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Everything posted by MaryG

  1. ok all the original IS based on the Aries 1B. it will get released here as soon as I can get the texztures and cfg\'s set right. right now it makes orbit by itself with enough fuel to deorbit and land... mostly and as I said earlier tonight, here\'s an in prog pic of the union dropship. scale is 12 meters in diameter. any larger and it wont fit on the pad. enjoy!
  2. ok guys ??? I\'ll get started on the dropship. I\'ll make it as large as I can but I have the feeling its going to be a bit lumbering to fly check back later tonight, after all I just got home and haven\'t made dinner yet
  3. hmmm only problem with that is that no way would it fit on the launch pad.... not that jeb would care as long as he had a couple more boosters to use
  4. I could do that.. the modeling isn\'t hard, now that I\'m getting used to the export tricks, and I happen to like the spherical ships a lot I\'ll look into it after i finish getting the lander configured and massed correctly. (am also thinking about making the Discovery... still love that old ship)
  5. I used 3dmax 2012 to make them, and if you like play around with them. they were just fast throw togethers
  6. pod goes under the window cap. and its only 5 meters in diameter.
  7. You folks ever get nostalgic for the good old days of scifi? I do. so I am working on a little lander kit to celebrate the release of 0.12 OK! finally after several days (and much at home drama!), Here\'s the 5m munlander I promised. Textures are ok, and the ship works well, although it is a pain to assemble. I have included a .craft file with the parts. to assemble, place the fuel tank on top of the capsule. then the next 2 parts. click it off the capsule, set it down, put back ONTO the top of the capsule, then grab the RCS unit( the one with the large hole in the top and move it down until it latches onto the capsule base. after that build as normal. Why it needs this I have no idea, but nothing I tried fixed it. ( I just use the craft file . its simpler). the lander has 5 attachment points on the bottom, the center one is for connecting to a booster rocket. Hope at least someone likes this enjoy! Download link http://dl.dropbox.com/u/59333116/MunLander.rar Download link with a zip file version http://dl.dropbox.com/u/59333116/MunLander.zip UPDATED craft file posted at bottom of this post. should be working fine now.
  8. Sorry folks. real life interupted yesterday and I got delayed. am getting back to work now tho
  9. and not just these. I\'m in the process of making fins for 1m 1.75, 2 and 3 meter hulls. I like having the whole ship with me.. just in case
  10. Hmm... Hadn\'t noticed that lil problem I\'ll take a look and see if I can fix it. also, more parts on the way. I have a horrid addiction.... old time sci fi. so I think some fins for the ships are next
  11. Hi all! first time posting anything, but I saw in the requests a wish for larger landing legs. now these aren\'t pretty but they do seem to work. Jeb likes bouncing with em ;D enjoy. P.S. kinda heavy but very tough ok these are some test pics of the new 1 meter fins. they still need textures, but I can knock those out fairly fast (bounced on these also.. jeb disapproved.. they didn\'t explode ) ok the 1m are on hold for a bit, they had a few mesh issues. here however are the 2 meter fins, sorry about the textures, I\'ll be working on them more later.
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