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Everything posted by noonespecial

  1. Wait until my NZXT Hue arrives and I acquire all the parts for the liquid cooling system
  2. I had a bit of a delay recently as I had to rebuild my computer. But, we're now back in business.
  3. I had a bit of a delay recently has I had to rebuilt my computer. But we're back in business.
  4. It's been a while since I've updated here, but here is the current progress of the 2.5m parts for NTSSX, including the rebirth of the TriHex. I apologize for taking so long with this one, but I'm really take my time with this one, making sure it is a perfect match for what I have in mind from concept to model to texture. I don't have an estimated release date for this. I was originally hoping to release it after Unity 5, but looking at the most recent KSP update and the announcement of KSP 1.0 and no mention of Unity 5, it looks like it will be a rather long time (if ever) for that... so, I'm no longer waiting for Unity 5. I'm open to any comments/suggestions/etc in regards to models and textures on this, or future parts. Enjoy
  5. Thanks, I will try Starwaster's plugin, then the sep motor method if that doesn't work. Thanks again guys
  6. and all that is before you take in consideration that Unity 5 is dropping soon with drastically different shader and texture handling.
  7. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-90-Release-4-3-Dec-16-2014-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM! Plus, there is the trick of creating a shortcut of the ksp.exe and adding -force-opengl in properties. If you want to go through the effort of converting your file formats, there is: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96729-0-90-DDSLoader-1-8-%28Dec-15%29-Loads-DDS-Texture-Boringly-fast-edition
  8. Thanks for the offer and link... But, the problem lies not in a lack of understanding of the part.cfg, but in what should be in the part.cfg. For example, balancing the parts. Weight, drag, fuel capacity, thrust, isp, etc. I know how to add them to the part.cfg, what I have trouble with is... should it have a thrust of X or a thrust of Y.
  9. Well, I'm just getting back into the swing of things after the holidays. But Chinese New Years is coming up soon (I'm in China, after all), so I'm planning on doing a full release before then. All the modeling is done, I'm just doing finishing touches on textures, animations, Unity and part configs. The release will include: NASA SLS Block 1A (Engine Cluster, Lower Stage, Middle Stage, adapters, SRB and fairings) [stock and RSS versions] As well as the parts I've done for ChakaMonkey, with some personalized changes, including: Altair Command Pod Mars Lander The following is on the tentative list, if I finish them, I finish them. Otherwise, they will have to wait until after Chinese New Years. Orion MPCV ICPS some other things. P.S. My strong point is modeling. I'm so-so with textures, but learning. Unity and Part.cfgs are my weak point and end up taking the longest. Any volunteers?
  10. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v0-90-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v0-1-7c-4-Jan-15%29
  11. I've encountered that a number of times before. I've found that it's sometimes caused by one of the following: HotRockets or MechJeb or something that alters or takes control or staging and/or propulsion effects. Usually, I've found that re-installing these mods from scratch can fix the problem. If that doesn't work, try re-installing everything from scratch on a clean install.
  12. Is it possible for an animation to actually affect connected meshes? I've experimented in the past, but just had the part clip through the connected part and act as if it weren't connected. What I need is an animated decoupler that physically moves the connected part(s) away from the anchor. Is this possible with or without a plugin?
  13. If you watch the second video at 4:05, there's actually nothing special about the decoupling. The upper struts release and the lower struts act as levers to move the SRB away. Easily animated, but my concern is the physics behind it. In KSP, if you have an animated strut that extends, and attach it to a part and activate the animation... the strut will clip into and push through the attached part. It won't push it away. Now, there may be some additional option (I have noticed an animate physics option in Unity) or a plugin to allow this. I'll have to experiment and see what happens. With the limitation of the game engine, doing a decoupler like this may not even be possible without a plugin. If it needs a plugin, I have no idea how to write one . But let me do some research and experiments before saying "it's not possible". I just know in earlier experiments with something similar, it seemed like it may not be possible. I'll let you know what I find.
  14. Another problem, is that there is precious little information about those decouplers. Very few pictures, even fewer videos. I've combed the Jaxa website and google multiple times with little luck. Do you have a good source? Otherwise, even if I do make them, half of it would be guesswork.
  15. I may eventually do that, but it would require a plugin. Someone a while back wrote an "animated decoupler" plugin that could do the trick, I'm sure, but I know very little about it. At the moment, I'm more concentrating on getting this sucker balanced properly. The 3.75m version isn't so hard, but the 5m part is leaving me scratching my head...
  16. Thanks, I'll have a look at what I can do with this. As far as doing better, I have zero experience at mixing sounds, so you're already a step ahead of me
  17. Hmmmm. If you can find me a high quality sound bite of said scream, I can use it.
  18. RSS (5m) and Regular (3.75m) version Next to a Mk1-2 Command Pod lander
  19. Orion Progress: Still needs refinement with both the mesh and textures. But, we're getting there. Orion by noonespecial on Sketchfab
  20. Models 100% Textures 100% Normal Maps 100% Part.cfg Balanced 20%
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