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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I tried myself to add the lines (personal use only) direct from the Soyuz-Descent-cfg, but failed too. The landingsystem was activated by staging and the original engine didn't had any sound. Only the counter and the effects worked...maybe Bobcat could help you. That would add even more realism. Luna 19 build with part clipping in the VAB The chute is hidden (upside down) under the docking mechanism, also part clipping
  2. Yes, you will need the soviet pack. @MrTheBull Will you add the Soyuz TMA landingsystem (that Bobcat added) for your PTK? Does the real PTK has docking lights, if yes, would you add them too? Thank you for that wonderful mods.
  3. Yes it's a hull cam strapped on Lunochod. I tried to modify the part.cfg of the rover so it had a camera build in, but didn't manage to orientate the view in the right direction. I used this camera mod http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/telescoping-hull-camera-2/ Maybe someone knows how to edit it right.
  4. My first Lunokhod landed succesful on the Mün today!
  5. I have added some lines for the radio wave experiments for personal use. JoolInSpace = Received short and powerful bursts, sounds like a flag in the wind. JoolInSpace = Picked up long bursts, the sound is reminiscent of waves crashing on the seashore near KSC. Just my two cents, maybe you like it ludsoe.
  6. What is standing on the checklist on the table inside the Mir core module? My russian skills are a bit poor. Something with drinking vodka and play balalaika, what else?
  7. Man, a MiG Spiral would be awesome! Also a Dyna-Soar is missing in KSP...if i had the time and talent to mod one of them. :-(
  8. One astronaut is hiding inside one of the two spacesuits i guess? I just count five.
  9. If you mean the girders, they are stockparts with Mir RCS at the end. I tried to build the Sofora and Rapana girders to hold experiments in space. I assembled the Kvant 1 in the VAB.
  10. That's my MIR in LKO. Thank you Bobcat for that wonderful mod.
  11. Look at your message box. I had send you a link for the reworked Mir craft files.
  12. @NathanKell I need the Gemini Lander/Centaur craft file and the Gemini with the landing gears attached (Gemini craft as a lander like in the movie Countdown). Thx. @DarthVader No my download isn't corrupted. These specific files are gone since the last two updates.
  13. What is the gear at the Soyus Payload Shroud good for?
  14. Did someone have the old Craft-files of the previous versions? Did they work? Will they be parts of further updates again?
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