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Prof. Endwalker

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Everything posted by Prof. Endwalker

  1. The thing is I realy can't find an asthetically pleasing way of involving a rudder and, overall, it doesn't really need it. It flies nicely and is an easy beginner's plane. Also, I described it as easily customizable, so feel free to edit it as much as you want
  2. Hello everyone, and this is the Unjust Flame! It is an easy to fly, land, and customize in-atmosphere plane! It can fly up to 200 m/s at around 1000 meters up, and can go pretty far away and return. It is easy to launch and take off, included with a capsule for one Kerbal, landing lights, landing wheels, and a nice looking air collector. Have fun flying it, and I will see you when I see you! Download link: http://www./view/layk7ad08wt8818/Unjust_Flame.craft
  3. Hello everyone, Professor Endwalker here, and welcome to the first rocket in the EndIndustries Scientific Exploration Squad! (ESES) and I apologize that I haven't posted in FOREVER. Trust me, I hate my computer, but I love Kerbal, so lets begin! So this is the Recon-7c, an Apollo Style mission to Minimus! It includes an asparagus staged launch, a nuclear transfer stage, and a command pod and lander! Launch! I dropped the first pair of engines, did my gravity turn, and dropped the second pair on engines. This is probably my favorite Apollo style craft of my design. Alright! I have a sub-orbit, so lets set up a maneuver node and burn! When we are done, lets match inclination to Minumus. Alright, to Minimus! I set up a maneuver node, burnt, dropped the launch stage, and continued to time warp until I reached the Mint Icecream Kingdom. Alright, lets slow down into an orbit, even it out, and wait for the time to undock, land, and dock back! Alright, lets land! You all know how to do it… All you have to do is take a rocket with a booster that is great! Add a couple legs that extend outward, don't overdo or I'll hate! Making this things are such so fun, add a fuel tank just need one, Add solar panels, make it 3x2 and you'll never get a failure! Landers, so easy to make! Landers, so calming to land! Landers! Landers, Landers, Landers! Yes, I just did that I commemorate this landing in the name of Kerbalkind! (That cliche line never gets old, does it?) Lets go home. I skipped through the docking part because I need to focus on it, and can't when I have to take photos every other minute. Lets leave this lander and go back to Kerbin! Once I escaped Minimus' SOI, I burnt retrograde at the Apiopsis and slowed down when I entered Kerbin's Atmosphere. Thank you very much for viewing this post, I hope I will do this more often, and I will see you when I see you! Ship Download Link: http://www./view/mmzy2asc3ci5cc8/Recon-7c.craft
  4. Thats a bunch of awesome bases everyone! I recently made this one over the span of a weekend. I will leave a world download below! https://www.dropbox.com/s/xs3apfajonv1swi/Muntastic%20Voyage_%20Rover%20Transport.craft
  5. Hey, nice landers everyone! I recently made this one, which is an Apollo Style rocket, but it is good if you are just starting Apollo missions, as the Munbound MK I has plenty of fuel, and can shift a good amount of Delta V. I hope you like it! A link to the full thread below! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57254-Munbound-MK-I-Apollo-Style-Spacecraft?highlight=munbound
  6. Hello! My name is Professor Endwalker and this is the intro-post of the Kerbal Defense System! For some time, along with just posting regular crafts, I will be posting crafts with no real purpose but role-playing as a Military Agency! I hope you read on and enjoy! So, the Kintups Spy Satellite! If you haven't gotten it already, Sputnik backwards is Kintups! Originality at it's finest, folks! Anyway, this is modeled after the real life Sputnik, the first man-made satellite around Earth! It is fully maneuverable and comes with a minimalistic launch stage, orbital adjustment stage, and RCS orbital movement stage. Launch! Our mission in the KDS is to have a safe way of protecting the KSC from any threat… including other space companies! Think of it not murder, but… aggressive economic competition. Lets start the gravity turn! And by the way, you can comment on what you think I should build next! After we have an Apiopsis of 100,000 meters, I dropped the launch stage and started up the orbital adjustment stage. After the orbit is reached, I drop the fairings and use RCS to smooth out my orbit, and we are done! Thank you all for watching, and I will see you when I see you! Ship Download: https://www./?805a71dyyyjo6gw
  7. I have contemplated responding to this post with words. Then complements. Then furious anger towards myself for sucking at making stations. Then the feeling as if someone is watching me feel this way. I never have seen a station like this. The only word that comes to my mind is: Wow. Nothing more, nothing less. Wow. Good Job.
