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Posts posted by How2FoldSoup

  1. Hmm, At that orbital radius it shouldn't make that much difference, earth mars cycle is something like 2 years and the monn is 1 month so there are 24 1 month periods in 2 years, 360/24 = 15' Thus the EML2 would never be more than 7.5 degrees from optimal. That means only a tiny amount of delta-radial velocity would need to be added. One way to counter the problem would to be to shuttle to ESL2 at the previous EML2 crossing of ESL1-ESL2 transect then wait for optimal transfer, this would speed up the trip anyway.

    Would it not also be optimal to drop down from moon l2 to slingshot around Earth. You don't have to worry about missing the optimal angle and one would take advantage of oberth? I haven't done the math however and I'm not sure how much dV one might save(or lose).

  2. Hey Hodo, i know this post is a bit older but do you still know what engine you used between the two SABRE Ms and what wings you used?

    Before it gets locked for necro - the wings are the stock b9 wings most definitely. The engine looks like one from the interstellar mod. I can't tell for sure since there isn't a clear shot of it.

  3. Why does Hubble have amazing images of deep space objects, yet Pluto and Ceres look crappy from it's images of them?

    The simple answer is exposure times and relative sizes. Those beautiful nebulaes you see are dozens, sometimes thousands, of light years across. The simple difference in sizes between these two objects are many many orders of magnitudes. There is also much more light being emitting or reflecting off of these massive structures compared to pluto allowing your camera to absorb more photons and detail.

  4. If the engines are stock, why do the models look different?

    Sorry I didn't make that clear earlier, I forget not everyone uses mods all the time.

    Ven's Revamp updates a lot of the models making them look nicer(such as the turbojets pictured) and also adds a few variations of engines. One example is an lv909 A and B. One of them contains the little ring fuel tank which adds 10 or so lf and 18 or so oxidizer. Stuff like that. It's nothing huge, just makes most parts look nicer in my opinion. I only used stock parts regardless(aside from the landing gear, and the wings) with only the model reworks. The rest of the stats are the same.

  5. Here's a little 2-man shuttle I whipped up in an hour or 2 the other night. The only mods it uses are b9 proc wings and adjustable landing gear just to make my life easier, otherwise it's completely stock.

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    As you can see it's got about ~480 m/s once in orbit, but I'm pretty sure I have a symmetry error with some fuel pipes not taking oxidizer from one of the wing sections, so that might boost the dv by another 20-50 m/s if that proves to be true.

    She's super easy to fly, and is actually too fast. My ascent profile is simple - keep AoA at 20 degrees with 50% throttle until 3km. Once you hit 3km punch it and it'll just take you to orbit. Turn on the aerospike and off the jets when they start to lose speed. Follow your prograde marker at that point and you're set!

    Edit: Would someone mind telling me how to embed imgur albums? I haven't linked an album since the change from the really nice album embeds to the new crappier one.

    Thank you blowfish.

  6. ...maybe because that's what the word "may" is for? Stating things which aren't 100% certain? :P

    I only pointed that out because _Augustus_ is linking that article with verbage that sounds like what he linked is 100% for certain what they will be having a press conference. "Know" =! "May" I realize that, but when he linked the article he says we "know(for certain, by definition)" what it is, even though the article only uses "may." I wanted to make the case that he's taking the speculative nature of the article as truth.

    Naturally one would assume a press conference about a planet hunting satellite is about a new planet, but the way in which he quoted and linked the article suggests that you would be stupid to think otherwise, when there could be plenty of reasonable events that could have happened like you suggested.

  7. We already know what they're announcing. And it's clearly news considering that it's a press conference, because they usually list the KOIs online.

    "Nasa may have found the most Earth-like planet to date"

    "May" doesn't sound like anything definitive to me. It's pure speculation to say that we know what they're announcing. You can make an educated guess, but that doesn't mean they can't be announcing something completely unrelated.

  8. So just to be clear, the problem was... not enough struts?

    I understand that there are actual engineering/qc issues at work here. But some one had to say it :P

    I thought the same thing, don't worry :P

    It appears the struts failed at 1/5 the amount of force they were rated for.

  9. You can site something for me there from a real authority, not the NPR, which has it's own agenda. The EPA, worst of the worst when it comes to such 'green' things, has conceded as reported. I have people in the industry who would tell you it was all bunk from the start... groundwater systems already 'contaminated' via natural means (metals, gasses, etc)... the flammable tap-water but one example (coal region). Either way, stocks-wise, we're making money on it.


    Or does anything from the government have it's own agenda? If that's the case, than your initial counter intuitive citing of the EPA is also poop since it's also a government agency. You cannot deny the correlation between the increase in fracking and along with the increase of frequency and intensity of nearby earthquakes. It's like denying the increase of smoke in a room after you blew out a candle, belonged to the candle! Regardless, your people in the industry know better than anyone else I'm sure, they couldn't possibly be the ones profiting off of all of this in the first place. Why paint a bad light on a good profit?

    It's not worth going any deeper with you in this - I've seen you argue before there's no point in trying to talk to a closed door. You will believe what you will believe. However, if for every source I try and give you has an agenda then the very same must be true for yours, which means there's no problems right? The usgs(and NPR by extension) must be making these earthquakes up.

