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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yeah I'm with chestburster, why -snip- should I have to uninstall a useful mod just because of a bad UI the dev refuses to fix?
  2. That doesn't stop FAR from opening NEW popups every time I go to launch or open the vehicle assembly building
  3. How do prevent FAR from opening pop ups all over the -snip- screen? I like the idea of having a more accurate model for simulating in-atmosphere flight but the popups piss me off to no end.
  4. This challenge is pretty retarded if you include mod parts. 10km/s ain\'t all that hard to achieve with vanilla parts, but with mods it\'s laughably easy.
  5. A stack of liquid fuel tanks with tricoupler mounted engines gives a greater thrust to weight ratio than boosters, but so far I've been unable to find a way to make such rockets stable. They always pitch down and start spinning out of control when you approach max q.
  6. Yeah, how come it doesn't just overheat and explode on blastoff?
  7. I demand to see the rockets you're achieving these times with
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