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Everything posted by AtariBaby

  1. When will you stop calling for the mods to help you win your argument? This has now devolved beyond any useful discourse.
  2. What? This guy is a moron. He's not my alt. He's not even grammatically correct! I take offense, sir.
  3. That's right. Be gone, troll. Shoo back to whence you came never to return. This is so laughworthy for so many reasons there is no adequate way to describe your delusions of grandeur except by your own words.
  4. He's either a Supertroll or that very special kind of idiot. Whichever, perhaps this thread should now be locked? Edit: He's probably both.
  5. And look what happens when you put all your faith in Wall St. Generating your own 'Currency' is a dumb idea for all the reasons listed. How true are the statments that the electricity you use to generate coins is worth more than the coins are anyway? And as far as debating the merits of BitCoins vs. what BC can do for Kerbal - You have to say that to decide whether BC is actually good for Kerbal (read: anything at all) one must first decide if it's worthy of consideration in the first place, ergo discussions on BitCoin and your foolishness are within the scope of your thread.
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