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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. OP link is borked, this one works: https://github.com/waka324/VisualEnhancements/releases/tag/6-0
  2. B9 makes career mode like a whole new game. This plane can land anywhere, barely needs any room to take off, and has a fully functional science lab (I haven't even unlocked supersonic flight yet!) It's a blast to fly, too. You can get anywhere on kerbin with one tank of gas, and then some. If you retract the front landing gear, Jeb doesn't even need a ladder. You can also repack the chutes from EVA by walking along the aircraft's spine. Craft file Mods: This plane only uses b9 and stock parts so far. I will definitely upgrade the design and add space capabilities as more technologies are unlocked
  3. Here, I'll show you! Here's the launch vehicle. EVA + right click menu after rocketing up a bit, then select Grab. Hang on, Jeb! Once you are clear of your ship, select Deploy Chute. I really enjoy the new lighting at KSC.
  4. Wal-mart is always open...but that of course means actually entering one
  5. You have to make sure your atmospheric readout is all the way in the black, as they will shear off even in the upper atmosphere.
  6. It would be relatively painless to adapt a bash script to perform the same task on macos/linux. I'd take a stab at it but I'm not home yet. In any case, you're a wizard Harry!
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