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Posts posted by choninja21

  1. (ooc: Wow, I see how it is, taking advantage of my lack of free time......

    Announcement from Phoenix Corp

    Phoenix Corp will happily help with the movement and protect of this monument. Let's hope that this show we are both civil corps that will always do what is right for the people.

    Announcement from Phoenix Corp

    p.s. There are way to many of these at this point....

    (ooc: we need to start an in character thread and leave this one for general discussion. You start it. :P)

  2. I saw it. Just let me know when we start up again so I know when to get on. That being said, time for some in-character stuff:

    The following is an announcement from the Imperial Leader.

    It came to my attention that the Phoenix Corporation is using a tragic event to deface the name of Kerbal Imperial Astronautics. The Phoenix Corporation claims that a recent attack on a Caldari Navy research instillation was carried out by members of the Imperial Navy.

    That is far from the truth. Reliable sources indicate that the attack was carried out by a pirate force of unknown origin. This pirate force then escaped into Imperial Space where they were caught and found guilty of piracy and the slaughter of over one hundred scientists and support staff. In accordance with Imperial laws, the pirates were sentenced to life imprisonment and the prototype they had stolen was destroyed.

    In light of this tragic event, the Imperial Navy will be increasing its firepower and presence in Imperial Space to prevent such a tragedy from happening in Imperial Space.

    A memorial in honor of the fallen scientists and support staff will be gifted to the Phoenix Corporation to erect at the spot of the horrible massacre. My sincere condolences go out to the families and friends of those who tragically lost their lives.

    The above was an announcement from the Imperial Leader

    (out of character)

    I would have done this in a video but I'm a little under the weather at the moment. :/

    The following is an announcement from the Imperial Leader

    In light of the massacre of the staff of the B.I.R.C research station, I am honored to present B.I.R.C this monument:



    I hope that all Kerbal Companies will unite to protect all civilians working for us and passing through our space.

    The above was an announcement from the Imperial Leader

  3. Start of announcement from Phoenix Corp

    Phoenix Corp would like to announce that we will be increasing defencive monitoring in our our area and will make sure that all our territories are safe for any transport. Our territories will be a safe haven that any civilian ships can retreat to whenever they need to for protection. Also Phoenix Corp will be offering escorts and parts that will monitor any and all parties that have scheduled their entrance ahead of time, and neutralizing all confirmed threats or unresponsive ships in our territories. Also you can rely on full protection from both Phoenix Corp and K.I.A in the Jool system, as I am sure they will agree with me. We, at Phoenix Corp, will do all we can to keep our zones as safe for you as possible. I hope we can keep these tragedies from ever happening again.

    End of announcement from Phoenix Corp

    The following is an announcement from the Imperial Minister of Defense

    Kerbal Imperial Astronautics would like to remind all civilian ships entering Imperial Space that they are in one of the safest zones in the solar system. In order to keep up this high standard and to protect your ships, the Imperial Navy will be enforcing zone passport laws in accordance to Kerbal regulations. Please broadcast your assigned passport codes at Imperial frequency I7 as soon as you are hailed by Imperial vessels. If you do not have a passport code contact your local Imperial office or an office of another corporation.

    I can assure you that Imperial Space is and will continue to be the safest place for civilian ships of all caliber.

    Thank you for your continued cooperation

    The above was an announcement from the Imperial Minister of Defense

  4. ooc: maybe later. Also nice way to turn it around. Dang....

    Start of announcement from Phoenix Corp

    In response to the announcement Phoenix corp would like first of all thank K.I.A for their support for the families and will be supporting in the building of this monument and will do what can be done for the families. However, Phoenix Corp would also like to mention that this was an organized attack that would have high levels of encryption breaking to find the location and so we will be doing further investigation and we will be tracking down any and all traceable fragments until we get to the bottom of where everything went, who, and how.

    End of announcement from Phoenix Corp

    p.s. I would like to say now that this event and responses will be transferred and re completely done in the real session of this series that takes place. While it is take place in the test, it will also happen in the real one. Also in the real one we can do full videos with all the following announcements to do a full coverage of this event.

    ooc: Yeah I know and it would have been in a video too. However, I have a cold right now so that wasn't about to happen. :P

  5. Hey choninja, by time you read this my update video should be up, check it out :)

    I saw it. Just let me know when we start up again so I know when to get on. That being said, time for some in-character stuff:

    The following is an announcement from the Imperial Leader.

    It came to my attention that the Phoenix Corporation is using a tragic event to deface the name of Kerbal Imperial Astronautics. The Phoenix Corporation claims that a recent attack on a Caldari Navy research instillation was carried out by members of the Imperial Navy.

    That is far from the truth. Reliable sources indicate that the attack was carried out by a pirate force of unknown origin. This pirate force then escaped into Imperial Space where they were caught and found guilty of piracy and the slaughter of over one hundred scientists and support staff. In accordance with Imperial laws, the pirates were sentenced to life imprisonment and the prototype they had stolen was destroyed.

    In light of this tragic event, the Imperial Navy will be increasing its firepower and presence in Imperial Space to prevent such a tragedy from happening in Imperial Space.

    A memorial in honor of the fallen scientists and support staff will be gifted to the Phoenix Corporation to erect at the spot of the horrible massacre. My sincere condolences go out to the families and friends of those who tragically lost their lives.

    The above was an announcement from the Imperial Leader

    (out of character)

    I would have done this in a video but I'm a little under the weather at the moment. :/

  6. Well, does it happen *without* DMP? If yes, then it's obvious the problem is with hyperedit and I can probably fix it. If not, then we've got a serious problem that I wouldn't know where to start on.

    My advice would to set "lead time" on rendezvous to something large, so that you're farther than 5km or whatever the load distance is. Hopefully no zooming occurs (I'm guessing the cause of the zooming is loading of vessels and wonkyness on DMP's side), and then move closer somehow.

    Also how fast is "ridiculous"? It's actually a fairly important value - if it's <4km/s, then it might be due to orbital velocity changes not getting updated. If it's something insane (10Mm/s) then it might be due to calculating dV on a per-frame basis. There's a bunch of other values/reasons it could be happening.

    Sorry for the lateness of my responce. To answer your questions:

    1) The only times it has happened is with DMP. So it is probably a DMP bug.

    2) It happened despite the lead time given.

    3) The weird thing is the velocity wasn't being shown. The ship was just moving without the game registering that it was moving.

  7. I have uploaded my side of the turn update for turns 1-10. However, due to many many many bugs, we have postponed our battles indefinitely.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also make sure you update Hyper-Edit that might help.

  8. Everyone, the server is up! You may need to try and connect twice!

    - - - Updated - - -

    That is the idea, tomorrow we shall finally get started.

    After a short practice run, we quickly found out that we were doing it all wrong. Prepare for change!

  9. I will be updating the server today, so it should be back online like less than a hour after this post. I hope to start recording turns and figure out what to do about the intro tomorrow.

    I'm still on the way back from vacation but I should be good for tomorrow.

  10. So is there a ship class allowed to deploy such a weapons platform? It's not technicly a sattelite but rather a mobile weapons platform

    A super carrier could launch a weapons platform, at least from what I understand.

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