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Everything posted by VincentS
Large starship crews vs small starship crews
VincentS replied to Spacescifi's topic in Science & Spaceflight
- Generation ship : large crew is required both for sanity and genetic diversity. Moreover, you can only select first generation, you have no choice on any of the next ones. (well, except if you go either the clone or eugenist way...). And you will need some very talented people to keep the ship working, so you'd better have a large population to select from... - ISS requires constant maintenance, and spaceships are likely to require even more and without any possibility to rotate crew member. So you have to add some redundancy, which increase ship size and complexity, which increase crew requirement, until you get both a very large ship and a very large crew, and can (barely) cope with some crew unavailability. When compared to planes, you basically have to perform what the ground team would do, but while in flight and multiple times and without any material assistance. And you have to either carry or manufacture anything that need replacement... -
Surviving Near The Sun Via Jump Drive...
VincentS replied to Spacescifi's topic in Science & Spaceflight
The ship would have 3 problems to solve : withstanding heat, radiations, and escape. On the first point, my instinct is that ablative or regenerative cooling could do the trick, if mass is not a problem. If the ship is a cargo ship, cargo may be sacrificed as improvised insulation buffer. You would be losing mass fast, but that could help your TWR... I have no idea on the second point Escaping sun gravitation could be done in at least 3 different ways : - If you have TWR >> 1 and your engine can endure sun radiations and heat, burn away from the sun to the closest safe spot (far enough, or Mercury shadow, whichever you can reach first at full thrust). You could probably generate a big magnetic field to use as an improvised magnetic sail, this close to the sun there should be plenty of fast charged particles... - If you have to protect your engine from the sun, you obviously cannot turn your back on the sun, so you have to rise your apogee continuously by burning at 90° from the sun and spiral out - Even if you have TWR <=1, you may not be toast already (pun intended) : you could dive (almost) toward the sun and burn continuously prograde, with the lowest perigee you dare to attempt. You may gain enough kinetic energy to increase your apogee enough to be safe. Plus burning close to the sun would be highly effective due to Oberth effect. If you survive. This would obviously be the Kerbal way... -
Why is Direct Landing Beneficial for Lunar Base building?
VincentS replied to Jestersage's topic in Science & Spaceflight
Let's assume that you launch from your moon base and want to rendez-vous in orbit with some station or tug. Case A : equatorial base. Having target on equatorial orbit makes it easy to rendez-vous because orbital plane is already the same. You launch due east to get some free velocity from moon rotation, and have one window per target orbit. Case B : (almost) anywhere else. "Natural" orbit will have some inclination (depending on latitude), so obvious choice for target is an orbit with the same inclination. But due to moon rotation, orbit planes will match only once per month. Case C : polar base. You can reach any polar orbit you want directly from the pole (no plane change required), so once again you have one window per target orbit. Notices : - Landing at your base is almost the same as launching from your base, but in reverse. - Transfer between earth and your target orbit around the moon may require plane change too in case B and C (or waiting for the right window). In case of C, it matters only if you have some kind of station (you can always reach some polar orbit) - Plane change is possible, but for large angles it will be very inefficient. And if you have much dv to spare, why bother to rendez-vous ? take the direct approach... - You can test these scenarios on KSP -
Another approach to enhance photon rocket : use rocket engine nozzles. Yes, I know that photon don't expand. But what if you pump some gaz into the concentrated light beam (or even fire ice pellets into harm's way) ? You basically get some kind of thermal rocket. While in atmosphere, you could pump gaz for free. While in space, you could use unwanted junk to get some increase in TWR
Your solution to prevent constant acceleration WMD
VincentS replied to Spacescifi's topic in Science & Spaceflight
