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Everything posted by Pesqueeb

  1. *facepalm* Yes, that's what I meant. Thank you. I guess it's time to go to bed.
  2. I have a question that so far my goolge-fu has been un-able to answer. I seem to have misplaced my module manager with in the VAB. I clicked to ad a window for Infernal Robotics, and the whole main button seems to have vanished. I *think* I might have done something when I was trying to configure visible buttons, and that it might be hiding off in the margins somewhere, but I'm not sure. Is there some way I can just restore to default, or otherwise return the button to it's original position, short of re-downloading the whole program. Everything works fine everywhere else, but when I'm in the VAB, it's just....gone.
  3. Hooray! Any chance at the Redux pack? Full version works fine for me right now, but some of my older saves need the redux pack to keep things from melting down.
  4. Okay, nevermind. I found where all this info lives in the game config files. Sounds like I might be signing myself up for a lot of work.
  5. Okay, so I've edited a few parts and they work splendidly. My next question, is there a place where I can find all of the "official" names for the different sections of the tech tree? I ask because I want to put different parts in different places, i.e. I don't think that KWRocketry's Wildcat XR motor really belongs in "TechRequired = start". Should be more like"TechRequired = Very heavy rocketry" . But is "TechRequired = Very heavy rocketry" or is it "TechRequired = Veryheavyrocketry" or something else entirely? I don't know how to find this out and so far my google fu is weak. I hope this makes sense and appreciate input.
  6. Excellent, thank you. I thought notepad would be okay, but didn't want to screw with anything till I was more certain.
  7. I'm pretty sure I understand how to do this, the instructions here make it seem pretty clear. My question is, how (or with what) exactly do I open the config file itself? I get a message from windows saying "windows cant open the file, windows needs to know which program to use to open the file" with the options to search the web or choose a program, what program should I use to see and edit the file? I realize this is probably pretty elementary stuff for most of you, but it's all still pretty foreign to me. Help is appreciated.
  8. Keep on telling yourself that, oh mighty keyboard warrior!
  9. My mistake, guess I missed that. Thanks for your ****ty attitude though.
  10. I haven't read all of the thread so excuse me if this is redundant, but does this work in career mode, or is this all sandbox? Either way, a very intriguing mod I can't wait to download when I get home.
  11. Okay, so the Mediafire download is definitely different, as that download had the "ships" folder that the Spaceport download did not and the two downloads are different sizes. After installing it, I get crash to desktop. Screw it, too much hassle and too many people having too many problems. I'd love to revisit this, the rockets look amazing, but as little time as I have to play, I'm not spending what little free time I have trying to fix all of this.
  12. No, I have not, only the link from SpacePort. The Mediafire link was suggested by r/kerbalspaceprogram as well, but I'm currently at work so I've not had an opportunity today to try it. I'll report back if that one is any different.
  13. No, its not. It's not anywhere, and none of the multiple copies I've downloaded had a "ships" folder to copy, like I stated originally.
  14. Hi all, first post, sorry it's about a problem, I seem to be getting only parts of the Mod? Like, as in I get some parts but it doesn't seem like very many, not many new rockets, fuel tanks and a new fangled RCS, but I cant seem to find fairing stuff at all. I've watched the video, so I know it's supposed to be in structures, but the only parts I have are some new struts and the big adapters. There is no faring base, nose cone, or sidewalls that I can find, and I also find no new engines of any kind. I also cant find the "ships" folder the installation directions refer to at all. I'd be inclined to believe maybe I just got a bad download, but I've deleted and re-downloaded 3 times now in addition to restarting the game maybe half a dozen times. I'm new to the game, and the only other mod I've installed is RendezMe, so it's certainly possible I'm doing something wrong, but I can't tell what. Can anyone possibly give me some sort of direction or help? Am I not putting folders in the right place? Not extracting correctly? Sorry if I'm being obtuse. Cheers!
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