Ok, if rovers aren't to be used for exploring surfaces... then what SHOULD they be used for? I thought that was their entire purpose. Also, could you post pictures rather than craft files? I'd rather build my own. Otherwise i'd just use a DEMV or something. yep. Helped a little. The problem is that it's borderline impossible to go down a slope under 16 m/s because, as mentioned before, I cannot brake in low gravity without dying. the only way i've found to descend any even slight incline is to use a winch and grappling hook from KAS, only that takes forever (1 m/s at most), And sometimes i'll STILL flip. UGH. Haven't ever had this much difficulty with a rocket or plane... I mean come on, it's a glorified SUV! It shouldn't be that much harder! Will try the rear brake/front steering trick next, thanks for the replies all. EDIT: Ok, here's what I've got now: http://imageshack.us/a/img546/4747/xxlq.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img34/3731/4n3x.jpg The front steering/rear braking configuration seems to help a lot, but front wheel drive just seems to make it try and rip itself in half. Keeping that bound to an action group just in case it works better in low gravity, though. Now to figure out how to get it up there...