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Posts posted by Tahvohck

  1. Answering my own question, in case anyone has the same one later and googles this, it seems the node-copy operator only works when editing an already-existing node? If that's wrong someone please let me know, but the end result is that to do something like that make sure the node exists, then patch in the sub-node.

    Moving on from that, two new questions:

    1) Is there a syntax to copy a value from a different node, similar to how the node-copy can browse the whole ConfigNode tree looking for the node to copy, and if there is,

    2) is it possible to copy all values with the same name by using the ,* index?

  2. Can anyone tell me why this isn't working? I'm trying to use MM to condense certain repetitive bits of my code, plus make it so I don't accidentally forget to change a section.

    topKey1 = value1
    topKey2 = value2

    name = ID1
    nodeKey1 = value1
    nodeKey2 = value2
    name = ID2
    nodeKey1 = value1
    nodeKey2 = value2


    Basically for each PAGE in this config for RPM I want them to have the same redirects and I don't want to accidentally miss a page if I change something. I'm ending up with nothing listed in any of the TAHVOHCKMFD passes, though:

    [LOG 21:10:55.024] [ModuleManager] :BEFORE[TAHVOHCKMFD] pass
    [LOG 21:10:55.048] [ModuleManager] :FOR[TAHVOHCKMFD] pass
    [LOG 21:10:55.053] [ModuleManager] :AFTER[TAHVOHCKMFD] pass
    [LOG 21:10:55.060] [ModuleManager] :BEFORE[TRIGGERTECH] pass

  3. Hum. Okay. More advanced one it is, then. Also, it would be great if it turned out I don't actually need all the initial filters. I wanted this one to modify the KAS & KIS node via modulemanager but that wasn't working either, so that's why I'm completely recreating it.

    EDIT: Whoops. Nevermind, now I understand what you were saying about needing subcategories.

    name = KAS and KIS Compatible
    icon = KAS
    colour = #FFF0F0F0
    all = true

    type = folder
    value = KIS, KAS, KISFunParts
    name = evaToolsBomb
    type = moduleName
    value = ModuleKISItemBomb
    name = evaToolsAttachers
    type = moduleName
    value = ModuleKISItemAttachTool
    name = evaToolsPropellant
    type = moduleName
    value = ModuleKISItemEvaPropellant
    name = KISInventories
    type = moduleName
    value = ModuleKISInventory

    name = Fun Parts
    icon = R&D_node_icon_start

    name = funFilter
    type = folder
    value = KISFunParts

    name = EVA tools
    icon = R&D_node_icon_precisionengineering

    name = evaToolsBomb
    type = moduleName
    value = ModuleKISItemBomb
    name = evaToolsAttachers
    type = moduleName
    value = ModuleKISItemAttachTool
    name = evaToolsPropellant
    type = moduleName
    value = ModuleKISItemEvaPropellant

    name = Containers
    icon = R&D_node_icon_composites

    name = KISInventories
    type = moduleName
    value = ModuleKISInventory

  4. ZentroCatson: KIS has very few bugs (only one I can think of at the moment is launchID not getting set when transferring from container to inventory). KIS has not caused any freezing issues here (I haven't had any at all).

    I've had my game freeze a small handful of times when dragging parts too quickly in the editor (causing me to accidentally let go of the mouse button very shortly after clicking), specifically when trying to add things to inventories. Not commonly, but it's happened.

  5. So.. You shouldn't exactly trust me because I only have 4 posts, but I compiled PlanetShine for 1.0.4 and changed the .version so it'd grab it from my Gist URL. I also replaced the MiniAVC for the latest version I could grab but I think it's the same, anyways.

    It'll report with "PlanetShine 1.0.4 Unofficial Build" and in my tests no warnings showed up and the add-on worked correctly.

    Any idea if the recompile was actually needed? I don't think it's been throwing any errors for me, but having things most up-to-date is always good.

  6. If :FOR[foo] exists anywhere, then all :NEEDS[foo] requirements will be satisfied. (which kinda sucks if you are using :NEEDS to be sure that a mod exists as the mod could be absent but :FOR[foo] will make it seem as though it is present)

    More than that though, patch nodes can be ordered, if you need them to occur in a specific order.

    The order is







    where Foo equals any mod (including Module Manager)

    Legacy doesn't actually need to be defined; any patch that you DONT specify the order in will occur during the :LEGACY pass.

    Hmm. I thought it might be something like that. It looks like it's both a sequencer and a...needs-satisfier or whatever you want to call it? Weird. Actually wait, does it actually have to be a mod that exists, or can it be any tag? And I was aware of BEFORE, AFTER, and FINAL, but not FIRST and LEGACY... FIRST would be the opposite of FINAL, I'd assume, but is there anything special about LEGACY?

  7. I'm attempting to mod a stock engine, and I want it to produce the same amount of electricity the engine does at full throttle. Using ModuleManager, is it possible to capture the rate from ModuleAlternator before it remove ModuleAlternator from the part?