In a sci-fi setting with jump drive for a game or novel, I would go with the following set of rules : 1) FTL speed x local speed = c^2, both when entering and leaving FTL. Local speed is defined relative to local mass average speed (local mass contribution to the local speed decrease with distance squared) 2) FTL speed is constant during space jump. 3) FTL Trajectory is deflected only by gravity, in a way similar to light deflection close to stars but in the opposite direction. Intensity of the deflection increases according to the inverse of the FTL speed (the slower your FTL speed is, the more time you spend in the gravity field, the higher the deviation) Corollaries : a) The faster you are flying relative to the closest planet, the slower your FTL speed will be b) For planet to planet jump, local speed before and after the jump are identical c) Any attempt at high speed collision with a planet using a FTP jump is likely thwarted by trajectory deflection from the planet gravity (high speed -> low speed FTP -> high deviation) -
Moral & Technological Problems with Mars Colonization
VincentS replied to Mr. Peabody's topic in Science & Spaceflight
Prospective often fails, but let's try anyway. I think that Mars colonization will occur only once there is some hope for any kind of ROI. This requires that either something on Mars with a very very high value, or some very cheap interplanetary transportation system. For many commodities, the Moon could actually provide a much closer supply, with a weaker gravity well and hence a better ROI. One of the most interesting thing that you have on the Moon and not on Earth is an easy access to space. If we could make use of lunar resources in order to make building space things cheaper, it may be possible to get a positive ROI. So, in my opinion, the first step in Mars colonization would be to build and maintain some kind of tele-operated rocket and satellite plant on the Moon. It would initially use mostly ISRU and 3D printing, with critical parts being shipped from Earth. The plant would then grows in size and capabilities, while developing autonomous IA and (partial) self-replicative capabilities. Once the lunar plant is advanced enough, it can manufacture and send satellites in Earth orbit for a fraction of the current cost (but sadly, it won't be soon…), and it may generate a positive ROI in the long run. In the end, if the plant can self-replicate, lunar production capabilities may exceed Earth satellites needs. This would also drop the cost for building and sending a similar plant on Mars, which would probably be the first step in making human settling on Mars possible. TLDR; We have to build space infrastructure first : a self-replicant plant on the Moon, then on Mars. Humans will come after industrial capability is up and running, and space ticket cheap. -
Boosted Orbital Tether and Orbital Runway upgrades
VincentS replied to MatterBeam's topic in Science & Spaceflight
You are obviously correct magnemoe, I was reacting to the following (emphasis is mine) : I should have quoted this the first time for clarity sake. -
Boosted Orbital Tether and Orbital Runway upgrades
VincentS replied to MatterBeam's topic in Science & Spaceflight
As stated multiple times before, the flywheel trick won't work. If it worked, you could build a reactionless engine : 1) shot a pellet using a railgun at one end 2) catch the pellet using your flywheel-augmented sling. 3) rinse and repeat. (moving the pellet back to the railgun has no net effect on momentum) You gain momentum using 1) recoil, and lose no momentum when catching it at the other end 2) ; 3) has no net effect. -
Any KSP player will tell you that you'd want a spaceship to be : - light (the lesser dry mass, the better) - not wobbling Carrying human add a few requirements : - Efficient shielding - Artificial gravity would be good Ferrying goods : - normalized containers I'm no space engineer (except in KSP), but spherical tanks seems obvious : best volume/surface. May not apply for high pressure content. You'd probably want your containers to be assembled in a compact way, forming a stiff structure. So hexagonal-based containers fitting in honeycomb bays could be used. Main structure would be beam and struts (can be made light and rigid) Smaller ship would have living quarters surrounded by 6 containers lines, so that containers provide shielding. For bigger ships, you'd probably want artificial gravity. Easiest way to rotate the structure is to have two parts with tethers in-between : one main cargo + engines, the other with living space. When cruising, you'd rotate the whole structure. When thrusting, you'd have to kill rotation first, and shorten the tethers to bring the two parts together. Engines would be positioned on the sides, so that no exhaust can damage any part of the ship when in "compact" mode.
