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Everything posted by noonespecial

  1. Your first link is where most of the information for the lander came from. We had some other random pictures for elsewhere around the net, plus some artistic inspiration/liberties. Your second link I haven't looked at yet .
  2. It is always possible to delete all the parts, except the ones you need. This is true for any mod and not only this one. If you find that you use a mod for only a part or two, delete everything else. It makes your KSP faster and leaves room for additional mods. You don't have to rely on the mod authors to release specialized mods. or You can download the original mod that Orion came from (minus YANFRET's textures and improvements) here.
  3. Always possible to add more polys. Except... core stage engine fairings? I'm not sure about which part you are referring.
  4. I'm not sure if YANFRET would do that or not, but if not... you could always do that yourself. Just pop into the config files of each and change the scale to fit your needs.
  5. You're right, the top indents are not RCS, they are the mounting points for the launch abort tower. Thanks, it's very helpful!
  6. Sooo, who do I contact to fix an error on KerbalStuff? Either I had 10,000 people download my mod in one day, or there was an error. As happy as the former would make me, I'm pretty sure it's the latter.
  7. I'm actually in the process of a complete overhaul of this mod. The parts in this mod will remain, but I'm adding many new things. The new parts took on a different appearance, so I'm having to retexture the entire project. I don't expect a release before Christmas. New Year or shortly after will be more likely. It's taking a little longer, because I'm actually making two sets of textures. One set for KSP .90 and another set for Unity 5. So when Unity 5 is release and KSP switches over to superior Unity 5 PBR shader, I won't have to go recreate the textures a third time
  8. That I am aware of: 6 forward facing RCS ports along the top. 4 RCS ports in the front. 2 RCS ports slightly offset from center on the left/right side. What I'm really looking forward, for the sake of having a balanced RCS configuration, is exact placement and angles. The exact placements I can guesstimate from available photographs, but the angles of the RCS ports are, as far as I've found, completely undocumented. I could guess, compile, load in ksp, test, reconfigure the transforms, compile, load in ksp, test N-times, but if anyone already knows this information, it would be very helpful.
  9. Well hello there. You've probably assumed by the name, but I'm modeling the Orion MPCV. Now, I could just call it finished, slap on a texture, and release it as a regular everyday pod. But, I want to do as accurate a representation as possible, including integrated RCS and such. Here is the model so far (the last picture is just a rough projection of an image and is not in any way the texture) Here is all the reference material I have available. Boeing SLS Brochure, May 2014 Boeing SLS Mission Booklet, Jan 2014 Orion Design Review, 2009 Orion Flight Test-1 (probably most informative) What I need to know is, where precisely are the RCS ports and if at all possible, the angles the RCS ports are facing relative to the surface. Additionally... what the hello-kitty are these? Is this just a fanciful video using the RCS ports or a demonstration of a deorbit system I haven't read about yet? Thanks, NOS
  10. PDFs are an option. But I personally loathe alt-tabbing out of the game to read a reference document, then going back in. B9 has an "info drive" thingy for having in game documentations that can be accessed at any point before or during flight. I think something akin to that, or even that, would be superior to a PDF
  11. On some things, I whole heartedly agree with you. But baking from high poly is not without it's uses in KSP or for hard surface models all together. I'll offer the following as an example. In this one, I made the high poly (right model) first. The engine bell with ridges is a single mesh, and each pipe a single mesh. I then created a low poly from the high poly by manually retopo'ing it, then baked the normals from the high poly onto the low poly in xNormal to create the normal map used in the low poly (left model). It came out rather clean and with less than a quarter of the tris of the original model.
  12. Reading this, it appears that the top part would just be the "cap", as it's called by Sumghai. Would that work?
  13. So here is my problem. Here is my model for the Orion The top part shields the parachutes and should decouple when the parachutes deploy. I could make it a separate part that acts as a decoupler, then in staging set it to decouple and deploy the parachute. But if possible, I'd rather make it a single part where it ejects (along with anything attached to it) and the parachutes deploy. Any advice on how to accomplish this?
  14. You should post in the mod's thread, it is unlikely the mod author will see your post here and be able to answer.
  15. The difference being: Decorative ridges and a black band. Not unrealistic, just doesn't match the current design... maybe, possibly, as future design hasn't exactly been finalized. So I'm not going to go crazy adhering to small details that haven't been finalized yet and are subject to change at any time. One of the drawbacks to modeling a future concept as opposed to historical replica.
  16. Updated the engine cluster to reflect the new source image (I know it isn't authentic, but it looks damn cool, so I'm using it ) and fixed a small problem pointed out by YANFRET. Just a base color texture, no refinement and no normal map. Engine-cluster by noonespecial on Sketchfab
  17. For the purposes of using high poly assets to bake normal maps, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the different workflows? 1. Create Low Poly Model, then make High Poly from Low Poly (Subsurf or other method)? 2. Create High Poly Asset, them make low poly from decimation/retopo? 3. Create the low poly and high poly separately? Because of my inexperience and lack of a formal education in 3D Modeling, I actually use all three. I find that some models won't subsurf properly, so I create a high poly and decimate/retopo. On a few occasions, I've created a low and high poly separately. Most commonly, I use low poly to high poly via subsurf. Such as, a low poly base with a few hundred tris. Subsurf once, add big details, subsurf again, add medium details, subsurf again, add small details. Then I usually use xNormal to bake normal and AO from the high poly. When these results aren't desirable, sometimes I will do the normal and AO bake in Blender.
  18. Medium Sized Tank (or the upper portion of the real, not so modular, SLS), Untextured. Large Tank by noonespecial on Sketchfab Large Sized Tank (or the lower portion of the real, not so modular, SLS), Untextured. Large Tank by noonespecial on Sketchfab
  19. Downdate AND... 10 minutes after I think I'm finished, I find this picture. Back to the drawing board.
  20. Update First stage engine cluster is nearly done. Just some clean up work on the textures left. So, here it is; 8.4 meters of oh my god power packing four, that's right, four RS-25 engines. Engine Cluster by noonespecial on Sketchfab
  21. If only that were true..... then I could use the 2.3 million poly orion I made in game.
  22. I agree, seeing those pictures literally brought a tear to my eyes.
  23. Update December 12th 2014 Good News! SLS Block 1A is nearing completion. Eye Candy: Full view of Block 1A (mostly untextured) Component view of Block 1A High Poly SSME Low Poly Engine with Normals/Texture baked from the High Poly
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