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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. The goal is just to have alternative ways of doing things, as far as I know. Other mods may have specific resources that can only be gathered in one of the ways, though.
  2. Mind if I ask a few questions? You seem to know whats going on. Does TAC use ORS? From what I know, KSPI does, and if I understand RoverDude's goals for the mod the goal is to have as many mods as possible using ORS, which has a sort of common resource library. From what I gather from that, mods that use the same or a similar resource (such as TAC and KSPI both using water) only actually require one resource, rather than multiple of what is, functionally, the same thing. Is that right? If it is, KSPI has a good amount of resources. Would they all be included in ORS for other mods to take advantage of if they so choose? For instance, KSPI and Near Future both use Argon. If the mod authors chose to do so, would they both use the same resource files for argon?
  3. Would this be why I don't see any of the experiments in Science Library?
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