On earth, biosphere does a pretty good job at harvesting and concentrating available resources required for human life preservation. Obviously, you can't duplicate that on Mars surface directly, and won't for a long time. So, how will we get our minerals, breathing gas and energy on Mars ? Adapting (useful) life forms to Mars surface condition looks way too hard, but I'm no biologist so who knows. I'd say, let's go with the next best thing to natural life : artificial life (i.e. robots !) The good news is that landing robots to the red planet is obviously possible. The bad news is that robots we sent so far are not very useful for building anything, not to mention an operational colony. We face many critical problems : - Piloting robots that far away is very slow. Some kind of IA is needed. We need to improve automated decision making, and/or make the colony easy to assemble, operate and maintain. We could wait for colons arrival to operate the robots, but it seems risky to send anybody before ensuring that the colony is operational (or will be) . - Sending enough robots and material in order to bootstrap the colony is huge. Basically, we need tools and materials to build and maintain a gigantic ground ISS, plus a farm complex etc.. However, we could reduce required payload by using as much local material as possible ( smelt raw martian rock may not have great mechanical properties, and will make robots bulkier, heavier and less durable. but who cares, it's free and already there ! ). We should have a robot plant sent there, and only enough robots to assemble and operate the plant, so that if any robot breaks it is replaced. But sending a robot plant raises problems of its own : - Some part are very hard to manufacture, and will have to be sent anyway. Some are small enough to be sent in great numbers : chips and various captors. Others are heavy or bulky, such as battery, power source and bearing. - Self replicating machine is not yet a thing on earth, so self-replicating machines in Martian environment is but a dream. However, in a strict sense, we don't need to replicate every part of our machine, only those we cannot send. I have a few ideas that may (or may not) help solve those problems : 1) Don't use rotating parts if you can avoid it : martian proof bearings and lubricant will probably be very hard to manufacture and assemble. Materials will be hard to come by. Many things can be done without rotating parts (I cannot thing of a single specie using rotating parts -- except humans). Maybe some pneumatic or muscle like system could bend material, and we could do much by bending and unbending things. Robots would probably have between one and six limbs (jumper or crawler for exploration, three legs walker for operating things, six legs for moving things ?) 2) Don't build for durability or efficiency. When something breaks, recover parts ( anything you cannot build has top priority ), build a new one and who cares ? Easy assembly and servicing is highly desirable here. 3) Some kind of martian rock solar smelter will probably be top priority. Design your original plans to use smelted rock whenever you can. Mechanical properties will be lame, but with low gravity you will probably be OK. 4) Having some kind of metal and/or plastic material plant would be great, and it is probably possible to achieve. It requires the ability to mine martian soil, but we want to dig for living space anyway. 5) Life support will be challenging, but reusing lander system could obviously make things possibles. So, in my idea the first Mars colony will be founded by robots. The first one would setup a solar smelter and cast required parts for other almost-complete robots and plants. Those robots will in turn complete and start the martian power and/or compressed air plant. Mining and mineral processing will be next. New robots will be created for mining, operation and maintenance until almost every chip is in use. Reinforced tunnels will be made into (almost) airtight living space using plastic and/or metal coating. Perfectly airtight seals will probably be hard to come by, (Airlocks being the most challenging) but you could probably make do using multiple imperfect airlocks in a row, if you produce the air faster than it leaks. Then, build and fill tanks with the various useful commodities you extracted (water, oxygen, nitrogen etc…). Your colony will not be auto sufficient already, because you still rely on earth shipping some components, but now the amount of parts to ship should be made reasonable enough (spare parts for various plants, chips etc…). Plants and animals ( human among them) should be next to come to the colony
You could use "top guns" (pun intended) that would fire rapidly rotating slow (top) slugs. Of course, you'd have to launch those by (contra rotating) pairs in order to conserve your angular momentum. Any target hit by one (and only one) would start spinning uncontrollably and effectively be out of fight until attitude control is restored (in the best case -- additional helmet cleaning may be necessary after such a spin..). I didn't run numbers, so I'd appreciate if anybody could check if big enough angular momentum is actually achievable.
