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Everything posted by toolofdarkness

  1. false the user below me is new to this thread
  2. false just your master chaplian the use below me has no idea what im refering to
  3. nope its an ise sothere for theres an infinate amount of air so ponies can breath on the moon. and the question about where are we now they are building the tower around us so it goes on forever
  4. we are in "ise" I-infinate S-space E-elevator this explains why theres a floating sub in here and we are not crushed it also is why we move so slow
  5. it takes about a mounth to get there remember your in asia im in africa any ways back on topic or i will shoot you with a costom made hand held rift cannon:cool:
  6. um creed miss painted the titan it looks like a giant stone sculpture lol, some time gard some times:D
  7. first how did you get a sub with a thermal drive? second i will take care of the kraken with the gun
  8. you chalange me the master chaplain of the dark angels to a war Ha you think i havent made those like you repent before. *moves the blades of reason closer to his face
  9. *walks in to elevator. analyzes floating sub marks for questioning. walks up to termi throws him against wall of elevator and yells at him to repent for stealing the cookies
  10. landing on the mun is overated just try to crash in to it as fast as you can:P because some times you have to crash before you can get an orbit
  11. thank you and may the parachutes never break on you.
  12. I didn't know dubstep could play with kerbals well any ways welcome and enjoy the randomness of the forums and play some HSP too
  13. try docking in a over watch orbit then go to where you want yess its anoying but all you have to do is wait for the lanch site to line up with the other part and line up and ram
  14. true i has nothing the user below me can complete his sentences
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