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Everything posted by Gnipu

  1. Oh, it's so frustrating when you can't find the source. Obviously it's not CoM. Stages isn't faulty (I usually just look underneath the vehicle after launch to see if everything is thrusting (symetrically)). Drag shouldn't be a problem since you built it symetrically. Is the navball normal, i.e. facing upwards? A few times I've built a probe rocket with uside down probe and launched with MechJeb ascent guide, and it automatically turned the whole thing upside down due to it thinking it was facing the wrong way. (to fix this, "control from" a part that is facing upwards)
  2. Nice! So, where do I add it? Just add this: { TechRequired = start entryCost = 0 Above cost = ??? } in the bottom of a cfg?
  3. Energy transmitted through the 16 is emitted in all directions, while a parabole transmitter like the 88-88 will focus all energy in one direction (IRL, anyway). Which means that 16 should be much slower -but omnidirectional, while the 88-88 should be way quicker (also way more efficient (10-100 times?)) but unidirectional (i.e. point towards the reciever on Kerbin/relay).
  4. Hey mate, sorry for late answer. The issue you're telling about is most definitely related to KAS. I encountered it myself on my own Münar base and had the same reaction as you. What's happening is what you described - parts spawn below the ground and turns everything into firework (at least a bit entertaining?). The solution in your end is unfortunately to make your base somewhere else, which must be more flat. I chose a frozen lake on Minmus (not harder to get to as landings are way easier), and carefully placed one module at a time and saved furiously between trips. No issues encountered yet. I'm sorry about your base, but when you've made it once, it's much easier to do it again
  5. Is a robotic core supposed to be able to disconnect the containers? Anyway, I can't do that. I can release them from the clamps when I go EVA, but not by right clicking with automatic core or when assigned to custom key.
  6. Because you can drop them like suitcases! And move them around so you don't have to carry one part at a time.
  7. OK then, thanks for the info. 'Gonna be away this weekend - Is it finished when I'm back? Or what do you mean with "about to"? Until then I'll just wait! Also cool pic you posted. Is everything in that picture either vanilla or KAS?
  8. Hey! First time posting. I installed KAS yesterday as a means of linking together my moon base modules (Energy transfer). I realize now that I should have given it some slack before connecting and saving and all, because when I loaded it up the string jerked a module towards another one ... :/ I know I can edit the save file so it has that, 'cause the maneuvers I had to do is not something I want to repeat... Question is, does anyone know what line in the save file I can modify to extend the winch rope? I have general understanding of such files. Thank you!
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