According to some old French comedy, "La soupe aux choux", farting while outside would do call an UFO : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xc3g60_le-meilleur-de-la-soupe-aux-choux_shortfilms Please report any success on this thread !
If you can track the target with a telescope, firing at it sounds like similar (you only need the photons to go in the reverse direction). Although I wouldn't recommend shooting a high power laser through the telescope optics, you could probably use the same mount.
I suppose that you could add induction hardware on highway (or any other power supply method that is acceptable while moving). This could solve charge time, maximum range and even tax problem (tax highway use for electric car). Battery could be made smaller, lighter and cheaper (you only need enough range to get to the highway).
Gecko would be great (No fur or feather, and free "artificial gravity" effect on any wall.)
In my opinion, Venus Project may be correct about one point : currency is no longer the best way to organize production. The current currency+market system has too many well known drawbacks. During industrial revolution, it may have been one of the best system available. Resources available were limited by human labor and production tools, and providing basic goods and sustenance for everyone was a challenge. Maximizing the profit implied maximizing utility through optimal resource exploitation. But we live in a closed world, and most resources that could be used are currently in use, to the point where we harm our environment in order to get more. The problem is, maximizing profit is still done by maximizing resources exploitation, although those are growing scarcer. Hence, resource prices increase with respect to human labor, in a never ending loop. Getting rid of the money as an implicit organization tool maybe one way to resolve this problem, but I think that fixing it is more easily achievable. In order to do that, you'd have to "split" the currency in two : one for work, and one for natural resources. Those two currency would have to be kept distinct, and there should be no way to change one for the other. The "work" money may be exchanged freely, much like current money. The resource money would be granted monthly or yearly (the same value for everyone) per capita, with some mechanism to avoid hoarding it. Anything you buy would have two prices, one for the work involved, another for the resources used. The trick is, even if your work is valued 1,000 time more than your neighbor's is, you still cannot afford to damage the environment more than he can. People will want better quality, greener things, because cheap (work-wise) goods will be useless if you cannot afford it's environment price. What good will be pair of shoes that lasts 10 month when you can only buy one every year ? A well crafted five year lasting pair of shoes will be much better, even if the work-price is much higher (x6). Thus, any industry wishing to turn a profit would have to minimize environment damage, and increase durability. In other words, the current market system failed at optimizing usefulness through individual profit maximization not because profit maximization is inherently a bad thing, but because the metric used (money) has not been engineered (yet) according to what we would consider the best result (human-wise and environment-wise). Whenever you can, design your system so that desired behavior is a stable equilibrium and a global optimum… . Do not fight greed. Make it work for you !
I'm no physicist, but it seems to me that something like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cauchy%27s_integral_formula would do the trick. Cauchy's integral formula states that for some functions (holomorphic functions), there is no difference between knowing the function value on a full disk and on the disk boundary. Hence, if some similar property holds for gravity, there is actually no need for the information inside the horizon to travel outside because the horizon information is already equivalent.
