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Everything posted by choninja21

  1. That sounds great. The other buildings should be different but have the same function. (Classified similarly to ships)
  2. We need to add more verity too. There's only four "buildings" listed
  3. Yeah, can we change the colony building rule? It says we can only build them on Laythe. We just need to iron buildings out overall.
  4. Your idea is way better than mine. I just didn't realize what it meant until now. Sorry
  5. Why don't we just post pictures of our ships here? That way we can all see them and classify them.
  6. That's a good idea actually. Also you should be fine, I have a slightly better set-up than you it seems. (I have exactly twice as much RAM than you)
  7. Perhaps... Also contrary to popular belief, you do not need your projectile to be powered all the way through contact. The kinetic energy alone should propel it to do enough damage.
  8. Still that's kind of much isn't it?
  9. Holy crap man! My battle ship is under 300 parts! We might want to have a part limit Also I think capturing should only apply to ships with more than a one man crew
  10. Sounds like a good idea. Although, even with infinite fuel unless you optimize your launch stage it's not going to lift off the ground.
  11. I agree! That reminds me, we need to set up some sort of folder or something so that we can look at others' ships, rovers, etc. and determine how much they cost. Also that I need to get batteries for my calculator so I can crunch some numbers and optimize my launch stages.
  12. That's true but I'm too lazy to mess with any of the settings on the map mode most of the time
  13. I agree. I was wondering how something could be invisible in KSP to begin with. Unless there's so kind of cloaking device mod I'm not aware of...
  14. Are there still problems with colliding with clones? I want my collisions with my friends to effect them
  15. I recommend we all read the forum post about DMP and/or watch other people's videos about it so we can get a general idea on how it works.
  16. Are you talking about on the ground or in space?
  17. I can make you a press flag if you want
  18. I'm an evil overlord not the hulk. I have brains and muscle.
  19. I guess that means I'll have to destroy you...
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