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Josh Harris

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Posts posted by Josh Harris

  1. Build only what you need. Giant solar arrays and excessive lighting is bound to drive up your part count. I second space tugs (at least probed upper stages with RCS) as well to move parts around.

    Seems like what everyone is suggesting up to this point is the 1970 version of the Space Transportation System proposed by NASA administrator Thomas Paine, but nixed because of cost (except for Shuttle).

  2. Just play with the maneuver nodes. Mechjeb tends to put ships in a 90 degree heading (Counter-Clockwise). Moving the Node earlier or later, seeing where the Mun will be when the encounter occurs is the key. Later departures tend to lead to 270 degree (Clockwise, Free Return, Apollo-style) orbit.

    In the real world passing in front of an orbiting body will slow you down while passing behind the body increases speed (Gravity Assist, or "Slingshot").

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