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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Added Phoenix config, plan on fixing all issues over the next week before doing anything else.
  2. Since I did an Apollo-like mission using these configs, you probably have some other mod that adds a Kerosene/LiquidH2/LiquidOxygen resource and it is overriding Real Fuel's resources. Worldspace is the most likely cause, remove the resource folder from it if you haven't already.
  3. Sure. On-topic: Added FASA Saturn IB config, added image of it to album.
  4. DennyTX's Apollo LM. Notes: Comms not reconfigured, stick a docking port ontop of the docking cone, lacks RCS. Download. v0.1 - Released Lovad's World Space's Apollo CSM. Notes: Did not do LES, is off by a few kilograms, antenna not made to work with RemoteTech, has slighty more delta-V than listed by Wikipedia and Astronautix. Download. v0.1 - Released Lovad's World Space's Saturn V. Download. v0.1 - Released v0.2 - Fixed fuel:ox ratio, changed masses. frizzank's FASA's Saturn-IB. Notes: Tailfins not altered in any way. Download. v0.1 - Released v0.2 - Worked around J-2's offset thrust, fixed gimbal, [s]fixed[/s] reduced drag problems with the first stage, thrust plate still produces large amount of drag with FAR installed. v0.3 - Updated for Ferram Aerospace Research v0.13x1, can now get 15.1 ton payload to 200KM circular orbit. StarVision's SciFi Shipyards' Phoenix. Notes: Decrease fuel in Titan V fuel tank or strap on SRBs, requires KSP Interstellar, modified RPM/KSPIS parts, didn't rescale parachute nosecone, haven't integrated quantum protonic tachyon radiator yet. Download. v0.1 - Released Images. NAQ: Are you going to do World Space's H-IIA/B? Probably not. Are assets from any of the mods distributed? No.
  5. Stock parts, it happens in the VAB and SPH, basic v11, didn't modify the configs. Edit: I reinstalled KW Rocketry and Nova Punch, the problem went away for everything. The only change would have been missing parts being added back in.
  6. Slight problem. B9, Deadly Reentry, TAC Life Support, AIES, and Stretchy Tanks parts don't have these issues, but everything else does, including stock. I deleted the Squad folder and had Steam verify game files to make sure it wasn't being caused by me installing the Squad Texture Reduction Pack previously. Mods I have installed other than this one are AIES B9 Visual Enhancements Deadly Reentry Editor Extensions Kerbal Engineer Redux FASA FAR KAS Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Space Shuttle Engines KWRocketry LazTek SpaceX Infernal Robotics MechJeb Docking Port Alignment Near Future Propulsion Pack NovaPunch Precise Node Procedural Wings Protractor Real Chute Real Fuels Real Solar System RemoteTech 2 Select Root Station Science Texture Replacer TAC Life Support TAC Fuel Balancer Kerbal Alarm Clock KSP Interstellar If anyone else has experienced this problem and has any mods that I have, feel free to post. Edit: I did... something that fixed stock, Interstellar, LazTek SpaceX, and FASA but broke AIES, although the only parts with proper shadows are B9, stock, SpaceX, and Interstellar.
  7. Not entirely true. Granted, it did require editing the file stated in the picture.
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