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Everything posted by Piwa

  1. Wow!!! Are already beginning to shake updates of my favorite add-on. now waiting for the next.
  2. Best post of all time that I'm on the forum.
  3. I can not understand, it's the layout or model for the game.
  4. I can also say, of course the USSR!! Yuri Gagarin forever...
  5. By the way, these engines are flying American missiles. And you're right about Russia, 20 years of underfunding impact on the Russian space program. Today in Russia starts from the beginning to learn how to fly. But seriously discussing the lunar stations and the flight to Mars :/ .Today, Russia is not poor funding of the space program.
  6. This topic is about the space race, not about today. . .
  7. It's a shame for the country opened the space age . . . . . .
  8. "And yes, I do come from a country that is culturally influenced by the USA" Today almost the whole world under the cultural influence of the United States, reached the point that children in Russia say that the Americans were the first in space
  9. In the USSR, the first photo of the back side of the moon, the first flight around the moon (turtles), the first lunar soft landing
  10. BobCat you will make only real ships (those that are not on paper, but to actually fly), you're not going to make rockets that have not seen the light.?? Vulkan,Ur-700,TMK.Klipper does not count
  11. I agree with you, in the Soviet Union lied about what they once did not want to put a man on the moon. But at least once in the Soviet Union did not deny that they have lost race to the moon.
  12. KGB secret police you have in mind? Genocide whom? Political repression in Stalin's time, of course it's terrible. rabsky labor - who was a slave? "Hell, even the Korolev, who was sentenced to the Gulag, where he lost his teeth (he had prosthethic jaw) and health care (and, therefore, it is one of the reasons why he died)," Korolev orestovali during Stalin's purges, after Stalin's death,Korolev was released, but I agree with you about Koroleve ....... Quote from the article: Back in 1962, SP Korolev instructed GSKB "Spetsmash" under the leadership of Vladimir Barmina start finding long-term lunar base (DLB in the documents, but more often used the name "Star", and inside the design team at all, "Barmingrad"). It is amazing - and TMK, and Institute of Biomedical Problems and the moon base - all these Korolev. It seems that his ultimate goal was to become not only an interplanetary manned flight, but the beginning of the colonization of the solar system! Cursed Petrovskiy, you did not give the Korolev the ten years that he had asked before the operation (see Chapter 2.6 of the book FG Uglova "Under the white robes" - begins with the words, "My friend, who is now deceased"), damned GBshnik that hit Sergei Pavlovich carafe on cheek (bone had healed badly, and during the operation failed to correctly enter a breathing tube into the trachea) - because you have abandoned the path of humanity to the Stars! Descendants also excelled - 40 years "grown peas" on the space stations and seriously argue that a man in deep space just do not need (to prove? Trying to convince themselves?)....
  13. The USSR had hidden everything that is connected with the cosmos, such as the launch of Sputnik 1, or the flight of Yuri Gagarin. in the Soviet Union did not say much, they were doing their job.
  14. Unlike the United States where it was prioretety start at the moon in the USSR in the first place wanted to study it, and not waving a flag on it
  15. In the Soviet Union was the dispersion of money between projects, including the space station. And, as in the Soviet Union, could not lie about the fact that they did not want to fly to the moon, do you think U.S. satellites could not take a picture of H-1 at the launch site ???...
  16. By the way, yesterday, exactly 56 years ago, was launched into space on Sputnik-1. Missed the date: (
  17. Drawing heavy spaceship ( TMC) . Drawing from declassified workbook author of the article that was in the 1960s, the lead designer of OKB- 1. At TMK was supposed to create artificial gravity by rotating around the center of mass of the ship . Provide the crew with food , water and air was closed bio- technical complex . In its structure - a greenhouse, which was intended to cover by concentrators sunlight. The ship looks like a five-story cylinder of varying diameter in the shape of a bottle . First floor - living , with three cabins , the second - working with logging to control the ship , and the third - a greenhouse , and the fourth - the instrument- service module , which also served as the refuge of the radiation and the fifth floor is formed by the descent module with corrective propulsion . Hubs are located outside , solar panels , radiators and blinds thermal control system , remote radio communications antenna and Gateway .
  18. ... Preliminary calculations carried out in 1959 showed that the implementation of manned space flights in the space around the Sun , that is, for a set speed 11.2 km / c, need a rocket launch mass of which must be an order of magnitude greater than that of the R- 7 ... These are the basis for the study of the preparation and release of June 23, 1960 Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers â„– 715 - 296 on the performance of work in order to create a " new integrated missile system with a starting weight of about 1000-2000 tons RN providing orbiting around heavy Earth interplanetary spacecraft weighing 60-80 tons " ... In the spring of 1962 Korolev approved the preliminary design for a rocket N1, and by this time on his instructions were agreed offices Tikhonravova Kryukov and requirements for H1 -largest rocket into orbit payload mass , which amounted to 75 tons. As a part of this mass assumed a heavy spaceship TMK weighing 15 tons and 60 -ton missile unit to disperse TMK to escape velocity ... Selected characteristics of the rocket [ H1 ] : starting weight - 2200 tons [ P3 project for later increased to 2,735 tons ] , the weight of the cargo displayed on a circular orbit - 75 tons [ increased to 95 tons ] ... " Testing TMK planned in flights to the Moon. In the future, the project evolved into a full Martian expedition. The complex mass of 400-500 tons was collected in orbit 4-6 starts H1 (within a year ) . To start to Mars and from Mars to Earth used liquid rocket engines . The Red Planet was carried out aerodynamic drag in the atmosphere . Unfortunately, since 1964 , all the forces were sent into lunar expedition N1-L3 and forget about Mars ...
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