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Everything posted by igot2b

  1. I can also report serious problems with a fresh install of KSP 1.0.2. My setup is a TM Hotas Warthog (with FSSB R3 Mod) and Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals. When using the FSSB R3 my problem is the following: Also when setting the axis the popup window recognizes "Joystick Axis 1" as input. After saving it's showed as "JoystickAxis 1". When using the warthog module (original board inside the FSSB) everything is working fine. This is however not ideal since the FSSB board allows me to do more with the stick.
  2. Hey nadvornm, a little feedback for your plugin. Driving the rover with the above mentioned controls works as advertised except the steering control. I'm not able to turn the rover by rolling my hand instead the rover steers when I move my hand on the yaw-axis. I however find this behavior very convenient in regards of the flying controls. Let's talk about flying It is great to control planes with your hand. This must be the feeling a Jedi has when using the force. Keeping in mind how the Leap recognises fingers I was getting used to the controls. I like the idea of using a steering and throttle hand, this kind of feels like I'm using a HOTAS. Although I'd call it HOLIA: Hands over Leap in Air. The steering is working as expected but the throttle could use some fine-tuning. I've placed my Leap over my keyboard, so I can press buttons without getting my second hand into it's range. I somehow have to put my hand very far forward to get 100% throttle and it's not using all the space to the back. Another thing is, that if I'm closing my hand too slow the throttle decrases like 1/3 which makes it nearly impossible to exactly set a specific value. Tips for playing: - Take care when driving rovers that can't handle a full brake. This is what happens if your Leap can't find any hands. - Same goes for landing planes. - When flying, always enter your hand into the Leap's sensor range as a fist and then open it to control steering or throttle because this will prevent unwanted changes. - When controlling, make sure your Leap recognizes enough fingers, spreading your fingers is a good idea. - When setting the throttle, keep your hand closed and put it into the desired position then open and close your hand for a short moment. Repeat until desired throttle is set. Keep up your good work nadvornm, KSP is by far one of the best Leap games to play at the moment Also action groups would be really nice to fly SSTOs completly without interacting with the keyboard, I'd totally enjoy this feature
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