I'm Commander Zoom, and I'm a bottle rocketeer. I found out about this game about a week ago - I honestly can't recall where, now - and downloaded it right away. It's been great fun. After a few test rockets, I managed to build one out of stock parts that made it into orbit (with a bit of seat-of-the-pants flying). I've since built a bigger and better one (with some of Silisko and Sunday Punch's parts) and am looking forward to what the future may bring. Born in '70, about the same time as Apollo 13's fateful mission, I've been a fan of the real space program from an early age. One of the older books in my library, perhaps the first I bought with my own money, is an illustrated history of manned spaceflight up through Skylab and the Shuttle, which was then about to begin flight testing. I played some early Shuttle simulators on the Apple ][ and the Atari 2600 (by Activision!), but Orbiter is too much for me; KSP is more my speed. My forum handle comes from my years in charge of an online X-wing fan squadron, back around the turn of the millennium; it seemed to fit here as well.