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Everything posted by OneEyedShark

  1. sorry! just... one... more... off... topic... comment... i eat like 2 hours ago now i'll NEVER make more off topic agian.... on this page
  2. Yes it is, but my body uses up what i eat really fast, so after (first after) a short (or long) walk/run i usually get a headache until i eat... no matter lenght EDIT: best something with sugar like a pear or apple
  3. hhmmmm.... guess i'll have to wait then :/... just kidding ! i'm not gonna play anyway, i'm sitting and whining over my headache that i always get when i walk more then 5km
  4. this post was not made here (In caps, cuase it won't let me)
  5. can i make another request ? i would like two flags, one almost the same as before with a few (one ) modifications, and the other one a bit different i would like the first one to be the same flag as before (without the shark) were there on the bottom stod "Research And Development Division" (if it don't fit just "R&D Division"). The second i'll like to be like the other but with Mun insted of Kerbin, and on the bottom it says "Mün Base Alpha" now no need to hurry, if you got a life or you like to play .22 insted that fine EDIT: like my new signature MadHorse ???
  6. this post was not made here (In caps, cuase it won't let me) Where have i said anything that would implay that ? The devs did what expected, i don't know if you know (and if you do i'm gonna call the cops, cuase i don't wanna have a creep following me!) but i do follow the devolopment of the updates.. and what high summit ?? Edited the things out that make the internet a bad place to seak friendliness and non rude people correct me if i'm wrong, you are insulting me becuase of what you think that i expected from .22 ? what i said was, that i just think that the tech tree is to easy, now i'm not saying that you aren't a noob and it's hard for you, but for me it is
  7. Shouldn't 'Same as Kerbals.' be the first ? :b
  8. THIS CAME FROM A AWESOME THREAD THAT WAS KILLED BY A MOD D': I don't understand it... I've posted two post, and both got so many replies Well kinda both i've done 4-5 flights (including the "Great Lack Of Struts" colaps) and where over half way through.. so i guess that means it was hyperbole
  9. this post was not made here IT WAS A TREAD ONCE NOW IT WAS MADE A POST! ME DON'T LIKE MOD/ADMINS RIGHT NOW!!! IT HAD SO MANY REPLIES D: (In caps, cuase it won't let me)
  10. Can it get darker without being purple ?
  11. THEY ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you !! and i saw it just in time before launch !! Well.. time to make a dropbox
  12. I don't know exactly what i want but this i know: I want Kerbin in gold in (or around) the center, A black background (mabye some stars ??) and the word "Sharks Mining and Transport" (whitout the "" ;P) in gold else you got free roam And if it not too much the wavey texture
  13. well what i would go for if you could do any of them would be: communications, mining and transport (and a little research but not much) EDIT: Would "Shark's Mining and Transport" (SMT) sound good
  14. I like the "Celestial Exploration Co." but don't about Bengsten in front how about "Kercial Democrats Celestial Exploration Co." Xb
  15. no not really... mabye Danish but that's it
  16. In the end i went for Shark's Mining and Transport (SMT) We Mined, Your Gold Ring (↑without that↑)
  17. i voted science cuase right now, it's like fly to the Mun, or fly to Duna or Laythe, but that's it there is nothing to do it once you get there, so i'm looking forward to do some science
  18. 0 0 0 I'm about to make a new save i got tired of the old one... happens once a month or so
  19. ok thanks for the replays PS, i'm 10137 G or 10,137,937,200,00 m out (The last to change to quickly to get accurate)
  20. I made a ship to sacrafice a kerbal to Kerbol and accidently overheated the engines, so insted i got a gravity assist and my poor kerbal has now been flying for over ten years. at about 999999 m my altitude switched from meters to "G", so my question is what dose the "G" stand for ? And sorry for my bad english it's not my native language
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