One tip I have from experience is that the faster you're going relative to the other craft (i.e. velocity when you have "target" selected) the harder it is to adjust what direction you're going. So what I do is this once I hit proximity like you do: 1. Come to a very near standstill using your main engines but make sure you're still moving 'forward' (all relative of course). 0.1-0.3 m/s is preferable 2. Turn so you face the other ship (you point yourself into the pink round marker on the navball) 3. Now look at where the prograde marker is (or if you can't see it, use visual to establish what direction you're "shifting" relative to the other spaceship) 4. Use linear mode to move the prograde marker over the pink one, where Shift = up, Ctrl = down, A = left and D = right. DON'T use W and S unless you're really close and need minute changes in velocity 5. Now throttle up with your main engines to a "responsible" speed (this is experience, you'll figure it out). You'll move directly towards the ship 6. Repeat 1 through 5 as needed until you're very close (you-can-visually-see-your-target-docking-port close) and come to a standstill. Remember to allow time to turn retrograde. 7. Now basically redo 1 through 5 again, but use W and S instead of the engines. 8. Make sure your allignment is about right. The magnets will do the rest 9. Feel good about yourself EDIT: So basically what Person said, only longer