    Using the LV-T30 "Reliant" as an example:

    capturedRate = #$../MODULE[ModuleAlternator]/RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]/rate$
    -MODULE[ModuleAlternator] {}

    Some notes:

    I'm using the edit-or-create syntax with the "%" instead of just defining it. This is a personal preference of mine, you can just as easily do

    name = ModuleMyAlternator
    capturedRate = #$../MODULE[ModuleAlternator]/RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]/rate$
    -MODULE[ModuleAlternator] {}

    Make sure you do it in that order, so that you grab it before you delete it.

    What this is doing is saying "capturedRate equals [go up one level (to the PART node), select node MODULE[ModuleAlternator], select node RESOURCE[ElectricCharge], select value of 'rate']".

  8. Certain things are working on it, other variables have been depreciated. Once RPM 0.21 drops, the PFD orb will stop working. I'm working on my own custom config for the monitor--based on Hyomoto's but mostly different--but it's going painstakingly slow because I don't have much time to work on it. If anyone is interested in seeing this come into the 1.0 age/seeing what I'm working on, I'll upload the repo instead of keeping it local to my computer.

  9. I suspect this will work, though I haven't tested it yet:

    //button = button_A
    name = KSF_NAV_HSI
    textureOverlayURL = Hymoto/MFD/images/genericOverlay
    disableSwitchingTo = btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5, btn6, btn7, btn8, btn9, btn10, up, down, enter, escape, home

    name = KSF_MLS
    method = DrawMLS
    buttonClickMethod = ButtonProcessor
    name = KSF_MLS
    method = pageAuthor

    redirect = home, menuDefault
    redirect = btn1, flightDisplay

    redirect = btn1, KSF_NAV_HSI

    Basically: remove the activation button from your page, on your page add a redirect to the Hyomoto flight display, and on his flight display add a redirect on button 1 to yours.

    EDIT: Although it occurs to me that if we're adding it to toggle on any of the screens, "flightLanding" probably makes more sense.

  10. 	MODULE
    name = ModuleRTAntenna
    Mode0OmniRange = 5000000
    Mode1OmniRange = 11869095061338
    MaxQ = 3000
    EnergyCost = 0.001
    PacketInterval = 0.001
    PacketSize = 1.0
    PacketResourceCost = 0.001

    Why in the world does RO give the mechjeb module a 11.87 Tm transmit range? That's... a ridiculous distance for such a tiny antenna, isn't it?

  11. I've been eying this on and off for a while, and I'm sure I'll have it installed within a few weeks when I finally stop resisting, but I have a question:


    *Realistic battery and solar panel numbers, and usage for RT2 antennae. 1EC/s = 1kW. Solar panels don't produce much, but they're light.


    Wouldn't it make more sense to use Joules, or Watt-hours, or even really Coulombs? Wattage is a rate, and it doesn't mean anything without the amount of time it's applied over. To say that you have 2 kW stored on your ship means nothing, 2 kWh or 7.2 kJ means quite a bit.

    Now, without looking at the actual configs, I couldn't say whether or not this actually matters, since Watts tend to translate into Watt-hours pretty well, given that 1 Wh is literally 1 Watt applied for 1 hour, but I'm a stickler for correct units.

  12. Alright, so I'm looking to seriously integrate this into my game but... I've run into a snag. In a way, the same snag I ran into last time I tried to plug in a life support mod (Ioncross back then). I'm going to be using the Universal containers because a) it's listed on the front page (even though it's not technically supported yet) B) they provide nice functionality on their own for other bits and bobs and c) they look pretty.

    Here's the snag though. Universal Containers is designed with real-world values in mind, in most cases in terms of kg/L (well, metric tons/L in the raws, but let's ignore the specifics for a little). TACLS is balanced for, as far as I can tell, simplification: 1 unit equals the amount of a resource used per day. (With the exception of electricity consumption, which I'd really appreciate a unit for: 2400 EU per day is a bit absurdly high at first glance, though I haven't done any of the math. Getting an idea of what that's supposed to represent would very much help).

    Now, this wouldn't be so much a problem... if UC wasn't aggressive about its stance and didn't use ModuleManager to patch values for density. And if it didn't assume things like liquid oxygen in its tanks. End result: one UC wedge of O2 is something like *checks* 46234 Kerbal-days of O2. Which ends up weighing something like 83 kg structure + 66 kg O2 = 149 kg. Which is... quite a bit OP, no?

    Now... I happen to like dealing with real-world values. So I'm making a MM patch myself to bring as much as I can in line. But I'm wondering how much effort was put into the balance in the first place, so I know what I'm throwing a monkey wrench into.

    (The actual snag by the way, roughly, is that the moment you add life support to the game, balance becomes stupidly paramount and finicky and dependent on personal taste, and that last one ruined Ioncross for me enough that I started making my own. Never finished, but... :blush:)

    PS: I can't wait till I finally start using Realism Overhaul and get to make all of those things play nice together all over again either... or more accurately, get it to play nice with the things I have already. Balancing is hard, you guys. ;.; (Not to put down the amazing work people have done on RO. More to put down my own hodgepodge of mods)

    Edit for the millionth time, and not a typo this time: Y'all might get a kick out of this. Just don't be eating when you read it.

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