Thanks for this huge update! These new features are awesome! Unfortunately, I have also experienced the stuck kerbal and exploding parts issue. My first test was with all stock parts besides KAS and one custom RTG. I think this one is a show stopper for me. To those trying to transfer fuel at range: I'm sure this has been done by others before, but I have put a stack connector and docking port on my winch, then used the Lazor docking camera to line up the ports at 300m (I modifed the winch cable length). Then you just eject and dock. Piece of cake! This seems to be very efficient for me anyway. [EDIT] I'd like to report that attempting to select attach and then moving a pipe connector that is already linked to another pipe causes the game to lag severely as if the plugin is stuck in a loop. The lag seemed to continue even once the escape menu finally came up and I attempted to revert to launch. Also, it seems that when in attach mode the message spells escape as echap. Or maybe I just don't know which key is echap? [EDIT-2] Some more details. During testing my kerbal again fell down. This seems to happen when brushing against another object, each time for me it was a KAS object. The last time I was able to grab a nearby connector which was attached to a stored magnet on the side of the ship just above the ground. My kerbal recovered and stood up while the magnet fell underground and exploded. Thus, it would appear that all of these issues are related to things falling underground to some extent. This has only been an issue since installing KAS4. Perhaps somehow it is effecting the physics of ground contact?