared to older versions.
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