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Everything posted by nuclearpower13

  1. I would be interested in paying for an ebook/pdf. You more than deserve it.
  2. Czokletmuss is there anyway you could complie all the chapters into a .pdf when the grand tour is over? I know I would enjoy an offline copy that I could read im sure other people would appreshiate it to if it is possible.
  3. Ive really enjoyed this seris. The drama and the disasters with some of the missions enhance the storyline. Keep up the good work.
  4. Im having trouble installing this plugin. I put the plugin data into the plugin data flolder and i stuck the plugin in the plugin flolder. The new planets are there when i open the game but the textures are not. Can someone help me with the installation process?
  5. This has a lot of potential and so far im loving the story line and the drama. Keep up the good work!
  6. Patience. We want quality over quantity. Take all the time you need czokletmuss
  7. Chozo you've probaly been asked this like a 1000x already but have you heard anything from Macey recently?
  8. Scientist have estimated that there are more of these Rogue Planets in our Galaxy than there are planets like ours orbiting there host star. The thing that fascinates me is that these planets at a very "young" age are flung out of there of there home system by a gravitational conflict with another object in which it accelerates to escape velocity and is ejected out of the home system doomed to wander the galaxy forever. I've been thinking a bit about something. Sedna has one of the most eccentric orbits in our sol system. Is it possible Sedna was on its way out but was slowed down enough by the sun gravitational pull that it reentered orbit around the sun?
  9. To be honest I think this is a good Question. There are many places in the Solar System I would like to go to. Like Titan, Europa, Enceladus, Triton, Miranda, Mars, and my personal favorite Venus. The problem is that there is so much to learn from in our solar system, and just in general cool places and environments.
  10. I think man will step on the moon again very soon. Russia, China, India, and Europe want to put a man on the moon within 2025-2045 time scale. But I think for America it will be awhile before we send another man anywhere really. Bush wanted to send a man to the moon and then to mars using the Orion Rockets. But when Obama can into office he scraped Orion and then set a goal to put a man on an asteroid but then he later scraped that also. America has lost its will to explore. We are so engrossed in one hatred towards each others party's and that of Domestic problem that we have lost track of what really defines us as Americans and just Humans as a whole. It wont be our government that send man back to the moon it will be a commercial enterprise that wants to make a profit on the vast reserves of H3 that are in the Lunar regolith.
  11. I do think that with extensive research RTG's could provide power for civilian use. They have a really good long term energy efficiency rate and a decent sized one. Like the one used on the New Horizons probe can provide at least 200 w of power. But there are a few problems. Even if they find a way to prevent radiation from escaping the RTG there is the problem of commercialization and mass production. Right now the most common fuel right now used for RTG's is Plutonium 210 which is not only really radioactive but also it is insanely expensive. For 1 gram of pure Plutonium 210 it would cost you $2800. So either they need to increase the production and extraction of Plutonium from spent nuclear reactor fuel to bring down price or they need to find a cheaper element that can maintain the same level of radioactivity. Than there is the problem of commercialization. Right now the Dept. of Energy controls the production (Which ended when the cold war ended. So now there relying on a reserve to power the RTG's) and distribution of Plutonium and the casing that produces the power. Link to the price of plutonium below: http://fti.neep.wisc.edu/neep602/SPRING00/lecture5.pdf NASA is running of out Plutonium: www.planetar.yorg/blogs/casey-dreier/2013/20130920-pu-238-is-crucial-for-space-exploration-and-we-are-almost-out.html
  12. I honestly believe its religion . For those that live in the United States Congress and most of the Republican party is composed of right wing bible thumper nut cases. These are the people that control our education system, funding for NASA, funding for research into vaccines to cure deceases, and passing laws that contradict our constitution. We need to get religion out of our political system.
  13. Do you think ITER will have a major break through in Fusion power, or do guys believe it will always remain experimental.
  14. I just figured out were you got the name for the AI System on Proteus. Berty and Gerty. Gerty is from Moon! Mind Blown!
  15. Gather the supplies listed in Max Brooks zombie survival guide drive to the keys and destroy the bridges to prevent any zombies from getting across.
  16. Squad seems to be a group of very flexible people. You could probaly make it work.
  17. I am true to my promises. Here is the journey of the Laythe Rover. Enjoy! http://imgur.com/a/nRw8c
  18. The Atomsphere and the Surface of Venus After the landing on Venus According to Ksanfomaliti one of the lead scientist for the verna described seeing, certain objects resembled a "disk", a "black flap" and a "scorpion" which "emerge, fluctuate and disappear" in the pictures taken by Venera 13 camera referring to their changing location on different photographs and traces on the ground. Now its probaly more likely that these objects Ksanfomaliti decribed were the camera slowly melting due to venus's high surface tempreture but it would be intresting to see if his cliams were true or not.
  19. Its a good propellent. The russians used it to power there torpedos durning the Cold War. But one of the problems with it is very volitle and reactive with iron oxide as was found during the sinking of the Kursk. When one of her torpedos was leaking potassium hydroxide and it mixed with rust in the torpedo tube and combusted.
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