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Everything posted by nuclearpower13

  1. Another great chpater in the seris. You should honestly publish this into a book. I would buy it.
  2. This has been one my more interesting ventures into the Jool System. Hope you guys enjoy! Ill be sending a rover next to Laythe so stay tuned! http://imgur.com/a/IYU48
  3. One of my more favorite trips when it comes to Exploration by probe. Ill send a rover next to meet up with the probe! Stay Tuned! http://imgur.com/a/IYU48
  4. Do you have any other mods installed? Its possible there might be an ID conflict or just the mods dont play nice with each other.
  5. For the two i listed. Yes they are laptops. The old one was an HP and my new one is an MSI
  6. Its possible that your center of mass is off center and the amount of thrust generated by the wheels counters gravitys abilty to push your rover down. I had the same problem with my large habitation rover i put on duna and i solved it by attaching RCS thrusters and adding the large RCS tank to the hull of the rover the additional weight plus the force generated by the RCS pushing down got my rover to stay on its wheels. But for your rover you might need to widen the surface area and use the RoveMax Model one wheels which should provide additional stabilization.
  7. This would go really well with a KSP cinematic. Like the ones suestra gaming does.
  8. My Old Computer 3rd Generation Intel i3 processor 1.4-2.4 GHz 8 GB ram 500 GB Hard Drive My New Computer 4th Generation Intel i7 processor 2.4-3.4 GHz 8 GB ram Nvidia 770 GTX Graphics card 750 GB Hard drive Now I know these comparisons are virtually complete opposites in the terms of power. But even with my old computer I was running KSP at 20-40 FPS. Not only that but I had also got the computer in 2009 so I think KSP can be ran on relatively dated and cheap builds.
  9. It is and it isn't really being shut down. With the shut down of non essential branch's of government to save money and to continue paying off our large debt. NASA is being shut down but the current missions that there in control will remain in operation and will still be staffed except with out a full staff just will a skeleton staff. But those working security or construction for NASA will be sent home without a paycheck.
  10. More science equipment is something I despritly want. Like Gigercounters, spectrometers, magnisphereic eqipement, and etc. More planets and asteroids.
  11. I've kinda standardized my ship names. The K Series followed by a number (K-19) are ships that contain a manned crew. The Verna Series are modeled after the Soviets Venera lander probes. I've landed 2. One on Eve and the other on Duna (which didn't end well).
  12. The Union of Scientific Space Research (USSR) Mission Profile Moho: The K-19: Landed on Moho Eve: The K-20: Landed on Eve Eve Venera Lander: Landed in the eveian ocean Gilly: The K-20: landed on Gilly The Mün: The K-21: Landed on Mün Minimus: The K-22: Landed on Minimus Duna: The K-23: Landed on Duna Duna Rover: In transit Duna Venera Lander: In pieces on north pole. Ike: The K-24: landed on ike Dres: The K-25: landed on dres
  13. I don't most of us that make the long trek to Jool go there specifically for jool. We go there to see Pol, Bob, Vall, Tylo, and Laythe. With this Uranus analog they will probably be adding some sick moons to orbit it. At least that's what I hope happens. Other wise I agree that would be disappointing.
  14. I wish. I would love NASA to send a man to titan. ;(
  15. Theoretically we could. The history channel show "The Universe" did an episode on this in which they described several methods that we could use currently to prevent an impact event with earth. 1. The Gravity Tractor: Considering most of the asteroids that present a threat to earth are very small much smaller than the asteroid Eros. A space craft with enough mass put in a relatively close orbit around the sun near the orbit of said asteroid. The gravity of the space craft could slowly tug the asteroid to a small orbit change that would prevent the asteroid from impacting the earth. 2. Above Surface Nuclear denotation: Now I know this sounds like the solution from the famous Micheal Bay file Armageddon but hear me out. Now we launch a nuclear weapon into space on a collision course with the asteroid. Before the bomb hits the surface the weapon is detonated 100-500 ft above the asteroid. The immense amounts of heat generated by the explosion would vaporize surface material (Water Ice, Frozen Methane, rock and etc.) and the thrust generated by the vaporization of said material could propel the asteroid in a different direction and move it into a different orbit. 3. Surface Impact: Now this is quite simple. You could launch anything that has a small mass at the asteroid at a high velocity and the impact won't split the asteroid into many pieces due to a small mass. But the eject a that is ejected from the asteroid will again create thrust and propel the asteroid in a different direction and change the orbit.
  16. Have you seen the stream that NovaSilisko talks about were they show the 2nd Gas Giant and some of the mechanics of the moons?
  17. NovaSilisko talks about it on Planet Ideas and Names for the future of kerbal space program forum. I think he describes it for the 3rd Gas Giant/Planet. Also is he a dev or is he just throwing ideas out there? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29807-Planet-Ideas-And-Names-For-The-Future-Of-Kerbal-Space-Program?p=447959&viewfull=1#post447959
  18. What I find that is very intresting is that there is a concept known as a carbon planet. While this doesnt persay fit the definition but this is the closest analog for the such concept of carbon planet. You have days were it rains methane in this quazi water cycle with oceans and rivers if methane, and also the formation of types of plastics and gases like propane after each cycle. We need to study titan more! Its so faciniating!
  19. @Mr Shifty Did Shoemaker and Hayabusa use anchors to stay connected to the astroid?
  20. In the terms of rocket technology. Example: The engines designed for the Soviet N-1 Moon Rocket. The Soviet Union was on top. But when it comes to getting the first man outside of the earths sphere of influence and entering the moons. The Americans came up on top.
  21. Well what do you mean by landing? For example eros has a gravitional pull of 0.0059 m/s. You could "stand" on eros as long as your not pushing down and your remaining as still as possible but you would need a jet oack or anchor to stay connected to the surface. But also entering orbit around an asteroid is also questionable. It would be more of a rendezvous with the asteriod rather lowering your deta v enough to enter a relativly circular orbit around the object. Getting an orbit around Ceres and Vesta is possible but as far as i know not possible with any other known belt object.
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