  8. Wow! A small, interplanetary SSTO! Nice job! I will be sure to mess around with this one!
  9. I just put on the tanks, a decupler above, and used struts to hold it together
  10. Hello! I am Professor Endwalker and this is my newest satellite! I encourage that you read on to see the specs, and a full mission as well! So this is the Minimus Traverser MK I, a minimalistic landing probe that is meant for Minimus! But if you ever make any changes to your copy that I should know about, post a picture and a description of the new specs! Anyway, the Minimus Traverser MK I has a Solid Fuel launch stage, quadruple Liquid Fuel Engines, a Nuclear Transfer Stage, and a small landing engine. Launch! It is a very visually stunning piece, and very efficient! I started my gravity turn at 10,000 meters, and tipped over to 45º at about 14,000 meters, and continued burning until I had a 90,000 meter Apiopsis I set up a Maneuver Node, burnt, and ditched the Sub-Orbital Stage and started up the Nuclear Transfer Stage. After I had an orbit, I set up another Maneuver Node and brunt, reaching the trajectory. NOTE: I would suggest that once you have the desired trajectory, that you open a few 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels, as you can run out of electric charge on the way to Minimus. I time warped until I was in Minimus' SOI, and set up a Maneuver Node to capture myself, and setting the Periapsis to 35,000 meters. I burnt retrograde and adjusted the inclination of the orbit, along with the circularization burn. I burnt retrograde until I had the desired Sub-Orbital trajectory, and much like my Dres landing probe, I periodically burnt upwards to slow myself. I deployed the landing legs, slowed myself, and landed! Thank you for viewing this post, and I will see you when I see you! Ship Download: http://www./?1co076b27e85btc
  11. I could never do a Duna return because A) I suck at interplanetary missions, and 2) with that little of fuel? I barely returned to orbit. So it could be used to return from Duna... In the hands of Scott Manley.
  12. Hello! I am Professor Endwalker, and this is one of my many posts! If you have seen previous ones, and realized that I haven't posted in a while, is because of schoolwork, family stuff, and KSP crashing for like a month on my computer. BUT IT IS BACK, so here is my newest ship! So this is the Munbound MK I, my 1st Apollo Style Spacecraft! It starts with 4 asparagus staged Mainsails, and continues on with an transfer stage, which is very efficient and compact. Anyways, lets launch! The first pair on tanks have dropped, and we get to our gravity turn! I tilted over at about 14,000 meters and slowly prepared for our transfer! After the first stage is dropped, I fire up the transfer stage, and head off to the Mun! After getting into the Mun SOI, I adjust the orbit and set up a maneuver node. The next part won't show many pictures, because it needed attention, but I moved some Kerbals into the lander, burnt retrograde, and landed. "Thats one small step for Kerbal… and one giant leap, for Kerbalkind." Jebediah Kerman, Earlier today. Because I am an overachiever, I decided to bring a rover! You can see that Jebediah seems to enjoy it. Now, the following is me getting into an orbit, and docking, so I DEFINITELY needed attention, so sorry for the lack of pictures. And we are docked! Time to leave the lander, and go home! After escaping the Mun's SOI, I burnt retrograde into the ground at apiopsis. Yup. Seems like a safe trajectory. I approach Kerbin, and wait until my speed is a little over 100 m/s, and release the parachutes! Thank you for watching my first post in a while, and I will see you when I see you! Ship Download http://www./?2o3caurw09hv00q
  13. The problem with Dres is that it. Is. Really. Really. Small. It is hard to adjust to have a perfect orbit, and I was also lazy.
  14. Thanks! This was by far the most difficult mission I have done. I have only been playing since late March, and seeing YouTubers fly to Jool like its nobodies business, I have constantly tried to succeed at all of my missions, and after a few posts here, I can see that the people who involve themselves with the game are good people, and I hope that it stays that way.
  15. Hello! This is my third ship, and I hope you enjoy! This took an hour for the entire mission, so I hope that I get good feedback! As I will do forever, the following is screenshots from my mission! So this is the Trident-Class Communication Satellite/Lander! It has landing legs, quadruple communication antenna, dual communication dishes, and quadruple 1x6 Solar Panels! I found that this was a fun build and flight, and I hope you will too! Liftoff! Dropping the first pair of tanks. Did I mention that it is asparagus staging? Starting gravity turn. Very stable craft. Dropping second pair of tanks. Dropping third pair of tanks. Starting to leave the atmosphere. After getting an even orbit, I create a maneuver node to just barely escape Kerbin's SOI. I start the burn to escape, and drop the final engine from the main launch. Once I have the trajectory, I set Dres as a target. TIME FOR SOME DEEP SPACE. LEGGO. Once I escape Kerbin's SOI, I warp time the acceding node. I boost southwards to angle my orbit to exactly follow Dres'. Dres's? Dreses?! Whatever. Once the inclinations match, I set up a maneuver node to intercept Dres's... Dre– *sigh* Until I intercept it's SOI. Starting my transfer orbit burn. I dropped the Poodle engine after a bit, and fire up the Nuclear engines! After hours of burning (by hours I mean 5 minutes, but it felt like hours!) we finally get our SOI intercept! After a bit of time warping, we can finally see Dres! Kinda. Then again, not at all. And now that we are in the SOI, I set up a node to slow ourselves into an orbit, and boost retrograde. And we have our orbit! Let me just fix it up a bit, and done! I set up a maneuver node to get a perfect equatorial orbit. I burn when the time is right, and viola here is our orbit! Well that is that! Thank you for taking a look at this, and I will see you when I– *looks at title of thread* Oh. We have to land. Okay... I quickloaded so that the satellite would still have the Nuclear engines, and boosted retrograde. Periodically through the decent, I boosted upwards to slow myself down, until it was the right time to drop the transfer stage. Coming in for the landing aaaannnddd... LANDED! Wow, just look at that amount of fuel. Maybe, if I... I warped to the Apiopsis and burned Prograde! So it can orbit, land, and orbit again! Thank you for looking at this, feel free to comment on it, and I will see you when I see you! Ship download: http://www./download/hn91s222clb0551/Trident_Communication_Satellite%3ALander.craft
  16. The truth is, I made this ship a few months back when trying to do a no-fail permadeath KSP. I included multiple satellite cores and reaction wheels, so I needed lots of energy before the solar arrays could extend. And thank you for admiring the fairings. I don't think I stated this before, but all of my ships will be stock.