  10. Most recent EPA studies on fracking have declared it 'safe', although there is still a large group/political agenda which insists it isn't.



    Define safe....

    In the first article, it states that 130 wells were checked, and when professional and safety conduct was followed(keyword) it was not a problem. However, of those 130 wells there was contaimination of ground water systems. The point is, that mistakes will always be made. You can not expect oil companies who always want more more more not to rush the creation of new fracking facilities. Mistakes will be made. Fracking is obviously not safe if when doing so, mistakes are made, and water is contaminated. It's a contradiction..

    Wow, the article also says this:

    Earthquakes and volcanoes, both above ground and underwater, release huge quantities of gases into the environment on a regular basis.

    When fracking has been known to increase the frequency and magnitude of earthquakes in heavily fracked areas. They are providing evidence for exactly the contrary of what the article is trying to prove.

    You can see in this article from NPR which has a graph of number of earthquakes in Oklahoma, along with suitable evidence that links these quakes to fracked wells, both current and disposed.


    Your second article actually contradicts your point as well.

    It covers whether a recent epa study headline was actually true or not, and states that there are actually many risks still associated with fracking, but ONLY talks about that there is no "systematic" contamination of groundwater. However, as we know because it was stated in your first linked article, there are cases where mistakes are made in safety when drilling these wells and ground water is still contaminated.

    Take this information as you will.

  11. V3 Beta is old, from before Edge of Oblivion.

    Edit for clarity: He first produced "Astronomer's Pack" followed by a v2 and v3 version. THEN Edge of Oblivion. THEN Interstellar. Interstellar v2 was a minor update to the first. His pictures remind you of the old stuff because it was even older. :)

    Well that does make sense why I wouldn't hear about it. I guess it's time to install the older version regardless. It looks so much better.

  12. Just wanted to stop by and show off my latest creation. Only after I launched it did I realize I should have included another pair of DTS-M1 for the Mun and Minmus, ah well... next time.


    A little off topic...what mods are you using for kerbin's effects? It looks like astronomers pack from .24 or .25 which was always my favorite...His newer one looks thinner and I look the deep blues and massive amounts of clouds. Thanks!

  13. Indeed. I've always found it easier to remember that the speed of light is 5.7 x 1012 acre1/2/fortnight

    I need to know if this is an actual conversion for.....reasons. I'm lazy and really don't want to double check. The units check out though which gives me confidence..

  14. I wonder if Squad will ever change Eeloo to look more like Pluto. :cool:

    Also, is Pluto really that bright? Or is the contrast exaggerated to make the surface features more visible?

    I recall seeing someone calculating that the difference in brightness(to our eyes) on pluto with Earth is about the difference of your eyes adjusting from outdoors to indoors, and that humans wouldn't have much difficulty seeing on the day side. I don't have a source and and just going off memory, so I could be wrong.

    Edit: Well I guess I should have refreshed the page first before replying, woops.

  15. Try Tales of Maj'Eyal.

    It's built straight out of D&D and is pretty fun, but extremely difficult. It can be roguelike if you want, or it doesn't happen to be. It's all about your own character development. There are plenty of races and classes to choose from and best of all - its free! No harm in trying it.

  16. You're quite right, I hadn't read up on aerospikes until now (and have never used it in game), it will be moved to an advanced fork of the liquid engine section... although not too advanced as it seems it's not actually that good in ksp!


    It is and it isn't. It's main pro is that it has a relatively small change in ISP over a great range of pressure. I still see it being used in SSTO's and Eve landers, due to the fact that it might be one of the ONLY engines that actually works near sea level(i thinkâ„¢). It still has more isp than a rapier, and may be good for orbital maneuvers for SSTO's. I actually just got an idea for a design...need to go unlock the parts though first. On any rocket where the stage will be used from sea level to vacuum, the aerospike is the best choice. I'm not sure where exactly on the tree that would fit, but that's its niche use.

  17. Hey all, California State University Student here, I attend Channel Islands to be precise. I'm currently double majoring in Applied Physics and Math since we have no engineering degree :( The uni is relatively new, only started in 2003 so we're very small. On the bright side, we're very small! Only 5000 students for a public school. In addition, our physics program has around 20 students so in my upper division classes we just had the largest ever upper division class in E&M of 11 students! This is was pretty awesome considering how close we get to our professors. There is so much 1 on 1 time with profs to take advantage of, its great to have their personal cell #s to chat with them about school or whatever. One of my profs might be getting me a part time job this summer.

    I've got 1 year left(entering my 5th year) and will probably attend grad school after. Exactly when, I don't know. I'm hoping to get a job in industry first(Aerospace engineering, big surprise on kerbal forums right), but if I can't land one I might as well keep on trucking. I'd like to study aerospace engineering specifically in propulsions design. Electric engines/propulsion is too cool and seems to be evolving quite rapidly and I'd like to be apart of it.

    To all those still in the trenches - I'm just a wee bit jealous. :) Work hard, play hard and never be afraid to try new things - it's one of the rare points in your life when you'll have the time. Don't be afraid about being useless at them; at least you gave them a go and who knows - you might not so useless after all.

    HA! Time, I've got none of that during the semester between work, homework, exams, and sports! I'm going crazy right now because in summer I actually have nothing to do and it feels so wrong.

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