Kerbodyne Touch & Go Racing League
VincentS replied to Wanderfound's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
4 engines stock aero entry New personal record is 4'38 ! (And my landing gets better !) -
Kerbodyne Touch & Go Racing League
VincentS replied to Wanderfound's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Here is my 5' open stock entry, with another minimal design ! Taking screenshot at the right time while piloting is not easy, I only managed to get one before and one after rebound on island. The final landing was a bit … unusual. It took me several seconds to actually realize that everything was ok and take the screenshot. -
A theory about time travel and the multiverse
VincentS replied to xenomorph555's topic in Science & Spaceflight
Time travel is already a fact, in the forward way. At each moment, we travel to a new state which is coherent with the current one according to physical laws. I believe that many such state exists, which makes free will and consciousness possible (maybe every state coherent with physics laws exists, but consciousness only "follow" (i.e. keep track) of one.). Thus, you may consider that moving forward in time actually create a new universe state. You don't "collide" into a pre-existing future universe, you create it by "choosing" one of those physically possibles. And now for backward travel in time : I believe it would be the same and that a new universe state, coherent with physics, would stem from current universe state -- only physics laws would be applied backward. Thus no more time paradox would be created than when moving forward. It would either be strictly impossible to come back to a state already "visited", or at least very unlikely (an infinity of event would have to unroll exactly the way they rolled). A time loop in this context would require to come back to exactly the same universe state. Interresting problems with this "theory" : - A loop would require for the time traveler himself to be exactly the same, i.e. traveling same time forward and backward himself, and forgetting whatever he learned in the future when coming back… - Multiple time travel trajectory between two dates would look like a solenoid, going up and down and coming close to already visited points again and again… - At any moment, visit from the future is either never happened, or is the starting point of the current timeline. So it never happens in an "existing" timeline, which is coherent with no time traveler observation. - No way (to my knowledge) to prove or disprove, or to make predictions, so not really a theory… -
Let c_0 be any possible value for c. For any reference frame, you can chose t_0 as the moment where c = c_0 in that frame. So would c indirectly define some universal, frame-indepentant absolute time measure ?
I'm no physicist, but if c is actually c(t), how do you define t ? c is supposed to be frame independent, but t isn't.
There is an easy (pen & paper) approximation : dv = ISP*9.81 * ln (m_i/m_f) ln(2) = 0.6931 dv = 6.8 * ISP (if m_i = 2 m_f) dv = 6.8 * ISP * 2 (if m_i = 4 m_f) dv = 6.8 * ISP * 3 (if m_i = 8 m_f) dv = 6.8 * ISP * 4 (if m_i = 16 m_f) I think that you get the idea : each time you double your m_i/m_f ratio, you add one to your dv multiplier (this property is caused by the log)). (NB : fuel tank having m_i/m_f <= 9, you will probably get dv between 6.8*ISP*2 and 6.8*ISP*3) With sqrt(2) = 1.414, you get two more (multiplying by sqrt(2) twice in a row is equivalent to multiplying by 2, so multiplying by sqrt(2) only add 0.5 to the multiplier): dv = 6.8 * ISP * 1.5 (if m_i = 2.828 m_f) (because 2.828=2*sqrt(2)) dv = 6.8 * ISP * 2.5 (if m_i = 5.656 m_f) (because 5.656=4*sqrt(2)) Have fun !
What I would do : 3 new pieces categories : - collectors (drill, scoop etc..) - "universal" raw material tanks - analyser/processing units Operation : - collectors fill uni-tanks using current biome type (ex : duma low-land regolith, eve ocean liquid etc..). Only one type max per uni-tank. Some may requires power (drill) or speed (scoop) - processing unit uses power (electricity) and uni-tank material, and produces one (or possibly more, to be determined) resource (LF, O, xenon) depending on material type and biome. Every processing unit works using any base material. Maybe requires a Kerbal to do science on new unknown material and unlock processing (and gives science !). Conversion type/rate is to be determined by biome. I thinks this approach is both simple and flexible. It can be done using only a handful new parts (2 or 3 collectors, one tank, one processing unit), with new more efficient parts available further in the tech tree (faster or lighter or with less power requirement). Making the processing unit heavy enough and slow enough will make a self-refueling ship a nice challenge, and encourages creating refueling station (and mining rover, in order to benefit from neighboring biomes).
Bob made it around Kerbin. And he got it on tape : (no mod, second design -- first one was short on fuel, added one tank). I used both in-game (x4) and video editor (x20) fast-forward to make the video under 3 minutes. I had to throttle down to conserve fuel and made an unpowered landing with not even a fuel unit left.