  17. I had to post that pic, as the Mun was in the best position when I launched.
  18. Hello! I am Professor Endwalker and this is the Gemini Munar Satellite! I hope you enjoy! Remember to share this with your friends, family, and your pet owl! This is the Gemini Munar Satellite! It is a simple flying satellite that includes 8 Solid Fuel Boosters for the main launch, munar travel/orbital adjustment stage, procedural fairings, proper communications, and solar panels. As before, the following will be the journey I had using the satellite. Way to big fairings... but they work! Right? Liftoff! Dropped the main launch stage. A very stable ascent. Going for a smooth gravity turn, and I still have a decent amount of fuel left! Looks like a good trajectory, lets wait until we see the Mun! There is the big, gray rock! Lets burn! Dropped the second stage, onto the traveling stage! Burning at an angle so I have an east traveling orbit. And here is our SOI intercept! Hello Mun! I await your gravity! Time for some retrograde burning! I don't want any debris floating about, so lets get rid of the third stage. Those poorly designed, but useful, fairings. Time to keep the probe from crashing. That orbit. So that was the Gemini Munar Satellite! If you want this ship, the link is below. Anyway, thank you for viewing, and I'll see you when I see you! Ship download: http://www./?5pbbybdk8wd1jbs
  19. Wait, a question: When you start a thread, does it have to go through verification first? Or is my upload just not uploading?
  20. Hi! I am Professor Endwalker, and this is my first of many landers! I will try to come out with one a week, but I can't promise anything. Thank you for checking out this post, and I hope you enjoy! This is a simple moon lander that can go to both Minimus and the Mun. It is a single man pod equipped with landing legs (duh,) triple reaction wheels for stability, triple parachutes for returning, a ladder, and 2x3 solar panels. The main transport has 2 Nuclear Engines, and enough fuel to slow down into orbit. The launch stage has 1 Mainsail Engine in the center, and 6 asparagus engines on the side, also using Mainsails. The following will be the journey I had. The original launch was smooth, and I dropped the first pair with no collisions. Overall this part of the mission was smooth running. I started doing my gravity turn at 10,000 meters up, but adjusted to a 45 degree angle when I was at 13,000 meters up. When the Apiopsis was about 95,000 meters, I time warped until at the Apiopsis, and boosted. When the Apiopsis was about 95,000 meters, I time warped until at the Apiopsis, and boosted. Here is my fairly even equatorial orbit. I set Minimus as a target and adjusted the orbital angle to match that of Minimus. I then set a maneuver node and adjusted it until I had a decent SOI intercept. Here I am doing the orbital transfer burn. Once I got the intercept, I time warped, detached the main engine, and fired up the Nuclear Engines. When I finally got into the SOI of Minimus, I burned retrograde until I was captured into an orbit. After a few adjustments I planned out my next move Jebediah says hello to the lumpy blue rock. I waited until the right time to slow myself down into a collision of an ice lake. Here I am coming in for a landing. And landed! I used the two key to open up the solar panels, and three key to deploy the ladder. And a big thanks to Jebediah for planting the flag down! Now, enough of this lumpy Blue Moon ice cream, let's return! I noticed after escaping the SOI of Minimus, we forgot to say goodbye! Luckily, we got another intercept with it! Goodbye! Strangely, we also get to say Hi to the Mun! I burn retrograde once in the atmosphere of Kerbin, and deploy the parachutes! And finally, we return! Thank you for checking this out, and if you would like the ship, the link is below. Again, thank you, and I'll see you when I see you! Ship download link http://www./download/szk7zll5up2atrl/Volt-Speed_Minimus_Lander_V_I.craft
  21. Great job on this ship! It is a really good idea for landers and rover transport as well!
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