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Everything posted by Gnipu

  1. You can adjust resource consumption to your liking. As to the what the EU actually is spent on, I have no idea if it's too high or low EU/day. I think it's supposed to represent internal operations like waste handling and O2 balancing.
  2. ' Would like to point out that the vessel dupe bug is still there. I don't know if I updated correctly, but the way I did it was to paste the Gameplay folder and overwrite all 1.3.3 files.
  3. Why not both? Career for when I want to be more "realistic" and semi-RP. Sandbox is for doing whatever I want. Career is more "gamey" Sandbox for testing things. I had more arguments, but they kinda bailed my mind.
  4. So, I did a temperature scan on Ike and "near Ike". I think it measured around -70 degrees (celsius?) on the ground (can't check now and I didn't write it down). What does this indicate? I did not expect the temp scan to work at all. As I'm neither a geologist or seismic person, I can't do any educated guesses - but I'm thinking hot core. What do you think? (should I put up a lame poll? heh)
  5. Suggestion (is that OK?): For the Rover window, how about adding checkpoints? I.e. first go to X, then Y. Maybe even different speeds? Main use would be to avoid terrain.
  6. d) Either core-melting render distance or exclusive constant rendering of Moon Moon.
  7. Ah, come on... On a side note, I don't think that a lower case nickname is suited for a forum!
  8. One way is to let the player choose everything. I.e. put the actions (?) in an "undefined" stage.
  9. Hey, I love this concept! Any progression? Haven't tried it yet as it seems to unfinished to bother (yeah I'm a snob), so I'm paying close attention to development
  10. All of this is basically answered with one word: Alpha This game can not be compared to any other game because it's still in alpha development. This means it haven't even reached beta stage yet, which is what you usually try out a game in - BEFORE it's released. Alpha is what you payed for. If you expect the game to be consistent, optimized etc. - then wait until it's released.
  11. To fine tune orbit: Go to an -apsis, align with it, hit Caps Lock and fire RCS forward og backwards and watch the opposite -apsis change.
  12. Great answer. Yeah well I suppoes it's something related to that it's one part. Ah, and that's where the other bug comes in. Cause I did that too (weld before docking ports). When I tried to attach a port, I couldn't. I dunno if there was either no node or a tiny one, but I couldn't connect a Sr. port at the end of a large ASAS. I'll try later today Edit: Here's a picture of the situation: The module to the right is the core module (1 welded part, + RCS). Then there's the first module I docked to it, to the left. I had it docked on the right side (I actually just flipped the core over rather than flying around it). As you might see, the ports are almost aligned. This is after maybe 15 seconds of fine tuning to make them connect. They do force towards each other, but they don't attach. Anyway - I'll relaunch all modules with independent parts for docking ports Edit 2: Temporary solution until I've launched the replacement core
  13. This plugin was a revolution for me. However, I ran into an issue - maybe. I made a space station module with several docking ports (about 12). Cylindrical shape. The whole welded into one part (RCS outside due to that recently mentioned bug). In both ends I have Sr. docking port. I could dock with one end, but now when I'm attempting to dock to the other one, I can't. It's attracting with magnets, but not actually connecting... Any tips?
  14. Wow, that docking shot was perfect. (Is AAR resource heavy?)
  15. How do I change the default controls? I'd like to remove or alternatively temporarily deactivate the NumPad controls as I'm using those for rover controls. (If "Toggle control" is supposed to temp deactivate, it's bugged, 'cause it's not doing anything)
  16. Oh, cool. That's really handy! So I assume the @Part... "headlines" are saying which cfg MM puts that chunk of code in?
  17. Sorry. It would never occur to me that someone had a licence for a mod to a game... So what you posted - goes in the different part cfg?
  18. Yeah, sucks that you can only rotate on one axis. And also that it doesn't snap. I don't know how it works, but I'm gonna assume that symmetry/snap to "grid" will be hard to program. Maybe it's possible to add rotation to other axises by copying the part that rotates to rotate the other axises too. I'll leave that to someone else to figure out
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