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Phi Zeroth

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Everything posted by Phi Zeroth

  1. I've been having this issue as well. It comes and goes -- generally the only way to get the additional part info working again is a full game restart. KSP v0. Windows 10 AMD Ryzen 7 2700X | RTX 2070
  2. I'm just excited to finally revisit my favorite planets with much more surface detail, awesome graphics and more to do and explore!
  3. FYI, I just discovered you can still rename flags from the Tracking Center in 1.1.2. Double-clicking the flag name in Info brings up the renaming and reclassifying dialog. I successfully renamed my flag after realizing Jeb forgot to do it. This currently only works with flags as far as I can tell.
  4. Ahhh, i'm an idiot. Didn't read the descriptions closely enough and thought they were just cosmetic differences. Yes, i was using the wrong ones. Thanks.
  5. Help -- I can't seem to jettison my fairings. Am i missing something? I get no right-click options on the fairings in flight, and in the VAB pressing "f" to adjust jettison force doesn't do anything. The "f" option is not even in the item descriptions. I do get the crossfeed toggle and full options with the bases, just not the fairings themselves. Stock fairings do give me a right-click option to jettison. Silly me didn't fully test the fairings after installing this until i'd already carefully positioned a satellite around Minmus. I finally ended up just decoupling the payload and using RCS thrusters to unceremoniously sling it around until it broke free of the fairings. Even then, the fairings didn't break apart, i had to defy physics by passing thru them still intact. I'm new to this, so i may be missing something simple? v2.4.1 KSP v0.21
  6. It's been 10 hours since the launch of the Phi Zeroth chapter of the Kerbal Space Program, and we've made amazing progress. We've successfully put three manned vehicles into orbit and returned them! Well, the vehicles, anyway. Well, 2/3 of them. Currently Caldos Kerman is out on, shall we say, an extended EVA in orbit around Kerbin at 86km, while his ship, the Please Don't Explode II, holds course at a very, very different orbit. I'm afraid he was out sick during jetpack training, so it's entirely his fault. We'll rescue him once we feel like he's learned his lesson. On another note, we've also successfully executed an orbital rendezvous in order to rescue some other sad sacks on the three-man orbiter mission Please Don't Explode Again, which ran out of fuel burning retrograde to return home. Since there was an empty seat (Our third man had decided to test the theory that he could survive an EVA re-entry to Kerbin*), Jebediah Kerman successfully EVA'd from one orbiter to the other mostly just for fun and to bring over some snacks. After realizing that proper planning would have involved sending only one Kerbal and two empty seats on the rescue mission, and then trying to physically ram the stranded vehicle out of its orbit and failing, we remembered it was equipped with a full RCS system and could thrust retrograde long enough to re-enter the kerbosphere. Everyone made it home safely, and they all had a story to tell. All in all, I would say our experience now fully justifies a Mun mission. Onward and upward! *Footnote: EVA atmospheric re-entry is surprisingly survivable, despite the scary-looking flames. The surface impact, not so much.
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