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Everything posted by Trekimann

  1. Ive tried searching but I cant find a solution to my problem. My Craft is connected to the ground station via antenna but all it does is stack the commands I send and not execute them. The Probe as 2 mechjeb modules as its intended to separate into 2 relay sats when it gets to mun orbit. When I try to time warp it throtles back as there is a que of commands it is not executing. Any thoughts?
  2. I have tried every trick on this thread to get it to work, but to no avail :-( Don't even get a menu to set it up in game. From what I can tell everything is running fine in the background. I do have a lot of mods but nothing that tries to do anything to the camera. What information would you need to know if it was even loading to KSP? Hope I can get this working, first thing I have made with my 3D printer is a head mount for my phone to use VR and I would love to fly a few of my missions first person!
  3. Aero Astro ideally but not against looking in other sectors. Have recently expanded my searches to renewable energy sector. No problem working for a defence company. Had a good look at the SpaceX site. Most of it is restrictive because of ITAR
  4. Getting an employer looking at this directly is a long shot but I have to assume that someone on this forum knows of a job going somewhere in the world:D I'm looking for an employee who might now of something on the inside.
  5. Non-advertised jobs is why I posted here :-p I know that a lot of companies offer incentives to current employees to find people to fill new positions so it would be win win. I'm a member of the IET and RAS. Trouble is that at the moment any events are not near me and the cost to get to them in both time and money is prohibitive on minimum wage.
  6. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope this diverse community can help. As you can guess from the title I am currently unemployed. I have spent the last year looking for work to no avail so thought it's time to think outside the box! I have a BEng in Aerospace engineering with astronautics and space technology from Kingston University London. After that I spent a year looking for work. I sent out hudreds of applications, got one interview but no job. So back to school for me! I went back to University to get my masters. Which I recieved in Space Technology and Planetary exploration from Surrey University Guildford. So off searching I go again. This time I got a job in retail as I needed the money to stay with my fiance. That was a year ago... I send off applications on a nearly daily baisis and get rejections just as often. If any of you are in an engineering firm and know of a position or know someone who knows someone any help would be greatly appreciated. My main interests are in the mission design side, phase 0 studies would be awesome, but pretty much any engineering foothold in a space company would be wecome. I am more than happy to relocate should the right job (meaning any job) come along. If you can help dont heistate to contact me. Thank you again for reading. Nicholas Mann LinkedIn Account: uk.linkedin.com/in/nicholascharlesmann/
  7. The Delta V will be a very useful tool when combined with the other info Looking at your screenshot that reminds me of another request/sugestion. The ability to name stages not just have numbers. Something to help keep track of exactly what stage is what. I know the custom action groups are useful but I have a few craft that I deploy in different orders depending on what I am trying to achieve and quite a few times ive staged the wrong bit or activated the wrong thing at the wrong time.
  8. Thanks, I was going to remove it as I just read that topic but you beat me to it
  9. I get that for most it would not be fun and that's why I would think of it as a hardcore difficulty mode Primarily i'm thinking about what tools would have been useful if this had been around when I was studying, a way to keep my skills sharp without having to do textbook problem all the time.
  10. Thank you for the suggestions I will check out those mods. What I would really like is a manoeuvre planner where I can specify the time for the burn, the delta v and the angle for the burn so I can perform combined manoeuvres. With regards to the tutorials I have all my class notes on Orbital Mechanics and Spacecraft Design so I would be happy to help if I can with the lesson planning
  11. Having done 2 Degrees in Engineering and Rocket Science I have some requests for a new mode or just additional options. I would love to be able to plan missions more accurately but I dont have enough information. It would be great to be able to click on a spacecraft and get its COE's. knowing the u value for the planetary bodies would be good too. A persistent timer/clock would be handy for planning launch windows. Knowing the delta V for a constructed rocket would be immensely useful. My Fiancée and I are thinking it would be awesome to be able to plan a Voyager style "grand tour" but to do that we would need to know all the orbital data for the planets and even better would be the option to rearrange the solar system to a chosen time so we wouldn't have to wait for gravity assist opportunities to come up. With these extra features it would lend itself to having a rocket scientist mode where you could enter the calculated values for a launch window and get a nice count down. And once in orbit knowing this info would let you calculate phasing orbits and intercepts properly. I know there are a few mods out there which give you some of this info but all of them are to make the process automated, I would love a hybrid where I could calculate the data by hand then input it to create manoeuvre nodes. There could even be a series of tutorials so that you actually learn some real rocket science if you wanted And an option im sure has been requested would be to have multi-player. To make it less crowded than say an mmorpg just have a max of 4 players, each with a launch site on a different continent at different latitudes. Maybe trade currency/science for the chance to launch at a different site.
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