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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hello. I want to know if FAR shielded parts dont get heat with this... because i have an SSTO on realism overhaul and the cargo always explodes when i reached high speeds under 40km.... Thanks
  2. I'm using it with realims overhault and im trying to build my first successfull SSTO skylon-like. The problem i have is that the cargo bay i'm using seems not to shield parts properly. They must have some compability issue with FAR. Here some pictures of my SSTO. The maximum altitude i reached was 40 km and the cargo explodes because of the heat because it is not protected. I post this issue on FAR thread and i got some answers: @paju1986: As for the cargo bays, check to see if parts are shielded when the bay is open; that might mean that something is happening backwards for some unknown reason. It is a fairly out-of-date part, perhaps that is part of the issue. One thing is that currently FAR requires cargo bay doors to have colliders - if things can go through them, and you can click on cargo with them closed, then FAR will think they are never closed. This is the case with the MK2 B9 cargo bays. The reason for the requirement is that parts aren't consistent re which end of the animation is open, so FAR does raycasts to find out.
  3. It was not named correctely but i changed the name to contain "Cargo Bay"... now i saw in the config file that it is managed as a cargo bay correctly but still it doesnt shield the parts... In the context menu it says "shielded parts: 0". I think that can be mayble a problem with the animation system it is using but i dont know a lot about that....
  4. Hello Ferram. First of all i want to say thanks for this great plugin. I'm using it with realims overhault and im trying to build my first successfull SSTO skylon-like. The problem i have is that the cargo bay i'm using seems not to shield parts properly. I'm using Wolft's pack cargo bays because them fit perfectly with a 5m version. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47701-0-21-Wolf-Pack-Aeronautics-V1-2-Parts-Pack-(Updated-Aug-30-2013) They must have some compability issue with FAR. Here some pictures of my SSTO. The maximum altitude i reached was 40 km and the cargo explodes because of the heat because it is not protected.
  5. I resolved the bug changing the line 166 of FARGlobalControlObjet.cs by this if (p.Modules.Contains("ModuleCommand") || p.Modules.Contains("ModuleSPU") && !p.Modules.Contains("FARControlSys")) now it looks for modulecommand or moduleSPu to be present on the vessel making it compatible with RemoteTech2 Can you add this to your code ferram? thanks you. Regards.
  6. There are an incompability issue with FAR and remotetech2 because FAR doesn't inicialize without a commandpod but since remotetech2 list all unmaned commandpods like SPUs FAR doesn't recongnize them and doesn't initialize... I wish this can be solved, i really would love to have some unmanned SSTO spacecrafts with remotetech Regards.
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