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Everything posted by Yilmas

  1. Question: What program(s) do you use for modeling these engines/parts ?
  2. PHP -.- Anyway, good luck guys.. I'll see if I can pitch in later in the project... Any updates whether or not someone have looked into this. I know C++(2y xp)/C#(10+y xp)/Java(10+y xp). So something like this updater would be right down my alley, if we are actually talking about a win-app. However, I dont have any experience with coding for linux.
  3. Sigh Wanna know the sad part, I work as a programmer... Must be a sign of sleep deprivation, or something along those lines... Anyway, thx for the help. Gonna try and find a bed, now that I've been beaten by middle school math...
  4. First of all, thanks for spending the time clarifying these things for me. After having read your post, I ventured out into cyberspace looking for more information and equations. And that have brought some weird results. I found this equation for calculating ISP: F = I * m * g (Thrust(kN) = Isp * mass flow rate(kg/s) * earths gravity(m/s²)). Using the stats from ksp wiki for the LV-N, I found the ISP to be 900 (60kN*1,53kg/s*9,807m/s²). What did I do wrong or perhaps, what am I forgetting ? (And, if I did it for the atmosphere, the numbers would be even more screwed up.) OT: This is what I love about these types of games, (KSP, EVE and the like), there is so much more in it than the game.
  5. Ya, that part was self-explanatory. But what I meant was that you generally see nuclear engines in KSP that comes out at 800'ish ISP(vacuum), is this some kind of general boundary or is it simply the optimal ISP no matter thrust/size (for nuclear) ? Which also leads me to question the ISP of all ION engines, 4200'ish. Something so small, with very little thrust giving out more ISP than any other engine. Which regarding to IONs just dosn't seem/feel right, considering the usually very small nozzle(some of them dosn't even have one :S)
  6. Alright, I can understand this part. And in a way it really is logical, perhaps it was the time of day, that made me not think about it. Then a question pops in mind. Is the nozzle design build for the atmospheric pressure only, or partway between that and the rocket it connects to ? Reason for the question, comes after it has been answered. Also, would it be better to make a thread in general chat about this? This feels a bit , ninja'ish.
  7. Without reading through it all. I'm gonna assume that it is some kind of relation to area of expansion or perhaps rather the area that it can affect. But regarding the ISP, shouldn't it still be rather large(compared to regular engines), considering it being a nuclear engine.
  8. Not entirely sure what you mean about this ? And whether it is thrust or isp that is decreased, doesn't matter for me, however I'm guessing that the ISP would be the correct(scientifically) choice.
  9. Yes, to the last part, it will be hauled to space for orbital assembly. But in a way, it would be kinda cool if the nozzle would extend depending on the amount of thrust. So it is retracted while docking maneuvers or rather cruising speed. But becomes extended when interplanetary/max throttle is issued.
  10. Can somebody explain this to me ? If you set a -90 inclination on the ascent guidance, the orbit info will tell you that it is +90. Why is that ?
  11. Looking for 2 mods, hoping that they exists. I haven't been able to find any yet. 1. A mod that tells you how long there is until sunset / sunrise. 2. A mod that gives some more specific details about your current target. (Name, distance, velocity, inclination, eccentricity and so on), I'm well away that most of these are already viewable via the map. However, I would love it if I could see it without having to find my target on the map. If these mods exists, even partially, please give me a link if you can.
  12. Have there been any word on whether or not, there will be more biomes on the other planets and there moons ? And if there has, any idea of when ?
  13. Eh, might be a silly question. But what do you mean by retractable ?
  14. Sorry, but it was a user error.... "Install to GameData/Diazo/.../"... Always forgets that some modders dont use the general naming convention when naming mods/file-structures... Anyway, good job with the mod itself...
  15. Is there any way to fix the Delta-V window freezing its data ? Other than changing vessels (which doesn't work every time). Edit: Mechjeb V2.2.1
  16. I would love to see these in action. I've been hunting down a 3.75m and 5m nuclear engine for a long time. Finally somebody shows sign of one. Especially like the symmetrical style you have going there. Need it to power my mothership/carrier.
  17. Just to be sure, the license on this mod allows one to redo/change a model for private use right ? Been looking for a 3,75m and 5m nuclear engine, however haven't found one yet, so thought one could be created through the use of an existing model. But was thinking, that it might be wise to ask, before doing anything.
  18. These new models/textures really look nice! Looking forward to each release. Do we know of some kind of timeline for future releases ? Really wanna mess around with the truss section which can "hide" the arms, including that athlete arm.
  19. The server can be run on the same computer. However, you need to change the file in the server folder, and not in your kmp plugin folder.
  20. Edited as godarklight decided to show his knowledge
  21. You only set the mode ones per server instance. After which it will be saved in the kmpserversettings file. And you dont need to disable autoHost.
  22. /mode career Remember to change it before you start the server with /start... You can also use /help for info on the different commands...
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